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hóng lú
  • great furnace
洪炉 [hóng lú]
  • [great furnace] 大火炉,比喻锻炼人的环境

  • 革命的洪炉

洪炉[hóng lú]
  1. 象一个洪炉的烈火四射,但那火焰

    As one great furnace flamed , yet from those flames

  2. 军营是孕育英雄的摇篮,学校是陶冶青年的洪炉,僧团是培养圣贤的净土,内心是造就自己的道场。

    Military camp is the cradle of heroes . School is the melting pot of youth . Sangha is a pureland to cultivate sages . Mind is a temple to cultivate oneself .