
  • 网络Sage;Bobby Sager
  1. CQ出版社是塞奇出版社的一个分支。

    CQ Press is a unit of Sage Publications .

  2. 周二和周四,私人教练詹妮弗?塞奇(JenniferSage)会到林恩夫妇家进行融合了灵活度、力量训练和平衡性锻炼的混合课程。

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays , a personal trainer , Jennifer Sage , comes to their home for a mix of flexibility , strength training and balance exercises .

  3. 欧塞奇比奇有购物中心、工厂直销店以及出售乡村手工艺品和古玩的小店。

    Osage Beach has shopping centers , factory outlet stores , and small shops with country crafts and antiques .

  4. 好了,我想那些人认为是塞奇几个星期前穿的

    Well , I want those yellow gators that Sager wore a few weeks ago .

  5. 过去几周,通信真是一场噩梦,上海弘亚世代(PacificEpoch)市场分析师塞奇•布伦南(SageBrennan)表示,这的确把所有事情都搞得一团糟。

    Communications has been a real nightmare for the past few weeks , says Sage Brennan , a market analyst for Shanghai-based Pacific Epoch . It 's really screwed everything up .

  6. 社会科学研究资助机构&罗素塞奇基金会(RussellSageFoundation)的主席谢尔顿丹齐格(SheldonDanziger)表示:比起2000年,今天贫困更严重,家庭收入更低。

    Poverty is higher today than it was in 2000 and household incomes are lower , said Sheldon Danziger , president of the Russell Sage Foundation , which funds social science research .

  7. 一些代表团成员表示,白乐威在亚洲国家是个给人印象特别深刻的行家,因为他在金融城保险经纪公司塞奇维克(Sedgwick)工作的时候,曾先后在东京、北京和孟买筹建办事处。

    Brewer is a particularly effective operator in Asian countries , say several members of the delegation , because he opened the Tokyo , Beijing and Mumbai offices of Sedgwick , the City insurance broker .

  8. 塞奇,我爸并没死在火场中,对吧?

    Satch , my father didn 't die in a fire , right ?

  9. 你住在塞奇区41号?

    Do you live at41 sage terrace ?

  10. 那一枪是致命的,它恰恰击中了可怜的塞奇的要害部位。

    That shot was a settler ; it struck poor Sage right between wind and water .

  11. 球体,由塞奇柴郡航天在兰卡斯特,加利福尼亚州,将加压至8磅每平方英寸。

    The sphere , made by Sage Cheshire Aerospace in Lancaster , Calif. , will be pressurized to8 pounds per square inch .