
ài liàn
  • be in love with;feel deeply attached to
爱恋 [ài liàn]
  • (1) [be in love with]∶多指男女之间相爱而恋恋不舍

  • (2) [feel deeply attached to]∶感到深深地吸引

  • 爱恋乡土

爱恋[ài liàn]
  1. 他由衷地爱恋并珍惜她。

    He genuinely loved and cherished her

  2. 诗人表达了他对心仪的姑娘火一般的爱恋之情。

    The poet expressed his burning passion for the girl he loved .

  3. 他深深地爱恋着那位姑娘。

    He is head over heels in love with that girl .

  4. 他轻声在她耳畔倾吐爱恋之言。

    He breathed words of love into her ear .

  5. 像真正的爱恋一样,老板的迷恋也是盲目的。

    Like real love , the boss crush is blind .

  6. 因此:小猫和成年猫对看护者的爱恋程度与人类婴儿相同,甚至可能比狗略高。

    Thus : Kittens and cats show the same level of affection to their caregivers as human babies , and maybe even slightly more than dogs .

  7. 恋爱比较有意思的就是,琢磨出对方爱听的甜言蜜语,然后赢得TA的爱恋。

    One of the intriguing things about a relationship is figuring out the exact words that will woo him , wow her , and win his heart .

  8. 正在这时,爱恋Nate的Blair来找Nate了。为这位女士设计了一套服装。Blair,如果你要穿我设计的衣服就跟我说一声,至少让我把它改合身。

    Blair , if you 're gonna wear one of my designs , tell me so we can at least get it properly fitted .

  9. 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)出品的《生活大爆炸》要为不幸的拉杰(Raj)(昆瑙·内亚(KunalNayyar)饰演)带来新的爱恋对象了。

    CBS ' The Big Bang Theory is bringing in a new love interest for Kunal Nayyar 's hapless Raj .

  10. 论文的第一章描述了因爱恋自己在水中的影子而憔悴致死的美少年那喀索斯的故事,并深入阐述了自恋领域权威OttoKernberg的理论。

    Chapter One of the thesis presents Ovid 's story of Narcissus and illustrates Otto Kernberg 's theory of narcissism in detail .

  11. 他意志坚强,心地善良,对她爱恋至深。

    He was strong-willed and warm-hearted , and he adored her .

  12. 从过赴到现在,你一直是我惟一真正爱恋的人。

    You have been and still are my only true Valentine .

  13. 夫妻间的爱恋注定是终身可靠的关系。

    It was ordained for lifelong faithful relationship of conjugal love .

  14. 两个女孩的爱恋真的不能跨越去追逐吗?

    Can 't two girls love really cross over to pursue ?

  15. 我爱恋着这里,这里也以博大的爱爱着我们。

    I love this place while the place loves us generously .

  16. 海龟虽不能高歌,但它们却懂爱恋。

    The turtles do not sing , and yet they love .

  17. 这般如此不可一世的爱恋,就如同毒药醉人。

    How insufferably arrogant for the love affair , like poison .

  18. 月光把爱恋洒满了湖面。

    The moonlight full of love was spread upon the lake .

  19. 这不是真爱,这只是少男少女的朦胧爱恋。

    It wasn 't true love ; it was just puppy love .

  20. 然而,彼此之间的爱恋幽会预料将不会持续太久。

    But their love-in is not expected to last long .

  21. 我怎样才能表达对她的深深爱恋呢?

    How can I show my deep affection to her ?

  22. 那时,我才敢夸耀我的爱恋;

    Then may I dare to boast how I do love thee ;

  23. 给你我温存的爱恋和深情的思念,祝你生日快乐。

    Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you .

  24. 我要告诉你我们仍然互相爱恋。

    This is me telling you that we still matter .

  25. 他的爱恋引起了她的感激,他的性格引起了她的尊敬;

    His attachment excited gratitude , his general character respect ;

  26. 我永远用爱恋的渴望来描画你。

    I paint you and fashion you ever with my love longings .

  27. 让爱恋融入记忆,痛苦融入诗歌吧。

    Let love melt into memory and pain into songs .

  28. 你有过多少遗憾总是苍茫了爱恋。

    How many regrets do you have always been shrouded in love .

  29. 我们每个人都抱有多种不同的爱,我们不会以同一种方式去爱恋两个生物,对两条狗的喜爱也不可能是一样的。

    Each one of us is capable of many and various loves .

  30. 对于我的马子,我有无限的爱恋。

    For my Ma , I have a boundless love .