
  • 网络Investment Advisers;investment advisor;Registered Investment Advisor
  1. 本文作者是美国凯斯勒投资顾问公司(kesslerinvestmentadvisors)首席执行官,该公司专注于美国国债和相关期货投资

    The writer is the CEO of Kessler investment advisors , Inc , which focuses on US Treasuries and related futures

  2. 投资顾问公司OCOGlobal首席执行官马克奥康奈尔(MarkO'Connell)表示,尽管人们对经济复苏表现出了一定程度的乐观,但所有方向的现金流都在不断萎缩。

    Mark O'Connell , chief executive officer at investment consultancy OCO Global , said cash flows in all directions were shrinking despite some optimism about an economic recovery .

  3. 目前,辛普森与他的妻子在美国佛罗里达州的那不勒斯共同经营一家名为SQAdvisorsLLC的投资顾问公司。

    Simpson retired , and now is managing an investment firm , called sq advisors LLC , with his wife in Naples , Florida .

  4. 考克斯是咨询和投资顾问公司OCGlobalPartners,LLC的合伙人,曾在2010年参加纽约第一国会选区的共和党初选,最终排在第三位。

    Mr. Cox , a partner at consultancy and investment advisory firm OC Global Partners , LLC , finished third in the 2010 Republican primary for the New York 's 1st congressional district .

  5. 我询问投资顾问公司CoburnVentures颇有见地的专家之一皮普•科伯恩,在他看来投资者在作出微观决策时是否会意识到宏观的大趋势。

    I asked PIP Coburn of Coburn ventures , one of the more insightful thinkers out there , whether he thought investors would ever wake up to the larger patterns around their own micro decisions .

  6. 北京一家投资顾问公司中投咨询集团的高级顾问陈炜,同意玉明的看法。

    Chen Wei , a senior consultant at the Beijing-based investment consultancy ChinaVenture Investment Consulting Group , agreed with Yu .

  7. 香港金融投资顾问公司桥川集团的高级经理汉内克认为,许多国家投资者的慌乱情绪在增长。

    Investors in many countries are increasingly panicked , according to senior manager Martin Hannecke of the Hong Kong-based financial firm Tyche Group .

  8. 涡轮和运输飞机中介、投资和顾问公司。

    Turbine and transport aircraft brokerage , investment , and consulting .

  9. 中欧投资顾问有限公司是一家专业从事工商税务代理公司。

    Is a professional company engaged in industrial and commercial tax agent .

  10. 在某投资咨询顾问公司工作的陈小姐(非真名)对此就深有感触。

    Chen ( not her real name ) , who works for an investment consulting company , knows this all too well .

  11. 苏州现代企业管理中心是一家香港投资的企业管理顾问公司。

    Modern Management center is a consultant company be invested S.Z.

  12. 投资顾问建议购买航空公司的股票。

    The investment adviser recommends buying shares in Aircraft Company .

  13. 知名投资公司赛克资本顾问公司同意就诈欺指控认罪,停止办理私人投资业务,并为内幕交易的相关指控支付12亿美元罚金。

    SAC Capital Advisors , major investment firm , is agreeing to plead guilty to fraud charges stop handling individual investments and pay 1.2 billion-dollar penalty connection with inside trading charges .

  14. 我们公司汇中信投资服务有限公司是一间面的投资理财顾问公司,目标是为客户提供理财方案及投资服务。

    Our Company At First Alliance Investment Services Limited , our mission is to empower our clients with wealth management solutions and services .