
  1. 论舜文化特征与舜帝精神

    On the Characteristics of Civilization during SHUN Dynasty and the spirit of King-SHUN

  2. 岭南舜文化地理与旅游开发

    Geography of the legends of monarch Shun in South China and tourism development

  3. 论舜文化中的行政伦理思想

    On Administration Ethic Thought of the Shun Culture

  4. 本文就如何把舜文化力作为加快县域经济发展的助推器,提升其工业、农业、旅游业等的竞争力,加速县域经济的发展作初步探讨。

    This article discuss how to speed up the Shun culture strength achievement , accelerate the development of county territory economy , promote the competitive ability of the industry , the agriculture , the tourism and so on .