
  • 网络Lady;Lettie;Letty
  1. 蕾蒂:我本以为自己不会流泪。

    Lady : here I thought I wasn 't gonna cry .

  2. 蕾蒂:我母亲?!是你亲手杀了她,想起来了?

    Lady : My mother ?! you killed her , remember ?

  3. 蕾蒂你好嗨辛苦了

    Hello , Lettie . Hi , how are you doing ?

  4. 所以她才叫我“蕾蒂”

    And that 's why she named me " lady "

  5. 蕾蒂:他孤注一掷想要变成恶魔。

    Lady : he was obsessed with becoming the devil .

  6. 蕾蒂:原来你还活着。

    Lady : You 're still alive , I see .

  7. 蕾蒂你要不要用我的办公室

    Lettie , would you like to use my office ?

  8. 蕾蒂:告诉我你的名字就行了。

    Lady : You can give me your name .

  9. 他替蕾蒂上链子,带她出去散步。

    He put a chain on lady and took her out for a walk .

  10. 我想要恨你,可是又恨不起来!蕾蒂说。

    ' I want to hate you , but I cannot !' said Retty .

  11. 蕾蒂贝壳蛋糕烤好了哦

    Lettie , the chocolate eclairs are done .

  12. 然后安吉尔又回来接蕾蒂。当他抱起她时,他瞥了一眼苔丝。

    Angel returned for Retty.While he was picking her up , he glanced at Tess .

  13. 她应该看清他只想要她的钱,然后拒绝他,蕾蒂说道。

    ' She ought to have seen he only wanted her money , and refused him ,' said Retty .

  14. 他从伊茨口中得知了一些其他女工的情况。蕾蒂病倒了,玛丽安开始酗酒。伊茨自己怎么样呢?

    He learnt from Izz that , of the other dairymaids , Retty had become ill , and Marian had started drinking.And Izz herself ?

  15. 蕾蒂:和一个恶魔约会?我没那么无聊。而且,我真的对浑身散发着血腥气的小子没兴趣。

    Lady : Date a demon ? I 'm not that desperate . Besides , I really don 't care for guys who stink like blood .

  16. 梅?韦斯特、玛丽莲?梦露、安迪?考夫曼、坎耶?韦斯特、麦当娜、蕾蒂嘎嘎、唐?金……美国具有原创精神的人物还有很多很多,他们特立独行,致力于打破常规和现状。

    Mae West , Marilyn Monroe , Andy Kaufman , Kanye West , Madonna , Lady Gaga , Don King , the list of American originals -- mavericks who have refused to entertain anything remotely close to the status quo -- goes on and on .