
  • 网络ROM;Range of motion
  1. 术后12个月膝关节活动度平均为1.8°~122.3°。

    The average ROM of the affected knee joints was 1.8 ~ to 122.3 ° .

  2. 等速训练改善关节活动度的初步观察

    Isokinetic exercise improving ROM of stiff knee

  3. 术后定期随访症状变化情况,1年后复查X射线或CT,随访疼痛、关节活动度等情况。

    One year later , X-ray or CT was performed to detect the pain and joint activity .

  4. 目的:研究加热辅助持续被动运动(continuouspassivemotion,CPM)用于改善关节活动度的康复效果。

    Objective : To study the effect of continuous passive motion ( CPM ) adjavant with heating on the rehabiliation of disabled joints .

  5. 治疗前后关节活动度积分比较:组间比较无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Range of motion of before and after treatment : there was no significant difference among the groups ( P0.05 ) . 8 .

  6. 结果:压力组和循环组患手肿胀程度、疼痛的目测类比定级均明显改善(P<0.01),掌指关节活动度能较好保持(P>0.05);

    Result : There were good effect on decreasing dropsy and pain , and improving ROM of metacarpophalangeal in group 1 and group 2 ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 结果关节镜下组关节活动度从术前平均55.68°,改善为平均110.4°,改善了54.7°(P<0.01)。

    Results The range of motion in the arthroscopic group were improved from 55.68 ° to 110.4 ° at the time of discharge , with an average of 54.7 °( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 结论应用解剖钢板内固定比角度钢板内固定治疗股骨髁部C型骨折在术后可获得更好的膝关节活动度和功能康复。

    Conclusion Internal fixation with anatomical plates can render patients with type C fracture of supracondylar and intercondylar femur better functional recovery of the knee and greater motion degree of the knee than condylar blade-plates .

  9. 目的:观察一种康复手法扩大肩周炎患者关节活动度(ROM)的疗效。

    Objective : This study is designed to explore the clinical efficacy of the manipulation on shoulder arthritis pa_tients'ROM.

  10. 目的:研究四肢骨折内固定术后系统的功能锻炼对关节活动度(ROM)的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of function recovery with early postoperative systematic exercises on extremities fractures underwent internal fixation .

  11. 目的:观察中医推拿疗法对改善痉挛型小儿脑性瘫痪踝关节活动度及综合痉挛量表(CSS)评分的作用。

    Objective : Observation of traditional chinese massage therapy to improve the ankle 's range of motion and the score of CSS of children .

  12. 平均关节活动度为屈曲94°,膝关节功能按Merchant评分,优良32例(91.4%)。

    The mean range of knee motion was 94 °, with fine knee function in 32 cases ( 91.4 % ) according to Merchant score .

  13. 膝关节活动度恢复至平均85°,HSS评分为735分。

    The average ROM of knees was 85 ° and the average HSS knee score was 73 5 points .

  14. 目的探讨肌力、关节活动度及本体感觉训练对老年膝关节骨性关节炎(OA)患者的疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of muscle strengthening , range of motion and proprioception training on elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis ( OA ) .

  15. 结论包含有肌力、本体感觉、关节活动度训练的运动处方是适合老年膝关节OA患者的治疗方法。

    ConclusionThe range of motion , muscle strengthening exercise and proprioception training program was associated with improved knee function and quality of life in elderly knee OA patients .

  16. 术后三个月的关节活动度(ROM)平均屈曲115°,无异常的膝关节松弛度。

    Clinical check-up ( 3rd month post-op ) for the initial result , these no abnormal laxity . Average mobility ( ROM ) is 115 ° .

  17. 模型组、治疗组、对照组与正常组相比,在步态情况、关节活动度、关节肿胀等方面有显著性差异(P0.05);但在局部反应方面无显著性差异。

    Compared with normal group , the gait , joint mobility and joint swelling of model group , treatment group and control group made significant differences ( P0.05 ), but the local reactions of the three groups made no obvious differences .

  18. 治疗组与对照组在Harris评分、疼痛评分、畸形评分、关节活动度评分、VAS分值无显著统计学差异。

    Between The treatment group and control group in Harris score , pain score , deformity score , the range of motion score and VAS score , there was no statistically significant difference .

