
  • 网络Weighing instrument;XSB-I
  1. 基于PLC和称重仪表的自动配料系统设计

    The Design of Auto Ingredients System Based on PLC and Weighting Instrument

  2. 面向VFD显示的工业称重仪表开关电源设计

    Power Supply Design for the Industrial Weighing Instrument Using VFD Display

  3. 称重仪表通过RS-232C串行通迅口与计算机直接相连进行数据通讯。

    The communication between weighing instrument and computer is realized via serial communication port RS-232 C.

  4. 研制了XK3190手持式称重仪表控制系统。

    The control system of XK3190 hand-held weighing instrument is introduced .

  5. 比较了CAN总线与传统RS-485的特点和功能,指出CAN总线在智能称重仪表设计中重要性,重点阐述了CAN总线在智能称重仪表中的电路设计和控制程序设计。

    This paper compares the features and functions of CAN bus with RS-485 , points out the importance of CAN bus in the design of the intelligent weighting instrument , and expounds the circuit design and the controlling program design of CAN bus in the intelligent weighting instrument .

  6. 工业计量装置中称重仪表的CAN总线设计

    Design on the CAN Bus of Weighting Instrument in the Industrial Metering Installation

  7. 该系统由称重仪表、计算机及称重软件组成。

    This system is composed of weighing instrument , computer and weighing software .

  8. 手持式称重仪表控制系统的研制

    Development of control system in hand-held weighing instrument

  9. 电子汽车衡称重仪表与微机通信电缆的制作

    Discussion of Communication Cable Making Between Electronic Automobile Weighing Apparatus Weigh Instrument and Computer

  10. 智能称重仪表的原理与设计

    Principle and design of intelligent weighing instrument

  11. 智能式称重仪表的数字零漂处理

    Digital Zero-drifting Processing in Intelligent Weighing Instruments

  12. 本实用新型属于袋包装称重仪表技术类型。

    The utility model belongs to the technical filed of bag packing and weighing instrument .

  13. 然后,论文提出了动态称重仪表的总体设计方案。

    And then , the paper proposes the scheme for the overall design of weight-in-motion meter .

  14. 称重仪表中的可编程技术

    Programming technology in weighing instruments

  15. 针对工业称重仪表,本文设计一种人机交互界面。

    Aiming at an industrial weighing instrument , this article designs an interface with interaction of human and machine .

  16. 对于重量的动态检测采用的是电子皮带秤,本文设计了电子皮带秤的机械结构,传感器、称重仪表的选型和与上位机的通信。

    The paper designs the mechanical structure , selects right sensors and weighing instrument and communicates with the upper computer .

  17. 设计方案详细介绍了动态称重仪表的设计原则及目标、系统整体设计、系统硬件和软件设计。

    The scheme presents the design principle and target , general system design , software and hardware design of weight-in-motion meter .

  18. 介绍了16位串行A/D转换器的工作原理和硬件接口设计方法,并给出了以它为基础设计的电子称重仪表的应用实例。

    The constructure and working principle of ADS 1100 A / D converter and are introduced and the method of design is discussed in this paper .

  19. 嵌入式动态称重仪表有独立工作性强、运算速度快、测量精度高、实时性好、功耗低、稳定的特点。

    The embedded weight-in-motion meter has characteristics of strong ability to work independently , fast running , high measuring accuracy , good real time , low power consumption and stability .

  20. 介绍了由单片机称重仪表及工控机组成的自动配煤控制系统的特性及其在生产应用中的具体情况,并针对实际应用中所暴露出的不足提出了解决方案。

    Introduces the properties and application situation of automatic coal blending system consisting of SCM , weighing instrument and industrial controller , according to the shortages puts forward the settlement project .

  21. 本文工业称重仪表主要应用于定量包装称重领域,是将机械、电气、电子、计算机、自动控制结合在一起的计量设备。

    In this paper the industrial weighing instruments is mainly used in weighing the field of quantitative packing , which combined the mechanical , electrical , electronic , computer , automatic control knowledge .

  22. 综合运用了各种控制功能,对DCS应用系统称重配比仪表进行了设计,并实现了顺控表的设计和运算功能块的编程。

    It also devises the DCS application system . The design of sequence table and the program of calculation block are realized .

  23. 多功能称重配料仪表设计与应用

    The Design and Using of a Multifunctional Weighing and Burden Instrument

  24. 称重显示仪表的干扰分析及抗干扰措施

    Interference Analysis on and Anti-interference Measures for Weighting Display Instruments

  25. 基于新型A/D转换原理的称重显示仪表

    The Display Instrument for Weighing Based on New Principle of A / D Converter

  26. 称重控制仪表除了承担称重计量的任务以外,还负责控制其他机构的协调运行。

    In addition to weighing and measuring , weighing control instrument is also responsible for controlling the coordination operation of other mechanisms .

  27. 几十年来一直从事电子称重和新型自动化仪表的研究、开发和生产。

    For decades has been engaged in electronic weighing , and a new automatic instrument research , development and production .

  28. 该装置由电阻应变片式称重传感器、称重数字显示仪表及计算机数据处理软件联合组成。

    The instrument is composed of the weigh sensor in form of electric resistance strain gage , weigh digital display instrument and computer data processing software .

  29. 通用称重技术是称重领域较新的概念,相应地,通用称重仪表则是较为少见。

    Common weighing is a new concept in weighing field . And there is few of common weighing devices can be seen at marketplace .