
  • 网络track strength
  1. 铁路轨道强度及弹性点支承连续梁的Spline函数解法

    Spline function solution to the problem of railway track strength and continuous beam on elastic point supports

  2. 铁路轨道强度计算的新方法

    A new method for calculating railway track strength

  3. K-10000塔式起重机大车轨道强度及轨枕间距计算

    Determination of the strength and sleeper span of the crane rail for K-10000 tower crane

  4. 连续支承轨道强度特殊问题解法

    A Solution to the Special Problem of Track Strength as a Continuously Supported Beam

  5. 本文提出一个轨道强度计算的静力模型和相应的计算方法。

    This paper presents a static model and the corresponding method for calculating the railway track strength .

  6. 现行的地铁设计规范对道床厚度的选择仅根据轨道强度要求和国铁的经验确定。

    To design thickness of ballast bed is based on the required strength of track structure and partly the experience in national railway .

  7. 解决了基于ANSYS软件的原子滑车轨道的强度分析的关键问题,如高速滑车的受力模型,轨道的建模方法、载荷和边界条件的确定。

    The related key technologies are solved , such as the roller coaster force model , the track modeling method , the load and boundary determination .

  8. 有碴轨道结构强度有限元分析与应用

    Finite Element Analysis for Strength of Track Structure

  9. 以某船为研究背景,进行了燃气轮机吊装轨道的强度分析研究。

    Strength analysis was performed on the hoisting and installation track system for the gas turbine of a ship .

  10. 随着半导体长度的增加,自旋轨道耦合强度可以改变隧穿概率的相位。同时,随着半导体长度的增加,自旋电子的渡越时间并不是线性的增加,而是呈现了波状的增长过程。

    We find that as the length of the semiconductor increases , the spin-tunneling time does not increase linearly but shows slight behavior of oscillation .

  11. 桩板结构充分利用桩-土、板-土之间的共同作用来满足无砟轨道的强度和沉降变形要求。

    Pile-plate structure takes full advantages of the interaction between piles and soil and the interaction plate and soil to meet the strength and settlement requirements of ballastless track .

  12. 处理中我们同时考虑了杂质和声子散射,这时横向电荷电导仍旧等于零,而纵向电荷电导变得依赖于自旋轨道耦合强度。

    In the case of realistic impurity and phonon scatterings , the longitudinal conductivity is shown to depend on the spin-orbital coupling strength , though the transverse conductivity remains zero .

  13. 本文应用轨道结构强度计算理论及车辆-轨道耦合振动动力学仿真计算模型,分析了不同道床厚度对相关轨道结构部件的影响,得出了合理道床厚度的建议值。

    Using theory of strength of track structure and vehicle - track coupling vibration dynamic model , we analyze the effects the different thickness of ballast act on relevant track structure parts and deduce the rational thickness of ballast .

  14. 当太阳风密度低且AE指数大于200nT时,地球同步轨道的电子强度会持续地增强。

    When solar wind density was low and AE index greater than 200 nT , the 2 MeV electron flux at geostationary orbit will increase sustained .

  15. 燃气轮机吊装轨道系统结构强度分析研究

    Structure Strength Analysis of Hoisting and Installation Track System for Gas Turbine

  16. 轨道车车架强度及刚度的研究客运轨道车辆的现代化改造

    An Analysis of the Strength and Stiffness of Railway Vehicle Frame Modernization Reform to Railway Passenger Cars

  17. 轨道机车车辆运用强度检验的现代化方法&关于德国铁路股份公司(DBAG)2005年3月10日柏林学术会议的报告

    The Modern Method of Inspection on Operation Strength of Railway Locomotives and Rolling Stock & DB AG Report in Berlin Academic Symposium on March 10,2005

  18. 弹性支承块轨道振动与噪声强度关系分析

    Vibration and Noise Strength of the Elastic Supporting Block Track

  19. 另外,对青藏铁路轨道稳定性与钢轨强度进行了检算,并确定了锁定轨温。

    Strength and stability of track were calculated and fastening-down temperature of rail was decided .

  20. 计算结果表明该机械车轮和轨道间的接触强度是安全的,车轮的额定载荷有较大的安全裕量。

    The analysis result proved that the contact intensity is adequate , and the rating load of the wheels has enough security redundancy .

  21. 为了保证安全,通过加强轨道结构,来提高轨道的强度和稳定性;

    This paper presents theories of raising the intensity and stability of the railway with reinforcing the track construction for ensuring safety ;

  22. 结果表明考虑外禀自旋-轨道耦合作用后,自旋螺旋态的寿命不再是无穷大,且自旋螺旋态的寿命强烈的依赖于外禀自旋-轨道耦合强度和杂质密度。

    The results show that lifetime of the spin helix is not divergent , and it is closely dependent on the strength of the extrinsic SOC and the impurity density .