
  • 网络Muscularis mucosae;lamina muscularis mucosae
  1. 结果表明,整个消化管从腔内到腔外,都由黏膜上皮、黏膜肌层、结缔组织和外膜组成。

    The results show that the entire alimentary tract is a hollow tube surrounded by a wall consisting of four principal layers : epithelial layer , muscularis mucosa , connective tissue and adventitia .

  2. 黏膜肌层起源于黏膜下层的肌肉干细胞。

    The muscularis mucosae derived from the muscle stem cells in the submucosa .

  3. 肌间神经丛、纵肌层、环肌层、黏膜肌层均可见大量SY免疫反应阳性产物。

    SY immunoreactivity was abundant in the intermuscular plexus , longitudinal and circular muscle layers , and submucosal layer .

  4. NADPH黄递酶组化法和计算机图像分析系统对两组肠黏膜肌层一氧化氮合酶(NOS)阳性神经纤维作定量分析;

    The nerve fibers containing NOS in mucosal muscular layer of colon was quantitatively measured with NADPH diaphorase histochemistry assay and computer image analysis .

  5. 给药结束后,计算各组大鼠溃疡面积和溃疡指数,测定溃疡组织胃黏膜肌层缺损宽度及再生黏膜厚度,同时定量检测溃疡周围组织6-keto-PGF1α的水平。

    Respective . Then the area and index of ulcer , the absent width of gastric mucous and the thickness of regenerated mucous and the level of 6-keto-PGF1 α in gastric tissue were measured .

  6. [结论]六君子加减方能减小溃疡面积和溃疡指数,降低黏膜肌层缺损宽度,提高再生黏膜厚度,提高大鼠胃组织6-keto-PGF1α,提高溃疡大鼠胃黏膜愈合程度。

    ( P0.05 ) [ Conclusion ] ALF could decrease the area and index of ulcer , reduce the absent width of gastric mucous , increase the thickness of regenerated mucous and level of 6-keto-PGF1 α, and improve the degree of concrescence .

  7. 结果16例良性间质瘤起源于黏膜肌层;

    Results Sixteen stromal tumors derived from mucosa ;

  8. 瓣胃的黏膜肌层发达,大瓣叶内有来自胃壁肌层的肌组织,形成中央肌层,夹于两个黏膜肌层中间。

    Omasum , however , had a well-developed muscularis mucosae , muscularis from tunica muscularis of gastric be central tunica muscularis laying between of both muscularis mucosae , in the big folds .

  9. 目的通过对黏膜肌层浸润的早期大肠癌病例的临床分析,强调正确认识和治疗早期大肠癌的重要性,并探讨WHO有关消化道上皮恶性肿瘤前驱病变诊断新标准在临床应用中的一些注意事项。

    Objective To emphasis the importance of recognizing and treating the early colorectal carcinoma with the invasion limited in the layer of muscularis mucosae , and discuss several questions in using the WHO ′ s new diagnostic standards of the prestage of tumors of digestive system .

  10. 输尿管管壁由黏膜、肌层和外膜组成。其上皮为假复层柱状上皮,部分为单层柱状或变移上皮。

    Ureter contains of mucosa , muscularis and adventitia , with epithelium either pseudostratified columnar or transitional epithelium .

  11. 输卵管的壁由内向外分为三层,即黏膜、肌层和浆膜。

    The wall of fallopian tube from inside to outside , divided into three layers : mucosa , muscularis and serosa .

  12. 方法应用3-0丝线或可吸收线,对自觉阴道松弛的患者行黏膜下肌层内连续缝合,环状收缩打结,使阴道黏膜及肌层皱缩隆起,缩小阴道内腔。

    Methods In order to make vagina mucosa and muscular layer shrinkage and swelling and to deflate vagina , the absorbable ligature or 3-0 suture silk thread were used for the patients with vaginal relaxation to circular suture and tie continuously at the submucous muscular layer .

  13. 结果KIT染色阳性,形态与胃肠道起搏细胞ICCs相似的细胞(ICCs样细胞)存在于豚鼠全泌尿道的黏膜下层和肌层。

    Results Cells with positive staining by KIT and with similar morphology to ICCs were found in the submucosal and muscular layers of the entire urinary tract of guinea pigs .

  14. 然而,黏膜下层和肌层仍然保持完整。

    The submucosa and muscularis , however , are still intact .

