
  • Rihanna;Pon De Replay
  1. 蕾哈娜的英国品牌RiverIsland收藏品将在2月的伦敦时装周上首次亮相。

    Rihanna 's collection for British brand River Island will debut during London Fashion Week in February .

  2. 德雷克看了蕾哈娜的文章而且NBA也告诉德雷克放弃吧。

    Drake read that Rihanna article and NBA told him to be quiet .

  3. 这款90年代的经典发型因金·凯瑞在《阿呆与阿瓜》里的形象而闻名,近年来深受众多明星青睐,从蕾哈娜、罗伯特·帕丁森到莉娜·丹恩、麦莉·赛勒斯,都爱留这种西瓜头。如今这种发型正以野火燎原之势席卷潮人圈。

    The statement Nineties chop , made famous by Jim Carrey 's Lloyd Christmas in Dumb And Dumber , has graced the heads of celebrities .

  4. 据E!News报道,为纪念在六月辞世的祖母,蕾哈娜给巴巴多斯医院捐了175万美元。

    According to E ! News , Rihanna donated $ 1.75 million to a Barbados hospital in memory of her grandmother , who died back in June .

  5. 与歌手的合作,让他在流行音乐领域也颇有成就,比如与蕾哈娜合作的《WeFoundLove》,以及与艾丽?高登合作的《INeedYourLove》都成绩卓著。

    Harris has also found success crossing over to the realms of pop music , working with the likes of Rihanna ( We Found Love ) and Ellie Goulding ( I Need Your Love ) .

  6. 前不久,碧昂斯(Beyoncé)、泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)和蕾哈娜(Rihanna)这三位巨星被拍到身穿连体泳衣。

    The mega-celebrity trifecta of Beyonc é , Taylor Swift and Rihanna has been pictured wearing one-pieces lately .

  7. 比伯,黑眼豆豆史奇雷克斯正像是EDM界的Jay-Z,如同Jay-Z一手捧红了蕾哈娜,史奇雷克斯让安东?斯拉夫斯(别名Zedd)大红大紫。

    Like Jay-Z made Rihanna into a superstar , Skrillex guided Zedd to the spotlight .

  8. 当然,这可能与派对主人蕾哈娜(Rihanna)有关。

    Sure , that may have had something to do with the host , Rihanna .

  9. 美国的《公告牌》杂志把蕾哈娜与LadyGaga、碧昂斯和玛利亚-凯利并列为单曲夺冠最多的热门歌手。

    Billboard announced last week that she 's tied with Mariah Carey , Lady Gaga , and Beyonce for the most number one songs on the pop airplay chart .

  10. 在Snapchat平台向用户推送了对她有冒犯性的广告之后,蕾哈娜发布了ins故事,指责该软件公司。

    Rihanna posted an Instagram Story today to denounce Snapchat after the platform showed an offensive ad featuring the artist to users .

  11. 海瑟薇将于11月10日第三度亮相SNL舞台,当晚的音乐嘉宾是第四次做客SNL的蕾哈娜(Rihanna)。

    Hathaway will return for her third appearance on Nov. 10 , with four-time musical guest Rihanna .

  12. 美国时装设计师协会也许仍对去年蕾哈娜(Rihanna)身穿透明连衣裙现身颁奖礼感到震惊,它决定2015年不颁发所谓的时尚偶像奖(FashionIcon)。

    Perhaps still blinking after Rihanna showed up in a transparent dress to last year 's ceremony , the CFDA has elected not to anoint a so-called Fashion Icon in 2015 .

  13. 今年的榜单充满了巨星的佳作,其中就包括:碧昂斯的《Formation》、蕾哈娜《Work》专辑中的主打歌曲《Drake》、卢卡斯·格拉汉姆的《7Years》,以及二十一名飞行员的《StressedOut》。

    This year 's list was stacked with powerhouse hits : Beyonc é 's " Formation , " Rihanna 's " Work " featuring Drake , Lukas Graham 's " 7 Years , " and Twenty One Pilots ' " Stressed Out . "

  14. 一些小报还声称,阿基瓦与多位名人有过恋情,包括蕾哈娜和海蒂·克鲁姆(HeidiKlum)。

    Mr. Akiva has also been romantically linked in the tabloids to various celebrities , including Rihanna and Heidi Klum .

  15. 去年5月,这一切都变了。流行歌星蕾哈娜(Rihanna)在网上看到郭培的作品后,身穿她设计的礼服参加纽约大都会艺术博物馆(MetropolitanMuseumofArt)服装学院(CostumeInstitute)的晚宴。

    That all changed last May when the pop star Rihanna wore one of Ms. Guo 's designs to the Metropolitan Museum of Art 's Costume Institute gala in New York , after finding her work on the Internet .

  16. 上一季在巴黎,几乎每场秀的前排都能看到蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的身影。

    RiRi makes the rounds Last season in Paris , it was hard to go to a show without seeing Rihanna in the front row .

  17. 转变风格后的蕾哈娜一直以前卫而又强硬的摇滚姿态示人。而爱德·维斯特维克在《绯闻女孩》中扮演的上东区贵公子ChuckBass则酷爱英伦学院风打扮和利落的吸烟装。

    Rihanna is as known for her edgy and tough rocker style as Chuck Bass , played by Ed Westwick on Gossip Girl , is known for his love of preppy pastels and smoking jackets .

