
  1. 这是1991年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、著名新经济史学家道格拉斯·诺思(DouglassC.North)在《西方世界的兴起》一书中所阐明的主旨。

    This is the theme of a book named the Rise of the Western World : the New Economic history that 1991 Nobel Economic Prize owner , famous new economic historian Douglass C. North has written .

  2. 中等收入阶层在西方世界的兴起,使世界资本主义进入一个以大众阶层为主体的新发展时期,并带来国际关系的重大变化;

    The rise of medium-income social stratum in the West marks a new development phase of global capitalism centering on the average class and brings a substantial change to international relations .

  3. 由于这样的经济增长现象在人类历史上从未出现过,所以,对其不是称为工业革命就是称为西方世界的兴起。

    Because this kind of economic increase has never appeared in the human history , so it is called either " the Industrial Revolution " or " the rise of the western world " .