
  • 网络Carol;Carole
  1. 卡萝尔心不在焉,反应有点迟钝。

    Carol was absent-minded and a little slow on the uptake .

  2. 卡萝尔身材高大,黑发棕肤,是个有着拉丁风情的女子。

    Carol is a tall , dark , Latin type of woman

  3. 我一敲门,卡萝尔就来开了。

    Carol answered the door as soon as I knocked .

  4. 卡萝尔,出什么事了?你好像不开心。

    Carole , what 's the matter ? You don 't seem happy

  5. 就因为卡萝尔今天不太顺心,所以弄得大家鸡飞狗跳。

    All this fuss is because Carol is having a bad hair day .

  6. 卡萝尔一头略鬈的烫发。

    Carol 's hair had a slightly frizzy perm .

  7. 卡萝尔差点就要哭了。

    Carole was on the verge of tears .

  8. 卡萝尔喜欢一些女生常玩的娱乐活动,例如骑马、看老电影等。

    Carole goes in for such typical schoolgirl pastimes as horse-riding and watching old films

  9. 卡萝尔手忙脚乱地要给我弄一杯喝的。

    Carol fussed about getting me a drink

  10. 卡萝尔忸怩作态勾引男人的样子让我恶心。

    I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy .

  11. 卡萝尔炫耀着自己的穿着打扮。

    Carol boasted about her costume

  12. 坎贝尔的前经纪人卡萝尔-怀特(CaroleWhite)和女演员米亚·法罗(MiaFarrow)表示,在南非前总统曼德拉举办的晚宴之后,查尔斯-泰勒(CharlesTaylor)赠送给坎贝尔未经打磨的钻石。

    Campbell 's former agent Carole White and actress Mia Farrow have said Campbell was given an uncut diamond by Charles Taylor after a dinner party hosted by Nelson Mandela .

  13. 卡萝尔,可你一直都在干涉我的生活。

    Carol , you meddle in my life all the time .

  14. 她们都很不自然地笑了起来,卡萝尔很听话果然谈起图书馆来了。

    They all laughed artificially , and Carol obediently talked libraries .

  15. 当时每一位男人都爱上了宗教,爱上了卡萝尔。

    Every man fell in love then with religion and Carol .

  16. 那天下午,久恩尼塔海多克跑来串门,让卡萝尔解解闷。

    That afternoon , Juanita Haydock dropped in to brighten carol .

  17. 为了参加今天晚上的盛会,卡萝尔煞费苦心地自己打扮一番。

    Eg. Carol had given creative energy to dress for the event .

  18. 当然,卡萝尔度过了一个难忘之夜。

    Of course , Carol had spent an unforgettable night .

  19. 马伯里太太是卡萝尔的姐姐的邻居和女友。

    Mrs. Marbury was a neighbour and friend of Carol 's sister .

  20. 他们跟卡萝尔的姐姐在一起吃过两顿饭。

    They had two meals with Carol 's sister .

  21. 我听说卡萝尔正在和在楼下工作的家伙谈恋爱。

    I heard that Carol is going with the guy who works downstairs .

  22. 卡萝尔又在捉摸着桌上那把雕刻刀了。

    Carol again studied the carving-knife on the table .

  23. 维达听了很生气;卡萝尔连忙赔礼道歉;她们两人又继续谈了一钟头。

    Vida was indignant ; Carol was apologetic ; they talked for another hour .

  24. 卡萝尔会带你去博物馆看一看。

    Carol will guide you round the museum .

  25. 卡萝尔伸手去取挂在床边椅子上的短衫。

    Carol reached for her blouse , which hung on a chair by the bed .

  26. 卡萝尔的丈夫去年死了。

    Carole 's husband died last year .

  27. 卡萝尔结婚以后,每年都希望能去美国东部旅游观光一番。

    Every year since their marriage Carol had longed for a trip through the east .

  28. 现在卡萝尔已开办了一个沙龙。

    Carol had started a Salon .

  29. 卡萝尔和保罗过去住在一个古怪老头的隔壁,那老头不愿与任何人讲话。

    Carol and Paul used to live next door to a very peculiar geezer who refused to speak to anyone .

  30. 一二三…米歇尔卡萝尔不会吧你真得知道吗我是知道的

    One , two , three ... Michelle . - Carol.No , do you really know it ? I do know it .