
  1. 很多情况下,人们使用自拍杆只是想让镜头塞下更多的人。

    In most cases , the appeal seems to be simply fitting more people into the frame .

  2. 在Instagram上搜索#selfiestick,你看到的不是高空跳伞的照片,而是一般人上传的更高品质的日常生活照。很多情况下,人们使用自拍杆只是想让镜头塞下更多的人。

    A quick Instagram search for \# selfiestick doesn 't return sky-divers and base jumpers , but regular people uploading performance-enhanced selfies of everyday activities . In most cases , the appeal seems to be simply fitting more people into the frame .

  3. 应该还可以再塞下一个鹅毛枕头

    I think I can still fit a goose feather pillow in .

  4. 冰塞下冰块起动分析

    Stability of the Floes under Ice Jam

  5. 描述2002年做过的一份工作时,你无法在简历中塞下18个关于那份工作细节。

    You can 't fit 18 bullet points of details for a job you had in 2002 .

  6. 将桥塞下入模拟试验井进行坐封、解封、耐密封模拟试验,结果表明,它能承受较高的上、下压力,具有坐封可靠,解封方便等特点。

    The test results indicate that this bridge plug can bear high pressure and has such properties as reliable setting and convenient releasing , etc.

  7. 过去一年,许多银行不得不在中环的其它地方再租赁楼层,或至少调整办公室布局,以塞下更多办公桌。

    Over the past year , many have had to lease additional floors in other parts of central , or at least reconfigure their office space to cram in more desks .

  8. 这个包里再也塞不下一件东西了。

    I can 't jam another thing into the bag .

  9. 冰箱塞不下了

    I don 't have any more room in the fridge .

  10. 注油时,将油塞旋下,注油毕,再将油塞旋上拧紧。

    Screw out the oil plug while filling , and screw down as finished .

  11. 最重要的是,为湖人已经塞不下的陈列柜中又多放了五个总冠军奖杯。

    Most importantly , helped the Lakers put five more trophies in their already bulging hardware case .

  12. 锯木工那可怜的铺面太小,整个门面也塞不下这条标语。

    The miserable shop of the wood-sawyer was so small , that its whole surface furnished very indifferent space for this legend .

  13. 最后,肚子实在塞不下东西去了,我掏出那张钞票来展开,只扫了一眼,我就差点昏倒。

    When at last I couldn 't hold any more , I took out my money and unfolded it , took one glimpse and nearly fainted .

  14. 等石块装满到瓶子,再也塞不下时,他问:“瓶子满了吗?”大家都说:“满了。”他问:“真的满了吗?”

    When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside , he asked , " Is the jar full ? " Everyone in the class said , " Yes . " He replied , " Really ? "

  15. 从电热塞上拔下电热塞接头。

    Pull the glow plug connectors off the glow plugs .

  16. 把硬盘锁进装袜子的抽屉,或是塞到床下。

    Put that hard drive in a sock drawer or under your bed .

  17. 我向下看了看,留意到他两条裤管被折高了塞在膝盖下。

    I looked down and noticed that both his pant legs were folded beneath his knees .

  18. 撇开安全的问题,摩托车在繁忙的曼谷是最有效的大众交通工具,尤其是在短程和交通诸塞的情况下。

    Set aside safety issue , it is the most efficient transport for short distance and congested traffic in Bangkok .

  19. 如果物价在长时间持续下跌,把钱塞在床垫下或保险箱里可能对投资者更有利。

    When prices fall for a prolonged period , investors are better off stuffing cash under the mattress or a safe deposit box .

  20. 然后研究人员在玻片和塞到玻片下的塑料滤光片上钻出不同大小的孔,以便使蚂蚁所关心的特点有所差异。

    The researchers then drilled holes of various sizes into the glass slides and slipped plastic light filters under the glass to vary the features ants care about most .

  21. “袭人伸手从他项上摘下那通灵玉来,用自己的手帕包好,塞在褥下,次日带时便冰不着脖子。”

    " Xiren took the precious jade offm 's neck , wrapped it up in her own handkerchief and tucked it under his mattress , so that it should not be cold to the touch when he put it on the next day . "

  22. 支窗户吧,太细,于是顺手塞到了床下。

    Pay a window , too thin , hence filled a bed to descend without extra trouble .

  23. 他匆忙地揉搓着烟草,然后将其塞在自己的下嘴唇和牙齿之间,与此同时几乎把自己的双眼紧贴在橱窗的玻璃上。

    he rubbed the tobacco hastily and stuffing it between his lower lip and teeth practically stuck his eyes against the glass of the show window .

  24. 塞阀在高温下烘烤,确保塞阀面丝滑,便于转动,防止腐蚀。

    The plugs are baked at high temperature to ensure a smooth silky surface on the plug to ensure easy rotation and protect them from corrosion .

  25. 方法1998年3月~2003年9月,我们对9例创伤性心包压塞在超声引导下穿刺积血心包,置入导管,通过导管抽出心包积血,然后及时引流心包内出血。

    Methods Nine patients with traumatic pericardial tamponade underwent ultrasound-guided catheterization from March 1998 to September 2003 . After the drawing-off of fluid , the catheter was remained in the pericardium to drain the blood .

  26. 我打开我的烂网套,把哲学讲师送我的《资本论》第一卷塞在网套下当枕头,旁若无人地、直挺挺地在我的“床”上躺下了。

    I opened my worn-out cotton quilt , put the book of Capital Theory under the quilt as my pillow , and lay down on my Bed flatling and acted as if there was no one else present .

  27. 当考虑了材料的应变率敏感性,并且不发生绝热剪切冲塞破坏的前提下,理论预测和实验结果吻合良好。

    It is shown that good agreement is obtained between the theoretical predictions and the available experimental data , provided that adiabatic shear plugging failure does not occur , but the influence of strain rate sensitivity is taken into account .

  28. 本文是在垂直管中气液两相气泡流的流动规律基础上,对弹状流和段塞流的初步探讨,得出了弹状流和段塞流条件下的空隙率和压降的相关表达式。

    In this article , based on the flow rules of two-phase ( gas-fluid ) bubbles flow it vertical tube , the elastic and plug flows are preliminarily discussed .