
  1. n.引起灾害的事物或人洪水之后往往有瘟疫发生。

    scourge After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease .

  2. Orion同时也将之前一直在海外完成的工作带回美国,这一新兴的趋势也减缓了2011年日本海啸和泰国洪水之后人们不断加重的担忧。

    Orion has also brought back to the US work that had been done overseas – a nascent trend that also reduces concerns heightened since the 2011 tsunami in Japan and floods in Thailand .

  3. 《卡特琳娜:洪水之后》(Katrina:AftertheFlood),家里·里夫林(GaryRivlin)著(Simon&Schuster出版社,27美元)。前《纽约时报》记者审视新奥尔良重建过程背后的人格与程序,包括早期腐败丛生的政治交易。

    KATRINA : After the Flood . By Gary Rivlin . ( Simon & Schuster , $ 27 . ) A former Times reporter examines the personalities and process behind New Orleans 's reconstruction , including the often corrupt horse trading that went on in the early days .

  4. 洪水之后下游的水流很急。

    The downstream current was swift after the flood .

  5. 在大洪水之后,诺亚和他的子孙利用方舟逃生。

    After the flood , Noah and his sons emerged from the ark .

  6. 洪水之后紧接着暴风又袭来了。

    Gale wind came on top of the flood .

  7. 第一次洪水之后,我们在每个水坝后面补种了300棵橄榄树和巴日杏树。

    After the first flood , we planted 300 olive and almond trees behind each dam .

  8. 洪水之后,许多无家可归的人需要被营救。

    After the flood , there were hundreds of homeless people that needed to be rescued .

  9. 你能看到许多许多层的岩石,这些岩石在大洪水之后曾是一层层的泥。

    You see many , many layers of rock which right after the flood were layers of mud .

  10. 虽然洪水之后的人类被造的目的是归荣耀与神。他们却想荣耀自己。

    Although the people after the flood were created to bring glory to God , they wanted to glorify themselves .

  11. 1998年洪水之后,许多企业答应为灾区捐款。

    Following the flood of 1998 , many companies promised to contribute money to help the people hit by the disaster .

  12. 1998年的洪水之后,为了更好地保护长江与黄河,中国在13个省颁布了禁伐令。

    Following the 1998 flooding , a logging ban was enacted in 13 provinces to better protect the Yangtze and Yellow rivers .

  13. 此经历中最糟糕的部分在于,飓风的能量运动是如何在洪水之后粉碎了新奥尔良人类梦想的。

    The most difficult part of the experience was how the energy movement of the hurricanes shattered the human dream over New Orleans following the floods .

  14. 但在春天软管禁令导致或许不可避免地一场夏秋之季的泛滥和洪水之后,这个冬天确实是最受欢迎的。

    But after the spring hose pipe ban that led , perhaps inevitably , to a summer and autumn of deluge and flood , this winter is indeed most welcome .

  15. 在这些大峡谷和山脉的断层中,你看到了什么呢?你能看到许多许多层的岩石,这些岩石在大洪水之后曾是一层层的泥。

    In the strata of these canyons , and mountains , what do you see ? You see many , many layers of rock which right after the flood were layers of mud .

  16. 在Mayo镇,来自Neale地区,Ballinrobe外面的一家人在他们的家被洪水淹没之后被船只带到了安全区域。

    In Mayo , members of one family from the Neale area , outside Ballinrobe , were taken to safety in a boat after their home was flooded .

  17. 自从根基被洪水破坏之后那座房子不安全了。

    The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods .

  18. 即使是被随风暴而来的洪水洗劫之后?

    Even after the flooding from the storm ?

  19. 在泰国工厂受洪水袭击之后,电脑业也面临着硬盘短缺。

    The computer industry is braced for a shortage of hard-disk drives after Thai factories were flooded .

  20. 在洪水退去之后,迦洛德带了一队暗夜精灵去找饮用水。

    At last the waters subsided , and Jarod led a group of night elves to scout the area for drinkable water .

  21. 从致命洪水中恢复之后,佐治亚许多地区正在进行清理工作。

    is under way across many parts of Georgia as the state recovers from deadly flooding .

  22. 在地震、海啸、洪水等灾害之后,合作社已显示出其动员团结重建的能力。

    After disasters such as earthquakes , tsunamis and floods , cooperatives have shown their ability to mobilize solidarity for reconstruction .

  23. 洪水来袭两天之后,恰巧又是在一次非常大的高潮期。

    It will coincide two days later with a very high tide .

  24. 美国早在1968年就设立了联邦洪水保险计划,之后各州也陆续根据不同的自然条件设立了州政府保险计划。

    The US federal government established National Flood Insurance Plan ( NFIP ) in as early as 1968 followed by some more state programs focusing on the specific catastrophes in their own states .

  25. (在经济学人进行采访后,将会公布5月的数据)洪水和龙卷风过去之后的重建工作可能在下半年中给经济带来一个刺激。

    ( May figures were to be released after The Economist went to press . ) And rebuilding after the floods and tornadoes may deliver a fillip in the second half of the year .

  26. 由于洪水泛滥,巴基斯坦的中心城市木尔坦在一场洪水之后一切都停止下来了,但是在当地普遍存在的马拉式的车正在前行,经过一个不幸的步行者。

    Prone to flooding , the central Pakistani city of Multan comes to a virtual halt after a deluge , but a ubiquitous horse-drawn tonga taxi pushes on , past a less fortunate pedestrian .