  19. 采用卒中损伤评定量表(SIAS)、徒手肌力检测(MMT)及改良痉挛评定量表(Asworth)和关节活动度评定。

    SIAS , manual muscle test ( MMT ), Ashworth scale , and range of motion evaluations were used for assessment .

  20. 结果两组术后8、10和12周的髋关节活动度逐步改善,但CPM组较对照组的术后8、10和12周的髋关节活动度改善更为明显(P0.05)。

    Results ROM of the replaced hip joints improved progressively at 8,10 12 weeks after THR in both groups , though the improvement was more obvious in the CPM group than that in the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  21. 结果:治疗前后患儿踝关节活动度有明显改善(P<0.05),有效率为85.5%,CSS评分较治疗前明显降低(P<0.05),有效率为70.0%。

    Results : There were obvious improvement of the ankle of dorsiflexion of foot ( P < 0.05 ) after the treatment . The effective rate was 85.5 % . And the score of CSS decreased obviously after the treatment .

  22. 结果20例患者平均关节活动度由80度提高到105度,平均KSS评分由46分提高到88分,术后功能恢复到接近正常人,无1例发生并发症。

    Average joint activity degree increased from 80 to 105 , average KSS appraise increased from 46 to 88 , And function recover after operation approach normal .

  23. 两组FMMS量表积分比较:治疗前,两组患者在感觉功能积分、运动功能积分、关节活动度积分及关节疼痛积分之间差异无显著性(P0.05)。

    Comparison of FMMS scores : Before treatment , patients with the scores of sensory function , motor function , range of motion and arthralgia between the two groups had no significant ( P0.05 ) .

  24. 分别于治疗前及治疗后6个月对两组患者上肢疼痛及压痛情况、上肢功能情况、肩关节活动度、ADL评分及患者生存质量评分进行评定,结果进行统计学处理。

    Respectively before and six month after treatment in the 2 groups , the upper limb pains and tender , functions , ROM of shoulder , scores of ADL and the scores of survial quality are evaluated , and the result is statistically treated .

  25. 术后2周、1、3、6个月、1年随访,行摄片及关节活动度检查,测定胫骨平台内翻角(TPA)及后倾角(PA);

    All the patients were followed up in 2 weeks , 1,3,6 months and 1 year after operation . Tibial plateau angle ( TPA ) and posterior slope angle ( PA ) of tibial plateau were measured to evaluate the stability of proximal tibia and knee alignment .

  26. 术后随访2个月~6年6个月,采用改良的Crawford法从DIP的疼痛、关节活动度和捏力等3个方面评估疗效。

    Results The patients were followed up 2 months to 6 years and 6 months with an average of 9.3 months postoperatively . And the clinical results were evaluated with the modified Crawford 's criteria , including DIP pain , range of motion and pinch power .

  27. 结果:临床疗效评价:运用T检验术前与随诊时Harris疼痛、行走距离、关节活动度、总分评分差异有统计学意义,P<0.01;

    Results : 1 . There are significant difference on x - rays , pain , walk distance , joint movement , total mark between before operation and at the time of follow - up ( P < 0 . 01 ) . in Harris Hip Score we referred ;

  28. 术后1年进行肌力、肌张力和关节活动度及病理反射的测定,日常生活活动能力评估应用改良的Barthel指数(满分100分,60分为不能自理)进行评定。

    The muscle force , muscular tension , joint range of motion ( ROM ) and pathologic reflex were assayed one year after the operation , and the activities of daily living were evaluated with Barthel index ( totally 100 points , 60 as unable to care onself ) .

  29. 康复治疗:进行定时更换体位、关节活动度及肌力训练、平衡训练、步态训练、上下楼梯训练及日常生活活动能力训练等。2次/d,60min/次,疗程30d。

    Rehabilitative treatment : Body position transformation , range of motion training , muscle force training , balance training , gait training , up-down stair activity training , activities of daily living training were performed , twice a day , 60 minute per time , for 30 days .

  30. 用角度尺测量法评定肩关节活动度。

    Using Angle scale measuring method of evaluation shoulder mobility .