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  • adhesion
  1. TGFβ1基因对血管平滑肌细胞弹性蛋白表达及与基质黏附力的影响研究

    Overexpression of TGF β _1 Increases Elastin Expression and Adhesion of Smooth Muscle Cells

  2. 目的:探索行之有效的增强组织工程心脏瓣膜(TEHV)种子细胞黏附力的方法。

    Objective : To investigate method promoting the adhesion of seeding cells .

  3. 结果模拟缺血缺氧时肾小管上皮细胞与人工基底膜之间黏附力较正常时明显降低(P<0.001)。

    Results The direct adhesive forces of TEC to Matrigel decreased under renal ischemia and anoxia than that under normal condition ( P < 0 . 001 ) .

  4. 在24h时,二种材料表面的细胞黏附力无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    However , after 24 hours , the adhesion forces of the two biomaterials have no difference .

  5. 实验结果表明DLC膜降低了悬臂梁与衬底之间的毛细引力和固体间黏附力,减轻了多晶硅悬臂梁的黏附。

    These results indicate that the capillary force and the adhesion force between cantilever beam and substrate are reduced , and the problem of stick of the cantilever beam is alleviated .

  6. 同一浓度的TMC,随着季铵化程度的增加,其胶凝温度升高,胶凝强度和生物黏附力均减小。

    With an increase in the degree of quaternization of the TMC , there was an increase in gelation temperature and an decrease in both of gel strength and bioadhesive force .

  7. 将第3代MSCs以1.0×106/ml接种到PLGA-ASP-PEG材料上,测定细胞黏附力和黏附率;

    The 3rd-generation MSCs were cultured combining with PLGA-ASP-PEG in vitro , while cells cultured in PLGA as control group . The cell adhesion rate and the adhesive power were examined by conventional precipitation method and micropipette aspiration technique respectively .

  8. 结果粒细胞与内皮细胞黏附力在脑缺血再灌注4h为(18.4×10)μdyn,比正常对照组明显升高,加抗ICAM1抗体后,细胞黏附力明显下降。

    Results Adhesion force between neutrophils and endothelial cells 4 h after cerebral ischemia reperfusion was ( 18.4 × 10 ) μ dyn , which was significantly increased as compared with normal controls . Adhesion force significantly decreased after administration of anti ICAM 1 antibody .

  9. 促进组织工程心脏瓣膜细胞黏附力的初步研究

    Promoting adhesion between tissue engineering heart valve and seed cells

  10. 目的研究人工培养的内皮细胞在瓣膜支架上的生长情况及黏附力。

    Objective To study growth and adherent properties of endothelial cells seeded in artifical valve .

  11. 丙烯酸浆料中乳化剂对粗纱黏附力的影响

    Influence of emulsion agent in acrylate emulsion size on sizing adhesive strength of roving yarn

  12. 并以黏附力、体外释放度两个指标筛选优化处方。

    The formulation was optimized using adhesive force and in vitro release as two evaluation parameters .

  13. 微管吸吮法的改进及用于测定细胞在材料表面的黏附力

    Modification and Application of the Micropipette Aspiration Method for Measuring the Cell Adhesion Force on Material Surface

  14. 以自制黏附力测定装置测定了生物黏附性缓释片的大鼠离体胃、小肠组织的黏附力。

    A building apparatus was used to determine the adhesive force at rat stomach and small intestine in vitro .

  15. 目的:研究增强骨髓基质干细胞黏附力的方法。

    Objective : To explore a method for promoting the adhesion of bone marrow stromal cells ( BMSCs ) .

  16. 目的:考察尼索地平口腔黏附片处方工艺对体外释放度和生物黏附力的影响。

    Objective : To assess the factors that impact the dissolution in vitro and bioadhesive capacity of nisoldipine buccal adhesive tablets .

  17. 随着氨基甲酸酯淀粉取代度的提高,对羊毛纤维的黏附力增大;

    The adhesion of starch carbamate for wool fiber increases with the increase of the degree of substitution of starch modification .

  18. 硅基片和复合薄膜表面的黏附力和摩擦力随着相对湿度的升高而增大;

    Along with the increase of the scanning rate and load , the friction force between the probe and the film increases .

  19. 水性聚氨酯具有环保性的同时还具有优异的黏附力、良好的透湿透气及综合力学性能。

    Aqueous polyurethane is environment friendly , it has excellent bonding properties , superior wet and gas penetration and comprehensive mechanical properties .

  20. 方法先对预实验得出的处方进行筛选,再以黏附力、溶解性作为评价指标进行综合评价,筛选出最佳膜剂配方。

    MethodsBy selecting the pre-test prescription , the best formula was finally determined on the basis of characteristics of conglution and dissolution .

  21. 脱落细胞计数及台盼蓝拒染法分别判定细胞黏附力变化及脱落细胞活力。

    The activity of cast-off cells and the change of cell focal adhesion were determined by cast-off counting and Trypan blue staining assay .

  22. 说明随着壳聚糖浓度增高,泊洛沙姆液体栓剂基质的胶凝温度、胶凝强度和生物黏附力均逐渐升高。

    As the concentration of the chitosan increased , the gel temperature , gel strength and bioadhesive force of the bases were also increased correspondingly .

  23. 软烘干是挥发光刻胶中的溶剂,使光刻胶成为固态,并增强光刻胶的黏附力。

    Soft bake is to evaporate the volatile solvent in the photoresist , make the photoresist into a solid , enhance the photoresist adhesion force .

  24. 方法采用正交设计,以黏附力为指标、以配方原料为因素对巴布剂基质组成比例进行优选。

    Methods Taking raw material of formula as factor and adhesive force as marker , orthogonal test was used to optimize the matrix ratio in cataplasm .

  25. 在研究剂量和时间范围内,肝癌细胞与I型胶原的黏附力具有浓度和时间依赖性;

    Within the ranges of dosing and timing in this study , the adhesion of HCC cells to collagen I displayed dose dependent and time dependent patterns .

  26. 目的直接测定模拟缺血缺氧时肾小管上皮细胞-基底膜黏附力。

    Objective To measure the adhesive forces of renal tubular epithelial cells ( TEC ) to artificial basement membrane ( Matrigel ) directly under mimic renal ischemia and anoxia .

  27. 目的研制三七总皂苷生物黏附片,考察其体外释药动力学、对离体肠黏膜的黏附力。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare the Panax Notoginseng Saponines ( PNS ) bioadhesive tablets , and to study their release kinetics and bioadhesive tablets force to rabbit small intestine in vitro .

  28. 肠上皮细胞的粘弹性生物力学研究结论:微细管吸吮法能够精确测量细胞在支架材料上的黏附力。

    An Experimental Study of Cellular Mechanic Properties of Intestinal Epithelial Cells by Micropipette Aspiration CONCLUSION : Micropipette aspiration technique can accurately measure the adhesion of MSCs to the scaffold materials .

  29. 由于强的亲水性,样品表面的摩擦系数和黏附力随着湿度的增大先逐渐增大,然后急剧减小。

    We also find that , due to the water vapor condensation , the adhesive force and friction coefficient on sample surfaces increase first , then decrease with the relative humidity increase .

  30. 测量血小板膜糖蛋白与血管性血友病因子黏附解离力

    Determination of the Detachment Force of Platelet Membrane Protein GPIb / IX and von Willebrand Factor