  18. 这位美国歌手因在2009年袭击当时的女友蕾哈娜(Rihanna)而被定罪,而不是因为他平庸的音乐生涯而闻名。

    The US singer is better known for his conviction for thumping his then girlfriend Rihanna in 2009 than he is for his mediocre music career .

  19. 巴巴多斯出生的RB歌手蕾哈娜空手而归,而加拿大流行歌手贾斯汀•比伯获得了与斯威夫特对应的男性大奖&最佳世界舞台奖、以及又一次斩获的最佳流行音乐奖和最佳男歌手。

    Barbados-born RB singer Rihanna went empty handed , while Canadian pop star Justin Bieber matched Swift for the boys and earned Best World Stage , along with repeat wins for Best Pop and Best Male .

  20. 2005年前后,他在街头教父唱片公司(DefJamRecordings)担任了3年的总裁,业绩喜忧参半——公司发掘出了蕾哈娜(Rihanna)和坎耶•维斯特(KanyeWest)等超级巨星,但也不乏失败的例子。

    His three-year spell in the mid-2000s as president of Def Jam Recordings was mixed , with the emergence of two superstars in Rihanna and Kanye West , but also a number of flops .

  21. 有关巴贝多流行偶像的其他产品,包括“亲密系列”的SavageXFenty和名为《蕾哈娜》的书,都将在10月24日出版。

    Other projects from the Barbadian pop icon include an intimates line , Savage X Fenty , along with a coffee table book , Rihanna , due to be published on October 24 .

  22. 周一晚上,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)身穿中国设计师郭培设计的黄色皮毛镶边绸缎礼服出席大都会艺术博物馆的慈善晚宴(MetGala),成为Twitter上的热议话题,人们戏谑地把这件礼服与煎蛋饼和披萨相比较。

    When Rihanna wore a fur-trimmed yellow satin gown by the Chinese-born designer Guo Pei to the Met Gala on Monday night , it became the talk of Twitter , which erupted with jokey comparisons to omelets and pizzas .

  23. 比如,迪奥就与歌星蕾哈娜(Rihanna)携手,后者的社交媒体粉丝数量是这个时尚品牌的四倍。

    That includes Dior , which joined forces with the music star Rihanna , whose social media following is four times as large as that of the fashion label .

  24. 蕾哈娜对音乐以外商业投资的关注,并没有被她的忠实粉丝群“海军”(Navy)所忽视。这些粉丝在社交媒体上分享了他们对蕾哈娜第九张专辑的热切期待,有时甚至可以说是是不耐烦的期待。

    Rihanna 's focus on business ventures outside music has not gone unnoticed by her loyal fanbase , known as the " Navy , " who have shared their eager , and sometimes impatient , anticipation for the singer 's ninth album on social media .

  25. 蕾哈娜全身打扮很是抢眼,上身穿着一件MiuMiu品牌的橘色棉服,下衬黑色的打底裤,脚上穿着匡威帆布鞋。她从车上下来后走了几步就进了贝西体育馆的后台区域。

    Rihanna was an eye-catcher in a Miu Miu quilted orange coat , black leggings and Converse trainers as she strolled the short distance from car to backstage area .

  26. 或者是剑桥公爵夫人戴的那种美利奴羊毛手套,或者是歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的法式蕾丝长手套,或者是《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)里给玛丽小姐(LadyMary)的礼服添彩的长袖绸缎手套。

    Or the pure merino wool pair worn by the duchess of Cambridge , or the singer Rihanna 's long French lace ones , or even the opera-length satin sheaths that set off Lady Mary 's gowns in " Downton Abbey . "

  27. 那天蕾哈娜穿的是鲜黄色皮毛镶边长袍和披风,重55磅(约合25公斤),花费5万个小时、两年多时间制作。她的造型登上了《Vogue》美国版封面,而郭培的高级定制时装秀也计划将在巴黎举办。

    The look in question , a 55-pound canary-yellow fur-trimmed gown and cape , took seamstresses 50000 hours and more than two years to make and landed on the cover of American Vogue - and Ms. Guo on the haute couture schedule in Paris .

  28. 广告金主是智能游戏《恐怖极限》,周末,这款游戏广告出现在用户的Snapchat中,询问用户想打蕾哈娜耳光还是胖揍克里斯·布朗。

    The ad was for a smartphone game called Would You Rather that appeared inside Snapchat over the weekend asking users if they would rather slap Rihanna or punch Chris Brown .

  29. 流行歌手蕾哈娜声称,她的时尚奢侈品牌——Fenty的黄金法则是买家一定会相信所有的衣服她都会穿。

    Pop star Rihanna claims her golden rule for her luxury fashion line , Fenty , is that buyers must believe she would wear all the clothing .

  30. Susie和Danelle的组合带来了大范围的影响,包括纳京高或纳特•金•科尔、法兰克辛纳屈、甲壳虫乐队、佩特班纳塔、碧昂斯、蕾哈娜、仙妮亚•唐恩、凯斯•厄本在内的很多知名歌手及组合。

    Susie and Danelle bring together a wide range of musical influences . They include Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra , the Beatles , Pat Benatar and Journey , Beyonce and Rihanna , and Shania Twain , Alabama , and Keith Urban .