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  • sketch;literary sketch;view
速写 [sù xiě]
  • (1) [sketch]∶一边观察对象一边用简单线条迅速地画

  • (2) [view]∶速写作品

  • 照相式的速写

  • (3) [literary sketch]∶扼要描写事物的情况,以便迅速地向读者报道的一种文体

速写[sù xiě]
  1. 怀着对其艺术气质的欣赏,对其设计理念的支持,对其工作方式的理解和对其执着追求的精神的钦佩,从个人角度出发对ONL进行速写。

    From a personal viewpoint , this article gives a brief sketch of the portrait of ONL on her art attitude , design concept , working method and her aspiring spirit .

  2. 论速写课创作课在美术素质培养中的必要性

    Necessity of Eduction for Sketch and Creation in Fine Art Quality

  3. 馆内还有毕加索的画作,时尚设计师克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦(ChristianLacroix)的速写,以及包括布拉塞(Brassa)、贝伦尼斯·阿博特(BereniceAbbott)在内的摄影大师的作品。

    The museum also has drawings by Picasso , sketches by the fashion designer Christian Lacroix ( an Arles native ) and photographs by everyone from Brassa to Berenice Abbott .

  4. 凹凸他对fw32有何想法,f1的新规则,他对麦麦的速写&还有对馒头的一些有趣的建议。

    AUTOSPORT was there to hear what he had to say about the new FW32 , new F1 regulations , his brief talks with McLaren-and some interesting advice for Nico Rosberg .

  5. 除了夏洛尔的私人用品、速写和笔记外,这场特展还加入了一些受他启发或者与他毕生之作相关的艺术家的创作,既有德拉克罗瓦(Delacroix)这样的古典法国油画家,也有安塞姆·基弗(AnselmKiefer)这样的现代国际名家。

    In addition to Ch é reau 's personal effects , sketches and notes , the show intersperses creations by artists who inspired him or relate to his oeuvre , from classic French painters like Delacroix to contemporary international figures like Anselm Kiefer .

  6. 他打算在他的速写薄上列一张表。

    He is going to make some lists in his sketch-book .

  7. 很有创意的速写册,可供你画出网址和网页应用软件。

    Creative sketchbook allows you to draw websites and web apps .

  8. 论速写在高职素描教学中的重要性

    On the Importance of Literary Sketch in Higher Vocational Sketch Teaching

  9. 其中速写式的塑造方法是本书的一大特色。

    Sketch-like shape which is a major feature of the book .

  10. 行走在艺术与财富之间&第二届中国书画艺博会速写

    Between Art Fortune : The Second China Expo of Calligraphy Painting

  11. 素描;草图;概述他正在把一幅速写加工成一幅画。

    sketching He is working up a sketch into a picture .

  12. 建筑速写与平面构成的运用

    An Application of Building Short cut Sketching and Planes Formation

  13. 他正在把一幅速写加工成一幅画。

    He is working up a sketch into a picture .

  14. 我一直在上函授速写课

    and I 've taken a postal course in shorthand .

  15. 他正在速写簿上绘出了男孩头像素描。

    He sketched a boy 's head on the sketchpad .

  16. 速写在环境艺术专业中的价值和表现方法

    The Value and Behavior Method of Sketch in Environmental Art

  17. 我们要在速写本上画一个苹果。

    We 're going to draw an apple in your sketch book .

  18. 我母亲画了一张我弟弟读书的速写。

    My mother made a sketch of my brother reading a book .

  19. 对于我来说,这第一本书不是华盛顿·欧文的《人物速写》。

    To me , the first book was the'Sketch Book'of Washington Irving .

  20. 有空余时间时,我喜欢画速写。

    When I have some spare time , I like to sketch .

  21. 今天,我们要给学校画几张速写。

    Today we 'll make some sketches of our school .

  22. 速写在造型艺术中的功能与地位

    On the Function and Position of Sketch in Plastic Arts

  23. 我一时大意,在我的家庭作业的空白处画起速写来。

    I sketched inattentively along the margins of my homework .

  24. 谢谢收看本期“卡通人物速写”教程,我们下期节目再见。

    Thanks for watching video How To Draw A Cartoon Man

  25. 试论大速写艺术的基本形式

    On the Basic Forms of the New Sketch Art

  26. 论设计速写的地位与作用

    The Placement and Function of the Sketches for Design

  27. 他先对群山作过多次速写,然后才开始创作油画。

    He sketched the mountains many times before making a painting of them .

  28. 论场景速写在艺术设计教学中的作用

    On the Function of Situation Sketch in Design Teaching

  29. 作一面部、地方的速写。

    Make a sketch of a face , place .

  30. 他能马上把它速写下来。

    He can throw off a sketch of it .