
  • 网络lace
  1. 我穿着一件带有白色蕾丝花边的格子呢睡衣。

    I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace .

  2. 带白色蕾丝花边的衣领和袖口

    a collar and cuffs of white lace

  3. 设计师Burton所采用的一些蕾丝花边只有五便士的大小,这样的蕾丝图案每分钟只能缝纫两到三厘米。

    Burton sourced a series of lace motifs some as small as a five pence piece , which had to be applied with minute stitches every two to three millimetres .

  4. 她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。

    She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace .

  5. 谁来买我的蕾丝花边,搭扣,腰带,蝴蝶结呀?

    Who will buy my beautiful laces , buckles , belts , bows ?

  6. 精致点心的衣着充分使用华丽的玫瑰蕾丝花边。

    " Dainty Biscuit " wears a gorgeous dress accented with roses and lace .

  7. 你为什么穿起蕾丝花边的衣服了?

    What 's with all your lacy apparel ?

  8. 它的确精致无比,丝质、全手工缝制,周围还有一圈网状蕾丝花边。

    It was exquisite , silk , handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace .

  9. 在与查尔斯的订婚仪式上,卡米拉选择了带有蕾丝花边的黄色长裙。

    For her engagement with Charles , Camilla wore an elegant yellow gown with lace detail .

  10. 译文:时装设计师们总感到设计出新的布料、蕾丝花边和色彩是个棘手的问题。

    They go to a lot of trouble to come up with new fabrics , laces and colours .

  11. 学校有规定裙摆至少必须及膝,而该薄荷绿蕾丝花边显然比学校要求的短了那么几英寸。

    The modest green shift appears to be a few inches short of meeting the school 's kneecap-length rule .

  12. 我穿裙式短裤和镶有红蓝相间的蕾丝花边的汤米·希尔费格牌球鞋,一头金发总是扎成马尾。

    I wore skorts and Tommy Hilfiger sneakers with red and blue laces , and my blond hair was frequently in a ponytail .

  13. 爷爷将手帕绑在“桅杆”上,用青草正好能穿过蕾丝花边,先是上面的横梁,然后是下面的。

    Grandfather threaded the handkerchief to the mast using grass that fit nicely through the lace , first along the upper beam , then the lower one .

  14. 我昨晚在港汇广场里吃饭时,当我看到一个中国男人走路时打着粉红色蕾丝花边伞,我实在忍不住笑起来。

    I went out last night to go eat at GongHui Plaza and couldn 't help laughing seeing a Chinese man walk by with a pink lace umbrella .

  15. 深色衣料贴合得裹着上半身,腰部以下是带着漂亮蕾丝花边的深绿色天鹅绒裙子。

    The dark material formed nicely around the torso , and flared out from the waist down into a full skirt of deep green velvet trimmed with fine lace .

  16. 然后抬起她的裙子,让他们搅乱,蕾丝花边和与蓬松鸭她说她学习一种新的方式来抚养她的孩子,所以他们不会随地吐痰。

    Then lifted her skirt and showed them her ruffles and laces and whit fluffy duck she said she was learning a new way to bring up her children so they would not spit .

  17. 形成或纺织成编织物。这种机器主要是用来装蕾丝花边、缝松紧带或给精编织物的边提供一个装饰的效果。

    Form or weave into a braid or braids . The primary use of the zigzag machine is to applique lace , attach elastic , and provide a decorative finish for the edges or tricot knits .

  18. 这种机器主要是用来装蕾丝花边、缝松紧带或给精编织物的边提供一个装饰的效果。纬编双面提花织物工艺设计中的用纱比估算

    The primary use of the zigzag machine is to applique lace , attach elastic , and provide a decorative finish for the edges or tricot knits . The Estimation for Yarn Consumption Ratio in the Technological Design of Weft knitted Reversible Jacquard Fabric

  19. 内衣为男性的身体结构专门设计,尽管文胸仍有女性内衣的蕾丝、花边和钢圈,却没有海绵垫,让男性穿上时不会觉得“不自然”。

    The lingerie is specifically designed with men 's larger frames in mind and , although they still feature the lace , florals and underwiring you might expect to find in a woman 's underwear collection , the bra cups lack padding , allowing men to slip them on without feeling ' unnatural ' .