
  • 网络weighing system;LOAD CELL;WIM
  1. 基于PLC的叉车自动称重系统的设计

    The design of automatic forklift truck weighing system based on PLC

  2. 介绍了一种基于PLC的双工位自动称重系统的组成及其工作原理,并对控制系统的硬件及程序做了详细分析。

    This paper introduces an automatic weighing system based on PLC , and then describes its composition and working principle .

  3. 基于神经网络的动态称重系统的DSP实现

    Weigh-In-Motion System Based on Neural Network and Its DSP Implementation

  4. 基于ETC的车辆动态称重系统应用研究

    The Application Study of Weigh-in-Motion System Based on ETC

  5. 基于FIR算法的汽车动态称重系统的理论研究

    Theoretical Research of FIR Algorithm-Based in Vehicle Dynamic Weighing Systems

  6. 系统硬件部分完成智能称重系统的电路原理图的设计和PCB硬制板的制作。

    Hardware part concludes the circuit diagram designing and PCB plate making .

  7. 介绍动态称重系统的设计原理;并提出了运用快速傅立叶算法同DSP微处理器相结合,使得实时在线监测的性能得以大大提高。

    The DSP microprocessor with FFT algorithm is adopted in the system so as to promote the real-time & on-line monitoring performance .

  8. 一种运用EMD算法的装载机动态称重系统

    A Dynamic Weighing System on Loaders Adopting EMD Algorithm

  9. 论述该称重系统的系统设计,硬件构成、双CPU并行接口的设计方法和系统特点。

    System design , hardware composition , dual CPU parallel interface designing method and system characteristics are discussed in this article .

  10. PAT动态称重系统

    PAT dynamic weighing system

  11. 介绍利用DSP芯片控制的动态称重系统结构和实现方法,该系统主要功能是动态测量在行使过程中的车辆轮胎受力,计算出相应静态车辆的重量,实现全自动的动态称重计量。

    A method of dynamic weighing system with DSP is introduced . The weight of vehicle can be calculated automatically according to the tyre received force during running .

  12. 基于ARM7的胶囊动态称重系统的研究与设计

    Research on Capsule Dynamic Weighing System Based on ARM7

  13. 根据EMD的特点,将用此方法处理动态称重系统输出信号得到的余量看作重量的稳定值。

    According to its features , the EMD can be used in data signal processing of dynamic weighting .

  14. 本文介绍了MULTICO称重系统功能,应用及调试。

    This paper presents performance , application and commissioning of MULTICO Weighing system .

  15. 首先导出了二阶称重系统的自回归滑动平均模型(ARMA);

    The Auto - Regressive - Moving - Average ( ARMA ) model for the second order weighing system is firstly derived .

  16. 系统的通讯稳定性是一个十分重要的问题,本文还对远程通讯的接线方式应用做了具体分析,采用合理有效的抗干扰的方法,使PLC称重系统通讯稳定正常的工作。

    The stability of PLC communication system is complex , so the specific analysis of interference is done and the reasonable anti-interference way is used effectively in order to make the PLC communication system work steadily .

  17. 本文建立单自由度和二自由度称重系统的模型来验证EMD在动态称重信号处理上应用的可行性。

    A one - DOF and a two-DOF dynamic weighting systems were set up , and the EMD processing was performed on the data signal of these two systems .

  18. 本课题提出了一种全新的方法,基于碳纤维混凝土(CFRC)的压敏性来构造车辆称重系统。

    A whole new measurement , based on the compression-sensitivity of CFRC to form the system of vehicle-weight , is presented in this paper .

  19. ZEM在电子称重系统的电路设计中的应用

    Zem in the Single-chip Electronic Weighing System of the Circuit Design

  20. 5.8mm枪弹自动称重系统中通信系统的设计

    Design for Communication System of Automatic Weighing System for 5.8mm Bullets

  21. 由此就产生了高速公路动态称重系统&WIM(Weigh-In-Motion)系统,而且对其称重精度的要求也越来越严格。

    The system of weighting in highway dynamic & WIM ( Weigh-In-Motion ) was produced , and its requirement of precision is rigor more and more .

  22. 将动态称重系统等效为二阶系统,推导出了其动、静态数学模型,然后进行拉普拉斯变换和Z变换,将模型转化成自回归滑动平均模型(ARMA),将问题转化为参数辨识问题。

    Dynamic weighing system is as a second-order system and set it up model , then has its transform function laplace transform and Z transform , at last the Auto-Regressive-moving-Average ( ARMA ) model for the second order weighing system is derived .

  23. IDM-C型称重系统的设计

    The New Design for IDM-C Weight System

  24. 测力、称重系统的模拟校验及应用

    Simulating calibration of force / weight measuring system and its application

  25. 抓斗吊车自动称重系统及其微机模拟调试

    Automatic Weighing System of Grab Crane and Its Microcomputer Simulation Test

  26. 烟叶复烤生产线中柜式定量称重系统的开发应用

    Development and Application of Silo Weigher in Tobacco Leaf Redrying Line

  27. 选煤厂地中衡称重系统基于单片机控制的改进

    Ground scale system in coal preparation plant improved with computer control

  28. 动态称重系统的建模及神经网络辨识

    Model establishment and BP neural networks identification for dynamic weighing system

  29. 介绍了油管式汽车动态称重系统。

    A rubber-hose type weigh-in-motion ( WIM ) system is presented .

  30. 应用智能称重系统降低累计误差

    Use Intelligent Weight System to Reduce Accumulative Error for Urea Packing