
  1. 妮可的男朋友离开她之后,她就通过狂吃冰淇淋来安慰自己。

    When Nicole 's boyfriend left her , she pigged out on ice cream to comfort herself .

  2. 据NPR新闻的妮可·比姆斯特博报道,当时伊拉克军方车队正在护送叙利亚士兵返回叙利亚。

    NPR 's Nicole Beemsterboer says Iraqi forces were escorting the soldiers back to Syria .

  3. 后来他们出版了自己的同好杂志《发条香蕉》(BananeMecanique),其中第一期是把电影《发条橙》(AClockworkOrange)的海报和专辑《地下丝绒乐队与妮可》(TheVelvetUnderground&Nico)的封面糅在了一起。

    Later , they 'd produce their own fanzine , Banane M canique ( Clockwork Banana ) , the first issue of which featured a mash-up of the poster for A Clockwork Orange and the cover of the album The Velvet Underground & Nico .

  4. 通过研究IMDB上20000部影片的172000次点映,罗斯曼和论文的另一个作者妮可?埃斯帕扎发现,剧情片比其他类型影片获提名的可能性高出九倍。

    Considering 172000 performances listed on IMDB in 20000 movies , Rossman and co-author Nicole Esparza found that dramas were were nine times more likely to get nominations .

  5. 妮可∶两个月后。我好兴奋。

    Nicole : In two months . I 'm so excited .

  6. 阿珍:嘿,妮可。你的宝宝如何?

    Jane : Hey , Nicole . How 's the baby ?

  7. 妮可∶二十磅意大利宽条面,我自己做的。

    Nicole : It 's 20 pounds of my homemade Fettucini .

  8. 妮可∶那时间应该够长了。谢谢!

    Nicole : That should be plenty of time . Thanks !

  9. 妮可∶嘿,我又不是对什么人都说。

    Nicole ︰ Hey , I wouldn 't tell just anyone .

  10. 妮可,够了,你又不像他们。

    Nick , stop it , you 're not like them .

  11. 妮可:我可以一直用热水吗?

    Niko : can I get hot water all the time ?

  12. 妮可∶我辞掉了美食评论的工作。

    Nicole : I quit my job as a food critic .

  13. 他仍在为妮可的事而愤怒

    And he 's still angry about what happened to Nicole .

  14. 我叫妮可很高兴认识你妮可

    I 'm Nicole . Nice to meet you , Nicole .

  15. 妮可:太容易了,我想我会使用了。

    Niko : that 's easy . I think I can manage .

  16. 汤姆克鲁斯和妮可基曼离婚了。

    A : Tom Cruise and Nichole Kidman got divorced .

  17. 妮可∶嗯,那你自己多印几份吧。

    Nicole : Well then , make more copies yourself .

  18. 阿珍:好了,妮可。??准备好要列印了吗?

    Jane : Alright , Nicole . Are you ready to print ?

  19. 我想首先感谢妮可谢谢她友善的介绍

    I want to start by thanking Nicole for that very kind introduction

  20. 妮可,我知道没有男人是岛屿。

    Nicole , I have learned that no man is an island .

  21. 喂妮可我是安德鲁

    Hello ? Hey , Nicole , it 's Andrew .

  22. 妮可:每个房间都是这样的宽敞和舒适。

    Niko : Every room is very specious and comfortable .

  23. 妮可:我可以请八周产假。

    Nicole : I 'm allowed to take eight weeks .

  24. 妮可:汤姆,我刚知道一个好消息。

    Nicole : Tom , I just found out some great news .

  25. 我要感谢妮可我为她感到自豪

    So I want to thank Nicole . I 'm proud of her

  26. 但你已经为妮可写了一个非常美的爱情故事

    But you 've written a really beautiful love story for Nicole .

  27. 妮可儿和米雪从幼儿园开始就是好朋友了。

    Nicole and Michelle had been best friends since preschool .

  28. 我们继续采访妮可·波乐曼你们学校有多少位老师

    We are back with Nicole Bohlmann.How many um teachers are there ?

  29. 妮可:你明天要去凯莉的退休晚宴吗?

    Nicole : Are you going to Kelly 's retirement dinner tomorrow ?

  30. 妮可:这是我给你的一份小小的礼物。

    Niko : this is my small present for you .