
  • 网络west hollywood;W.Hollywood
  1. 本周早些时候,Emma还被拍到从西好莱坞的一家理发店走出来,还略有些躲镜头。

    Earlier in the week , Emma was camera shy while stepping out of a hair salon in West Hollywood .

  2. 但他们遇到一个小困难:他们当时在西好莱坞找不到潜水艇。

    So they had a small problem : they couldn 't really find a submarine in West Hollywood .

  3. 在拥有4万居民的西好莱坞,关于如何正确使用人行道的争论正如火如荼地展开。

    In West Hollywood , an enclave of 40000 residents , debate is raging over the proper role of sidewalks .

  4. 从顶上在西好莱坞,在那里举行的微软冰事件苏荷馆鉴于洛杉矶。

    The view of LA from atop the Soho House in West Hollywood , where Microsoft held its Bing event .

  5. 这两个必应党客人还找到了在周二晚上的事件必应在西好莱坞的相机。

    These two Bing party guests also sought out the camera at Tuesday night 's Bing event in West Hollywood .

  6. 同一天,这位23岁女演员还被看到出现在西好莱坞和一位女性朋友一起,手上还拿着一份沙拉。

    On the same day , the 23-year-old actress was spotted grabbing a salad with a gal pal in West Hollywood .

  7. 之后两人被拍到一同出现在聚会、在西好莱坞亲热、一同登山。

    Since then , the couple has also been spotted together at parties , smooching in West Hollywood and taking hikes together .

  8. 目前的三家分店分别位于伦敦、伊斯坦布尔和迈阿密海滩,很快在加利福尼亚州的西好莱坞也会开一家。

    There are three - in London , Istanbul and Miami Beach - and soon there will be one in West Hollywood , Calif.

  9. 看起来有点强调,“小甜甜”布兰妮,她喜欢在阳台上一根香烟她的房间西好莱坞的伦敦酒店。

    Britney looked a little stressed as she enjoyed a cigarette on the balcony of her room at the London Hotel in West Hollywood .

  10. 目前“过夜”网站上的热门推荐有:一个位于西好莱坞定价60美元(约合410元人民币)的单间,和一套位于芝加哥定价100美元的公寓。

    Current featured picks on the website include a private room in West Hollywood for $ 60 , and an apartment in Chicago for $ 100 .

  11. 这座共11个单元的公寓坐落在西好莱坞西部,设计在于强调住宅和社区的共享开放空间的核心作用。

    Located in the heart of West Hollywood , this new eleven unit housing project emphasizes the central importance of shared open space for the residents and the community .

  12. 谈判的结果是,将这个社区花园租用给西好莱坞市,成为城市中小型公园的其中一个。

    The outcome of these negotiations is the leasing of the park to the City of West Hollywood , to develop as part of a network of pocket parks throughout the City .

  13. 泰勒斯威夫特泄露了她能一直保持好身形的秘密:周四在西好莱坞,她被拍到参加芭蕾课。

    And Taylor Swift revealed one of the secrets to keeping her fit figure in such finely tuned shape as she was spotted on Thursday headed to a ballet class in West Hollywood .

  14. 查理.西纶是好莱坞最火女演员之一,她同样有着精湛的演技。

    Charlize Theron is one of the Hollywood 's hottest actresses and has excellent acting skills as well .