
  • 网络Neutral Position
  1. 方法:30例正常人和25例患者行中立位CT扫描,然后行左、右旋转25°~45°功能位扫描,测量功能位寰枢椎相对旋转角度。

    Methods : 30 healthy volunteers and 25 cases of trauma patients were scanned in neutral position first , then with the head rotating 25 ° to 45 ° to right and left respectively .

  2. 颈椎病患者头回复至中立位的能力测定

    Ability to reproduce the neutral position of head with cervical spondylosis

  3. 方法:双下肢取中立位,行股骨横断面和全长CT扫描。

    Methods : Femur of healthy Chinese was scanned in standard neutral position by CT .

  4. C组:手法复位+腕中立位管型石膏外固定5例;

    Cases were treated by manipulation reduction and fixed the wrist joint in neutral posture by tubular plaster ( C group );

  5. 而脱水状态下,颈脊柱中立位时颈椎间盘极限扭转强度高于屈曲位时(P<0.01)。

    Under the hydrated conditions , specimens had a lower ultimate intortion strength ( P < 0.01 ) in neutral trunk posture than in flexed posture ;

  6. 目的评价颈椎病病人椎管狭窄程度、脊髓功能性受压在中立位、屈伸位MRI检查中的动态变化规律及临床意义。

    Objective To study the dynamic changes of spinal stenosis and compression in neutral , flexion and extension positions in patients with cervical spondylosis with MRI .

  7. 结果:中立位时L4、5小关节受力为(31.16±7.15)N,占轴向压缩载荷的15%;

    Results : In erect posture the facet joints were subjected to 31.16 ± 7.15N force ( 15 % of the axial compression forces ) .

  8. ADT中ATT随着踝关节屈曲角度增大而减小,处于中立位时,踝关节最为松弛。

    The ATT decreased with the increase of the ankle flexion angle and the highest laxity of the ankle was detected in the neutral position .

  9. 目的明确肩关节造影MR对肩关节前方盂唇病变的诊断价值,并比较中立位肩关节造影MR和外展外旋(abductionandexternalrotation,ABER)造影MR的价值。

    Objective To determine the diagnostic value of shoulder MR arthrography in revealing the injuries of anterior glenoid labrum , and to compare MR arthrography with arm in neutral position with MR arthrography with arm in abduction and external rotation ( ABER ) position .

  10. 临床患者87例进行中立位CT3D检查,其中28例加行左、右旋转位。

    In clinical study , 87 cases were examined by CT-3D in neutral position , 28 of whom in additional rotary position .

  11. 将压敏片插入距下关节的前中和后关节面,中立位状态下分别在500N载荷下,对6具标本的距下关节进行加载,完成完整足的测试。

    The pressure sensitive film was inserted into the posterior and anterior-middle facets of the talocalcaneal articulation , and 500-N load was applied in the neutral position .

  12. 对合并腕关节不稳定的Colles骨折,复位时应尽可能恢复掌倾角,如骨折稳定,腕关节固定在中立位或轻度背伸位(10°)为宜;

    For those colles fracture with wrist instability , palmar tilting angle should be restored when reduction was done . The fixation of wrist joint in neutral or light dorsal extension position ( 10 °) should be recommended if the fracture was stable .

  13. 模拟人体静止状态单足中立位站立时踝关节承受全身体重的受力,在胫腓骨上截面加载大小为600N、重力方向的压力,完全约束跟骨和足舟骨。

    To simulate the static weight-bearing state of human body in neutral position with one foot standing , 600N were applied on the upper section of the lower tibia and fibula with the direction of gravity . The calcaneus and navicular was entirely constrained .

  14. 结论:中立位是最稳定的平衡体位。

    Conclusions : The neutral position is the most stable one for equilibrium .

  15. 静脉尿路造影中立位片的临床应用

    The application of standing film in intravenous urography

  16. 开始于脊柱中立位并保持好姿势。

    Begin in neutral spine and maintain position .

  17. 两组均拍摄磁共振及颈椎中立位正侧位X片。

    Both groups to shoot cervical MRI and X-ray of Neutral position and lateral .

  18. 从脊柱中立位开始,呼气并且收紧骨盆,使下背部及腰线接触垫子。

    Begin in neutral spine , exhale and rock pelvis posteriorly so low back or waistline touches mat .

  19. 肱骨中下段骨折解剖中立位夹板固定治疗研究

    Investigation on Fracture of Intermediate and Inferior Segment Humerus by the Treatment of Splintage in Anatomy and Neutral Position

  20. 结果:寰枢关节的接触面积在中立位时达最大值,任何其他体位均使接触面积减小。

    Results : Contact area gained its maximal value in the neutral position and smaller values in any other position .

  21. 对正常和病态股骨头松质骨中立位纵向进行应力松弛、蠕变实验。

    The stress relaxation and creep experiment on meso-position portrait between normal and morbidity head of femur cancellous bone were proceeded .

  22. 在前臂中立位,外侧入路锁钉与桡神经深支的最短距离为8.9mm。

    The minimum distance between the screw and the PIN was 8.9 mm with the forearm in neutral position from posterolateral approach .

  23. 结果中立位时,实验组椎动脉血流低于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results In neutral position , vertebral artery blood flow was lower in study group than in control ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 中立位和旋前位使髁上内侧产生拉应力,髁上外侧产生压应力。

    While in neutral and pronator position , the pulling stress is in medial part and the pressing stress is in lateral part .

  25. 支具持续作用6周后与2周时比较,上述数据均无明显改变。结论:中立位支具连续制动2周即能显著缓解腕管综合征的症状。

    Conclusion : In neutral wrist position , continuous 2 week immobilization of the CTS splint can obviously relieve the symptoms of CTS .

  26. 中立位、旋转15°位50%、60%致压深度比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    In neutral position and rotation , the stress varies significance between 50 % depth and 60 % depth ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 方法:选取山东大学齐鲁医院健康查体门诊行颈椎X线检查的健康查体者40例,均拍摄直立中立位颈椎侧位X线片。

    Method : Forty cases of health checkup outpatients were selected to erect a neutral position of cervical spine lateral X-ray in the hospital .

  28. 两旋后位固定组同小夹板中立位固定组比较,总体疗效好于小夹板中立位固定。

    Compared the overall curative effect of the supinator position group with neutrality position with small splints fixation group , the former is better .

  29. 正常生理状态下斜扳,后伸位应力大于前屈位而小于自然中立位。

    Under normal physiologic condition , the stress in posterior extension is greater than that in anterior flexion , but less than in neutral position .

  30. 术后踝关节中立位长腿石膏固定6周,改短腿行走石膏再固定6周。

    Long-leg cast was fixed 6 weeks postoperatively to maintain a functional position , and a further fixation of short-leg walking-cast was utilized for 6 weeks .