
  • 网络debris;Chlorite;Sejil;Sajjil
  1. 粘性泥石流体应力过冲特征与阵性流形成机理初探Bingham体的连续流和阵性流研究中无量纲参数讨论

    An approach to relationship between over-stress behavior and forming mechanism of viscous debris flow surges Discussion on the Dimensionless Parameters in the Investigation of Bingham-Fluid Continual and Intermittent Flow

  2. 粘性泥石流体应力本构关系的试验研究

    Experimental research on stress constitutive relation of viscous debris flow

  3. 试验结果表明:镁质碱式盐水泥石中物相的组成和含量受到三组份配比、MgO活性和一些添加物的影响;

    It was proved that the composition of the phases in MOC or MOS stones was related to the molar ratios of three components , the activity of MgO powder and some additives .

  4. 在位于草原下方的一座村子,现年60岁的养蜂人普里特维·布达(PrithviBudha)没有参加采摘,而是负责看守那几十座没人的泥石棚屋。他说降水减少可能是虫草产量降低的原因。

    In a village below the meadows , Prithvi Budha , 60 , a beekeeper who is sitting out the harvest to watch dozens of empty mud and stone huts , said less precipitation may be the cause for the drop in yarsagumba supplies .

  5. 屈服应力对泥石流动稳定性的影响

    The effect of yield stress on stability of mud flow

  6. 公路泥石流防治结构内泥石流体运动规律研究

    Research on the Law of Highway Debris Flow Moving in Control Structures

  7. 粘性泥石流体阵性流形成机理研究

    Study on forming mechanism of viscous debris flow surges

  8. 粘性泥石流体的应力应变特征和应力本构关系的研究

    An Approach to Rheological Characters of Viscous Debris Flow and the Stress Constitute

  9. 泥石流体表面积浓度计算

    Calculation on surface area concentration of debris flow body

  10. 粘性泥石流产流机理探讨

    Investigation on the yield mechanism of viscous debris flows

  11. 拉氏分析方法及强动荷载下水泥石的本构关系

    Lagrangian Analysis Method and Constitutive Relation of Cement Stone on Intense Dynamic Loading

  12. 泥石流体的流变和冲淤特征及其与危险度的关系

    Relationship between rheology / erosion-deposit properties of debris flow and its hazard degree

  13. 填石排淤法中的泥石回流效应

    Back Flow Effect of Ooze-rock in the Toe-shooting Method

  14. 该项研究为进一步进行粘性泥石流体的模糊研究奠定了基础。

    It will lay a foundation for modeling research of viscous debris flows further .

  15. 泥石流体的结构模式和粗颗粒对泥浆体流变特性的影响

    Mode of Structure of Debris Fluid and the Effect of Coarse Grains on the Rheological Characteristics of Slurry

  16. 当巨大的泥石移动的时候,它们的行动就像一个固体。

    When an enormous sheet of rocks and dirt gets moving , it acts like a solid object .

  17. 大量的泥石伴随着山体滑坡涌入海中,形成了大海啸。

    The immense volume of earth moved in the landslide caused a tsunami when it hit the sea .

  18. 人类经济活动对山地环境和泥石泥的影响,在一定程度上决定了它们的演化方向。

    To a certain extent , evolution of mountain environment and debris flow are influenced by human economic activities .

  19. 粘性泥石流体运动的阻力特性主要与沟槽特征以及泥深和粘附层流变特性有关。

    The resistance property is mainly related to the bed channel , depth and rheology of the adhesive layer .

  20. 将泥石流体概化为两相流体,即具有相同粒径的固相颗粒和具有相同力学性质的液相浆体。

    Debris flow was simplified as two-phase liquid composed of particles with the same diameter and slurry with the same mechanical features .

  21. 因此,本文考虑从这两个表征的证明入手,来探讨泥石流产汇流系统的自组织临界性。

    So this essay tries to discuss self-organized criticality of debris flow 's triggering and confluence system by proving these two tokens .

  22. 本文运用元胞自动机理论,从内部机制着手,对泥石流产汇流系统的自组织临界性进行了模拟研究。

    Considering interior mechanism of debris flow 's triggering and confluence system , in this essay we simulates its self-organized criticality by Cell Automaton Model .

  23. 蚀变岩石(指富含帘石、石英、缘泥石钙质砂岩)稀土总量较高。

    The ∑ REE of the altered rocks ( i. e. , calcareous sandstone rich in epidote , quartz and chlorite ) is much higher .

  24. 在虹霓门前转入寺内,法堂两侧可见用泥石混合并铺瓦的土垣和乌竹。

    When you enter the temple from Hongyaemun , you can see black bamboo trees and tiled earthen walls on either side of the sanctuary .

  25. 前面的路,曾经是一条穿越极好山谷的小道,不是在这个地方倾斜就是在崩塌的泥石下消失。

    The road ahead , once a much-loved tourist trail through a stunning gorge , has either fallen away in places or disappeared under landslides .

  26. 目前针对泥石流冲击压力的计算公式均假定泥石流体为连续流体。

    At present , several formulas of impact load about debris flow in common use are based on the hypothesis that debris flow is continuous flow .

  27. 因此本文考虑从泥石流产汇流过程的临界性状态出发,基于自组织临界性理论,建立相应的动力学模型。

    So basing on self-organized criticality theory and critical situation of debris flow 's triggering and confluence process , this essay tries to establish relevant dynamics model .

  28. 泥石流沟内松散物质(岩土体)在降雨作用下,由吸水→强度衰减→蠕变而构成初始泥石流体,形成机制包括降雨冲击机制和吸水软化机制。

    Loose soils in a sloping debris flow channel become initial debris flow mass ( IDFM ) through strength attenuation and creep after absorbing water from precipitation .

  29. 为了能直接测定含有粗颗粒砾石的粘性泥石流体原样的流变特性,专门研制了大型泥石流流变仪,利用该仪器测试的结果,分析研究了粘性泥石流体启动的应力本构方程和触变特性的关系。

    Under support of the latest rheometer specially designed and made by the author , the rheological characters of natural viscous debris flow with thick gravel were measured .

  30. 它定义为单位体积泥石流体中固体颗粒表面积总和与下余的水的体积之比。

    It is defined the ratio of the total surface area of solid grains in a unit volume of debris flow to water volume contained in this unit volume .