
  • 网络Date Night
  1. 对本•阿弗莱克和詹妮弗•加纳来说,2月10号在伦敦的英国电影学院奖是另一个成功的约会之夜:一个难得的成人世界的周末假日,他们的三个孩子与加纳的妹妹呆在家里。

    For Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner , the British Academy Film Awards in London on Feb. 10 was another successful date night - and a rare grown-ups ' weekend getaway , with their three kids staying home with Garner 's sister .

  2. 福克斯公司(Fox)的《约会之夜》(DateNight)以1730万美元的票房名列第三。这是一部动作喜剧,由蒂娜·费(TinaFey)和史蒂夫·卡莱尔(SteveCarell)主演。

    ' Date Night ' ( Fox ), an action-comedy with Tina Fey and Steve Carell , landed in third place with $ 17.3 million .

  3. 可以多叫一些朋友,让这个夜晚变为情侣团体约会之夜吧。

    Invite some friends and make it a group date .

  4. 打保龄会让你的约会之夜即休闲又有趣。

    It 's a casual , fun date night .

  5. 哪怕你俩已相处多年,约会之夜也还是很重要。

    Date nights are important & even if you have been together for years .

  6. 找单独的时间来谈论这些话题,但是要让约会之夜保持神圣。

    Address those topics at a separate time , but keep date night sacred .

  7. 《约会之夜》之所以搞笑,就在于它十分吸引人。

    Date Night is funny because , against all odds , it is involving .

  8. 为约会之夜抽出时间

    Make Time for a Date Night

  9. 你们两个能在一起是有原因的,约会之夜能帮助你记起并巩固你们在一起的原因。

    You got together for a reason and date night helps you remember and reinforce that reason .

  10. 我不得不说我真没想到你会选择在家里度过我们的约会之夜。

    I must say I was surprised that you chose to spend our date night in the apartment .

  11. 对于一些幸运的提名者来说,格莱美颁奖礼的这个夜晚也算个不错的约会之夜了。

    It looks like Grammy night was date night for more than a few of the lucky nominees .

  12. 最近你一直在工作,我很高兴你没有忘记约会之夜。

    You 've been working so much lately , I 'm glad you didn 't forget about date night .

  13. 就像你可能要与你最好的朋友一起吃早午餐或去健身房,安排一个与自己的约会之夜。

    Just like you might schedule brunch with your BFFs or a trip to the gym , schedule date night with yourself .

  14. 你可以用聊天的方式来掩饰你的侦探工作,根据她的兴趣爱好趁约会之夜给她一个惊喜。

    This way , you can disguise your detective work as small-talk and surprise her with a perfect night out that fits her interests .

  15. 互联网为新婚夫妇提供了许多理财技巧&开设联名账户,沟通理财价值观,为约会之夜制定预算。

    The internet is brimming with money tips for newlyweds & open a joint account , talk about your money values , budget for date night .

  16. 根据你自己坚持加上的恋爱合约附录,我们不允许在约会之夜撅嘴闹脾气。

    According to the codicil of the Relationship Agreement which you insisted upon , we 're not allowed to pout or be moody on date night .

  17. 互联网为新婚夫妇提供了许多理财技巧——开设联名账户,沟通理财价值观,为约会之夜制定预算。

    The internet is brimming with money tips for newlyweds - open a joint account , talk about your money values , budget for date night .

  18. 古老而又新颖的方式:打保龄几乎每个人的附近都有一家保龄球馆。打保龄会让你的约会之夜即休闲又有趣。

    Bowling is so old school that its hip again - Just about everybody has a bowling alley somewhere nearby . Its a casual , fun date night .

  19. 史蒂夫卡雷尔和蒂娜费在《约会之夜》中饰演一对友好谦逊的夫妇,这是该片成功的原因之一。

    Steve Carell and Tina Fey play a nice , unassuming couple in Date Night , and that 's one of the reasons the movie works so well .

  20. 一项调查表明,1月31日晚是今年最适合初次约会之夜。

    January 31 the year 's biggest night for first dates January 31 is due to be the year 's biggest night for first dates , according to a survey .

  21. 为了向对方表示关切,“约会之夜”是个很不错的主意,哪怕一个月只有一次也好。

    In order to show one another how much you care , it 's a very good idea to plan a date night , even if it 's just once a month .

  22. 然后随着约会之夜逐渐增多,往你的爱情中注入的乐趣也越来越多,你们之间会有更多美好的共同经历,这些经历可以作为谈话的内容。

    Then as you continue to have date nights and bring more fun into your romance you will have more positive shared experiences between the two of you to draw on for conversation .

  23. 《约会之夜》这样的电影带来的启示是,好莱坞喜剧有时不妨精简一些,因为喜剧效果来自角色和环境,并非疯狂的特技和大杀特杀所能制造出来的。

    A movie like Date Night encourages Hollywood comedy to occasionally dial down , and realize that comedy emerges from characters and situations and can 't be manufactured from manic stunts and overkill .

  24. 除夕时,有一种性质不同的屈辱会非常显眼:如果你是单身,・那么在一年中最重要的约会之夜,为自己找个伴就变成了很关键的事。

    New Year 's Eve features humiliation of a qualitatively different sort : if one is single , it becomes essential to find a companion for this , the most important date night of the year .

  25. 拍摄场景覆盖了有爱的、古怪的、还有反常的,所有的这些都伴随着夫妇关系发展的许多阶段:从约会之夜到订婚,从婚礼当天到蜜月之后的幸福时光。

    The scenes range from loving to quirky to outrageous , all the while tracking the many stages of a couple 's relationship : from date nights to engagements to wedding day to happy days long after the honeymoon .

  26. 这本书解释道,对于许多人而言,快乐恋情的秘诀包括有定期的约会之夜、使用昵称、手牵手、热吻、互相搓背、经常说“我爱你”。

    The books goes on to explain that for many , the secret to a happy relationship includes having regular date nights , using pet names , holding hands , passionate kissing , back rubs and frequently saying ' I love you ' .

  27. 年轻情侣总是忙忙碌碌,不是和朋友聚会,就是工作,要么上学。为了向对方表示关切,约会之夜是个很不错的主意,哪怕一个月只有一次也好。

    Young couples are constantly going out , spending time with friends , working , or going to school . In order to show one another how much you care , its a very good idea to plan a date night , even if its just once a month .

  28. 一组营养学家告诉《每日邮报》在线,在晚间约会前吃的东西能够对你首次约会之夜的紧张情绪产生很大的影响。

    A team of nutritionists told Daily Mail Online what you eat in the run up to your night out , can make a huge difference to first date night nerves .