
  1. 不是泥尘,就是鲜血。

    If it wasn 't mud , it was blood .

  2. 只因我们必须暂时在泥尘中跋涉。

    Because we must trudge in the dust awhile .

  3. 如为防止游人携带泥尘进洞,可在洞口外入洞参观者身上先进行吸尘或吹风处理;洞内要有自来水系统,便于冲洗。

    Such as to prevent the visitors carry soil and dust into the cave , the visitors will be sucked dust or blowing ; have running water system inside the cave , easy to wash .

  4. 这灰落尘入土,成泥成尘。

    This ash soil , the fallout mud dust .

  5. 富水胶冻炮泥降尘机理的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on the Dust reduction Mechanism of Water enriched Gelatin Stemming

  6. 工业试验与生产实践表明,采用烧结利用转炉OG泥工艺,尘泥处理量大,混合效果较好,不会给烧结生产经济技术指标带来不利影响,且可获得可观的经济效益。

    Experiment and production of adding OG sludge to sintering show that this process can treat a large quantity of OG sludge , the mixing effect is very good , it has no influence on sintering index and notable benefit is got .

  7. 新型水炮泥爆破降尘的试验研究

    Experimental study on reducing the dust of explosion by the new water stemming

  8. 零落成泥碾作尘之下,却孕育着新的生命!

    Grind to dust scattered into the mud , below , but pregnant with new life !

  9. “尽管姿态很美,但最终也逃不过‘零落成泥碾作尘’的悲哀”。

    Despite the beautiful gesture , but ultimately can not escape'grind to dust scattered into the mud'tragedy .

  10. 春,一任群芳妒,零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。

    The spring term Qunfang jealousy , grind to dust scattered into the mud , only the fragrant as ever .