
  • 网络jonas;Hans Jonas;Yonas
  1. 论传统神正论的当代转换&从奥古斯丁的传统神正论到约纳斯的责任哲学

    On the contemporary transformation of traditional theodicy & from Augustine 's traditional theodicy to the philosophy of responsibility in Hans Jonas

  2. 但是,总的来说,约纳斯的责任伦理风险观贡献还是大于不足的。

    Generally , however , for Jonas ' risk concept of responsibility ethics , its contribution is greater than the deficiency .

  3. 在2011年的一项研究中,由罗切斯特市马友诊所的约纳斯啸杰达博士带领研究人员随机采访了1,321名年龄在70岁至89岁的人,他们中大部分人在认知方面是正常的,研究人员针对他们晚年从事的认知活动进行了访问。

    In a 2011 study , researchers led Dr. Yonas Geda at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester interviewed a random sample of 1,321 people ages 70-89 , most of whom were cognitively normal , about the cognitive activities they engaged in late in life .

  4. 环境伦理的自然主义基础&约纳斯对海德格尔存在主义的诊治与超越

    Quick - acting potassium . The Naturalistic Basis of Environmental Ethics

  5. 和米克拉斯-约纳斯是伟大的人。

    And mykolas-jonas were great individuals .

  6. 从绝对命令到责任命令&汉斯·约纳斯对康德道德哲学的反思

    From ' Imperative Order ' to ' Order of Responsibility ' & On Hans Jonas 's Reflections on Kant 's Moral Philosophy in Technological Times

  7. 汉斯?约纳斯在整个责任伦理领域又具有重要的影响和地位。所以我们有必要对他的相关思想进行更深入的理解和研究,这也是本文的基本理论框架。

    Hans Jonas has important influence and status on responsibility ethics , so it is necessary for us to related more thorough understanding and research to his thoughts .

  8. 约纳斯的最大问题在于,他无法把上帝理解为存在本身,无法走向原初思想,无法跳出西方传统形而上学之主客二分的客观化思维方式。

    Because he cannot get rid of metaphysical objectification thinking , he fails to understand how primordial thinking is and how God is not an entity but Being itself .

  9. 本文着重解读了约纳斯的名著《生命现象&走向一种哲学生物学》,分析约纳斯的自然主义构思如何克服海德格尔存在主义思想中的伦理真空,并为当代环境伦理奠定哲学基础。

    This essay base on the reading of Jonas ' The Phenomenon of Life : Toward a Philosophical Biology , tries to show how Jonas ' naturalistic thinking overcome the ethical vacuum in Heidegger 's existentialism and found philosophical ground for temporary environmental ethics .