  15. 输卵管内肥大细胞在黏膜皱襞、肌层和外膜中均有分布。

    In oviduct , mast cells were distributed in the mucosal plica , muscular layer and adventitia .

  16. 实验组术后食管黏膜层、肌层及全层的载面积和周长都有明显增加,与对照组比较统计学上有意义(P<0.05)。

    Cross section area and perimeter of esophageal mucosa layer , muscule layer and the whole layer had increased in experimental group .

  17. 结果:放烧复合伤后7天内小肠黏膜和浆肌层血流量明显减少,肠黏膜Na+-K+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性急剧下降;

    Results : Small intestinal mucosal and muscularis blood flow volume decreased significantly , Na + - K + - ATPase and Ca2 + - ATPase activity decreased significantly in combined radiation and burn injury in rat in followed 7 days ;

  18. 在黏膜及黏膜下层、肌层、浆膜层Survivin蛋白阳性率分别为50%,62%,74%,无显著性差异(P均>0.05)。

    The positive rates of survivin albumen in mucous layer , muscle layer and chorion layer were respectively 50 % , 62 % and 74 % ( P > 0.05 ) .

  19. 结果显示,法氏囊中VIP的表达范围广泛,涉及黏膜、黏膜下层和肌层,尤以黏膜上皮细胞和法氏囊小结髓质的表达为典型;

    The results are as follows : in cloacal bursa , VIP was extensively present in mucosa , submucosa and muscle layer , particularly expressed on mucosa epithelial cell and bursa nodule .

  20. 黏膜及黏膜下层、肌层、浆膜层、浆膜外的Ubiquitin阳性率分别为500%、179%、472%和750%;

    The Ubiquitin positive rates in mucous layer , muscle layer , serous coat and subserous layer was 50.0 % , 17.9 % , 47.2 % and 75.0 % , respectively .

  21. 5-HT4受体分布于黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层。

    5-HT4 receptor was positively scattered in mucosa , submucosa and muscular layer .

  22. 消化道管壁由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层三层结构组成,但肌层没有或很薄。

    The wall of the digestive tract includes mucosa , submucosa and muscular layer . The muscular layer is very thin and sometimes non-existent .

  23. 左边可见裂缝从黏膜延伸到黏膜下层、肌层,最终形成瘘管。

    Seen here is a fissure extending through mucosa at the left into the submucosa toward the muscular wall , which eventually will form a fistula .

  24. 远端壁内扩散可同时或分别沿黏膜层、黏膜下层、内环肌层、外纵肌层和浆膜层进行。

    Distal intramural spread could be via mucosa , submucosa , inner circular muscular layer , outer longitudinal muscular layer or serosa , either separately or concomitantly .

  25. 结果:EGF的阳性表达可见于胚胎、新生以及成年3个不同发育阶段大鼠小肠,主要位于小肠黏膜上皮细胞、固有层细胞和黏膜肌层细胞胞浆,其表达强度为强阳性。

    Results : Positive immunohistochemical signal of EGF could be found in intestines from embryonic , newborn and adult rats , mainly in the intestinal villus cells , endothelial cells and fibroblasts . With the increase in age , the expression amount of EGF was increased .

  26. 这些细胞分布于大肠黏膜下层,小肠和大肠的黏膜下层与环肌层之间、环形肌内、环形肌和纵形肌之间、浆膜。

    Bipolar c-Kit + ICCs were present in the large intestine submucosa , in the interspace between the submucosa and circular muscle layer , the circular muscle layer , between circular and longitudinal muscle layer , serosa of small and large intestine .

  27. 结论:淋巴管铸型清晰地显示家兔回肠壁黏膜层丰富的中央乳糜管和毛细淋巴管丛以及黏膜下层、肌层毛细淋巴管和大量的淋巴管的三维结构。

    Numerous impressions of the endothelial nuclei , rich central lacteals and lymphatic capillary plexus in the ileum mucosa , lymphatic capillary and lymphatics in the submucosa and muscular layer are observed on the lymphatic corrosion cast .

  28. 可见大量处于分裂期的黏膜上皮细胞,堆积形成很厚的粘膜层,此时固有膜和黏膜肌层尚未凸起进入黏膜上皮形成皱襞或者绒毛,外膜中形成了很多血管。

    Lamina propria and muscularis mucosae have not yet invaginate in the epithelial lining which forms the fold or villus . Tunica adventitia contains many blood vessels .