
yín hánɡ fànɡ kuǎn
  • Bank loans;bank credit
  1. 银行放款可以采取两种形式:贷款或透支。

    A bank advance can take two forms , loan or overdraft .

  2. 银行放款超过约定属于买方违约?

    Bank lending over the buyer agreed to default ?

  3. 反而,银行放款焕发生机。

    Instead , the place to look for green shoots is bank lending .

  4. 银行放款总额:一个银行的投资总额。

    Bank exposure : The total of all investments made by a Bank .

  5. 此前,美联储宣布向银行放款(最高可达)9000亿美元。

    Earlier , the central bank announced loans to banks of up to nine hundred billion dollars .

  6. 增加风险规避程度对银行放款利率的影响第三,利率优惠与企业所有制性质无相关关系。

    Change of the Interest Rate of Loan When Commercial Banks Become More Risk Averse Third , there 's no relation between credit costs and the properties of ownership .

  7. 上述警告正值压力安装于联邦政府,以星火竞争中,家庭贷款市场,并协助非银行放款受全球信用紧缩问题,以确保拨款。

    The warning comes as pressure mounts on the federal government to spark competition in the home-loan market and assist non-bank lenders affected by the global credit crunch to secure funding .

  8. 因此结论是:除了经济已经达到充分就业和严重坏帐掣肘商业银行放款这两种情形外,货币不是中性的。

    Therefore , a conclusion can be drawn that money is not neutral unless in the following two situations : one is that there is full employment in economy and the other is that the bad debts are too serious to handicap the commercial banks to loan .

  9. 本人理解贷款银行通过放款的方式批准贷款。

    I understand that the Lender approves a loan by disbursing it .

  10. 同业拆借利率已经下调和稳定,但银行尚未放款。

    Interbank lending rates have come down and stabilized , but banks are not yet lending .

  11. 马德里银行间放款利率

    Madrid interband offered rate

  12. 然而即使信贷需求持续,受次贷损失影响的银行对放款持谨慎态度。

    And even if credit demand holds up , banks reeling from subprime-related losses are less willing to supply it .

  13. 为了消除汇率风险,该公司需要以固定汇率购买美元,在此期间由银行逐渐放款给卖家。

    To eliminate the exchange risk it needs to purchase dollars at a fixed rate for gradual drawdown over the period .

  14. 另外,美联储将(其)向银行直接放款的贴现率降低了半个百分点,即降到5.25%,以增加银行的贷款能力。

    The Fed also cut its discount rate for direct loans to banks by half a point , to five and one-quarter percent , to increase their lending ability .

  15. 企业与家庭不愿借贷、银行不愿放款,这会加剧经济增长的不确定性,因为在收入下降的同时,投资和需求也会下降,而不是通过借贷而为投资和消费铺平道路。

    The reluctance of businesses and households to borrow , and of bankers to lend , makes growth more volatile because , rather than borrow to smooth the path of investment and consumption , when income declines , investment and consumption fall too .

  16. 近年来银行逾期放款总额剧增,连带使银行生成处理庞大不动产担保品之难题。承运人得因未付运费、空舱费、逾期费和其它一切有关货物的款额而对货物行使留置权。

    Recently , the non-performing loans have become serious problems due to the trouble of the real estate collaterals faced by the financial institutions . The carrier shall have a lien on the goods for freight , dead freight , demurrage and any other amount payable by the cargo .

  17. 银行业“放款加转销”(originateanddistribute)模式的推广导致了信用风险持有者与监控及管理者的分离。

    The spreading of the " originate and distribute " banking model led to a separation of those holding credit risks from those monitoring and managing them .

  18. 商业银行贴现及放款

    Commercial bank discount and loan

  19. 该银行答应向他们放款两万英镑。

    The Bank promised to make a loan of twenty thousand pounds to them .

  20. 银行向买房者放款越来越多了。

    Bank is put out more and more money to people buy their own home .

  21. 银行业务的商业放款理论

    Commercial loan theory of banking

  22. 主管机关于必要时,得规定银行办理前项但书放款之最高额度。

    A maximum amount of the loans under the provisos to the preceding paragraph may , when necessary , be prescribed by the competent authority .