
  1. 银保产品创新要以市场需求为导向,健全产业结构,以价值为导向,实现可持续发展。

    Bancassurance product innovation to the market demand , improve the industrial structure , value-oriented , to achieve sustainable development .

  2. 然而,中国本土和外国保险公司都预计,它们将面临来自中国强大银行业的严峻挑战。中国各银行最近已获准收购保险公司股权,并正在推出银保产品。

    However , both domestic and foreign insurance companies expect to face stiff challenges from China 's powerful banks , which have recently been granted approval to acquire stakes in insurers and are rolling out banc assurance products .

  3. 近年来,商业银行和保险公司在银保产品方面的合作发展非常迅速,商业银行正在寻求更多的贸易金融业务创新,保险公司也力图在信用交易中获得更多的保费收入。

    The bank-insurance as the mixed operation production between banks and insurance company developed very quickly this years . Now the commercial bank is seeking more innovations of trade financial operation , the insurance company also wants to earn more premium income from the credit trade .

  4. 不同规模的公司也应当采取不同的短期应对措施,以调整银保合作的产品结构,并提高自身相应的投资能力。

    Companies of different sizes should adopt different shortterm countermeasures to adjust the product structure which is a result of the cooperation between the bank and insurance company as well as to improve their own investment capacity .

  5. 这部分是将西方经验与中国实际相结合,对银行保险在中国的发展具有一定的参考意义。最后,论文对银保合作中的产品创新和金融监管进行了专项研究。

    This part was to combine together western experience and Chinese reality , and had certain reference meanings for bancassurance developing in China . Finally , the thesis carried on a special research on products ' innovation and financial supervision .

  6. 2000年引入海外银行保险理念以来,我国的银行保险业呈现出良好的发展势头。银保双方在合作产品、合作渠道、合作团队上有所创新,但是根本的合作模式没有发生实质改变。

    Bancassurance has maintained a robust growth momentum since it was introduced into China in 2000.The two parties of bancassurance have made a lot of innovation in product , cooperative channel and sales force , however , the fundamental cooperation model has not been changed .