
  • Track measurement;【航天】orbit measurement
  1. 该系统由束流轨道测量系统、校正铁系统和控制系统组成,基于MATLAB开发的束流轨道校正程序运行于操作员界面工作站上。

    The correction system is consisted of the beam orbit measure system , corrector magnet system and the control system , and the beam orbit correction code based on MATLAB is working on the operation interface .

  2. 无砟轨道测量数据处理系统设计与实现

    The design of data processing system for ballastless track surveying

  3. 编队飞行卫星群相对轨道测量研究

    Study on measurement of relative motion of satellite formation flight

  4. 卫星轨道测量也称为测距。

    Orbit measuring is also called the ranging .

  5. 轨道测量差分精确定轨方法

    An Accurate Differential Trajectory Determination Method

  6. 连续波雷达是目前外火箭轨道测量的主要高精度设备。

    He continuous wave radar system is the main equipment for high precision orbit observing at present .

  7. 为解决大跨度轨道测量的难点,提出两根轨道分别测量然后重构到同一个坐标系中的方法。

    A car carrying position sensitive detector ( PSD ) walked along rail and the parameters of the rail were obtained according to the spot position on PSD .

  8. 通过对现有机械式铁路轨道测量仪的优化升级改造的理论分析和实验验证,使该优化方案显示出很强的实用性和可行性。

    Through the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the optimization and upgrading of the existing railway track scale , the optimized program shows very strong practicality and feasibility .

  9. 将接收到得数据和实际值进行对比,结果表明动载轨道测量系统测得的数据基本逼近实际值。

    Comparing the received data and the theoretical value , the results showed that the dynamic load measure system works well and its acquired data is quite approaching to the theoretical value .

  10. 扩频测距系统具有抗干扰,测距精度高等优点,当前主要应用于卫星测控系统中,是卫星测控系统完成地面对卫星的跟踪和轨道测量、卫星定位的初始捕获的一个重要的组成部分。

    Spread spectrum ranging system has advantages of anti-jamming and high precision , At present it is mainly used in satellite telemetry and telecommand system . Satellite ranging plays a very important role in satellite tracking , orbit measurement , the initial capture of the satellite positioning .

  11. DORIS是法国研制的一套先进的地基卫星轨道跟踪测量系统。

    DORIS is an advanced ground-based satellites orbit tracking system developed by French .

  12. 基于线阵CCD的振动非接触测量原理并结合了可编程逻辑器件(FPGA/CPLD)技术和增强行并口(EPP)技术设计出一种轨道振动测量仪。

    We design a kind of automatic non-contact measurement of railway track vibration device , which bases on the principle of linear Array CCD sensor and uses the technology of FPGA / CPLD and EPP .

  13. 曲线滑模轨道安装测量检查方法的探讨

    Discussion of Installation Survey Method for Track of Curved Sliding Form

  14. 预应力张拉引起的环吊轨道变形测量数据精度统计方法

    Precision Statistical Method of Deformation Data of Annular Crane Caused by Prestressing

  15. 高速铁路双块式无砟轨道施工测量技术

    Construction Survey Technology of Double-block Slab Track on High-speed Railways

  16. 高速铁路无砟轨道施工测量方法综述

    General Introduction to the Construction Measurement Method of High-speed Railway Ballastless Track

  17. 合肥光源束基参考轨道的测量和全环校正

    Measurement of beam - based magnetic center of quadrupoles and global orbit correction for HLS

  18. 圆形轨道变形测量

    Deformation Surveying for Round Orbit

  19. 针对勘测设计阶段测量精度要求较低,而无碴轨道施工测量精度要求很高的情况。

    According to the low required measure precision of reconnaissance design phase , and the required measure precision of reconnaissance design is very high .

  20. 单一传感器测量的结果,在精度和可靠性上无法满足需要,并且轨道特性测量存在高空作业的危险。

    The measurement accuracy and reliability of a single sensor are failed to meet the needs . There is danger when working at high places as well . A dynamic load measure system is introduced in this paper .

  21. 欧、美、日等发达国家在轨道参数测量技术方面处于领先地位,通常采用非接触式测量方法研制生产出各种型号的中高速或高速轨检车。

    Europe , the United States , Japan and other developed countries keep ahead the leaders in the orbital parameters measurement technology , commonly used non-contact measurement method to produce various models of middle-high-speed or high-speed rail inspection cars .

  22. SAR卫星GPS轨道和姿态测量技术研究

    Study on Autonomous Orbit and Attitude Determination for SAR spacecraft Based on GPS

  23. 合成孔径雷达卫星精密轨道对干涉测量的影响与分析

    Research the Interferometry Impact of Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Precise Orbit

  24. 关于高精度轨道绝对坐标测量系统应用的探讨

    Discussion on the application of high-precision railway absolute coordinate measure system

  25. 客运专线无碴轨道铁路工程测量和铺设条件评估关键技术

    PDL Ballastless Track Engineering Survey and Evaluation of Laying Condition

  26. 轨道超高测量是我国轨道检测中的一个基本项目。

    Cant and erosslevel are two basic items for the track measurement .

  27. 自由设站在高速铁路轨道精调测量中的应用研究

    Application Research of Total Station Free-Stationing in Track Adjustment Measurement of High-Railway

  28. 无转发器式卫星轨道实时精确测量新方法

    A new method for real-time and accurate determination of satellite orbits without transfer

  29. 城市轨道交通工程测量工作应注意的问题

    The Problems on survey of urban rail traffic

  30. 轨道矿车速度测量记录分析仪的设计

    Design of Tramcar Speed Measuring and Record-Analyzing Instrument