
shènɡ dàn qián yè
  • Christmas Eve
  1. 我是PaulaHancocks,现在在伯利恒,大约15000名游客正在庆祝圣诞前夜。

    I am Paula Hancocks in Bethlehem , where some 15000 visitors are here to celebrate Christmas eve .

  2. 他在球员生涯中曾被裁过几次,包括1990年圣诞前夜口袋里装着送给Cassandra的订婚戒指那次。

    He was waived several times during his playing career , including Christmas Eve of1990 while carrying Cassandra 's engagement ring in his pocket .

  3. 有一个指示标是这样写的:“周一到周五、新年和圣诞前夜通往大都会大街(MetropolitanAv)。其他时间乘坐F线到德兰西街(DelanceySt)转J线。”

    There are signs that say : " To Metropolitan Av weekdays & eves . Other times take F to Delancey St for J. "

  4. 万圣节、圣诞前夜还有新年在D22的演出总是很火爆。

    The Halloween , Christmas Eve and New Years shows at D-22 are always a blast .

  5. eve:前夕,前夜真正的Waldorf圣诞前夜draw:画line:线,界线Eleanor圣诞节定好了规矩只能有我,她和Dorota。

    Blair : Well , a real Waldorf Christmas eve . Eleanor drew the line at Christmas day . That 's only for me , her and Dorota . -

  6. 圣诞前夜商店和街道都装饰得非常漂亮。

    The stores and streets were beautifully decorated on Christmas Eve .

  7. 我们常去参加大教堂的圣诞前夜祈祷仪式。

    We always go to the Christmas Eve service at the cathedral .

  8. 可是圣诞前夜送货的司机们在闹罢工。

    And the Teamsters are on strike on Christmas eve .

  9. 圣诞前夜人们吃团圆饭。这是圣诞前夜,好人儿。

    On Christmas Eve , people have big family dinner .

  10. 苏:十二月二十四号,圣诞前夜那天,全家一起吃饭。

    Sue : On December24th , Christmas eve , the family ate together .

  11. 圣诞前夜孩子们常会得到丰富的礼物。

    Children always gain lavish gifts at Christmas Eve .

  12. 听着,我知道是圣诞前夜

    Listen , I know it 's Christmas Eve ,

  13. 在一个圣诞前夜,老斯克罗吉正在办公室忙碌着。

    One Christmas Eve , old Scrooge was working busily in his office .

  14. 圣诞前夜,参议院通过了自己版本的法案。

    The Senate passed its version on Christmas Eve .

  15. 准备圣诞前夜宴会使我伤透脑筋。

    Prepareing for the Chirstmas Eve feast makes me at my wit 's end .

  16. 他们在圣诞前夜或圣诞节这天吃这些食物。

    They eat these foods on the night before Christmas and on Christmas day .

  17. 在圣诞前夜,人们喜欢用灯泡来装饰圣诞树。

    On Christmas Eve , people like to deck the Christmas tree with bulbs .

  18. 圣诞前夜,英国皇家空军轰炸并扫射了我们那列没有标记的火车。

    On Christmas eve the Royal Air Force bombed and strafed our unmarked train .

  19. 圣诞前夜有一场通宵连续播放的电视节目。

    There was a non-stop TV programmer all the night on the eve of Christmas .

  20. 著名的美国诗“圣诞前夜”给他们命的名。

    The famous American poem , " the night before Christmas , " named them .

  21. 圣诞前夜,我们每个人都从圣诞老人那儿得到了一份礼物。

    On the Christmas eve , everyone of us got a gift from father christmas .

  22. 圣诞前夜,图斯康比亚的学童们也有自己的圣诞树,他们邀请我去参加庆祝活动。

    On Christmas Eve the Tuscumbia schoolchildren had their tree , to which they invited me .

  23. 很多基督徒们将要在圣诞前夜或圣诞节当天去教堂。

    Many Christians will go to church the night before the holiday or on Christmas day .

  24. 圣诞前夜我们全家大团圆,过了愉快的一晚。

    We had a big family reunion on Christmas Eve and we had a wonderful night .

  25. 圣诞前夜

    The Night Before Christmas

  26. 我知道他在圣诞前夜把食品和欢乐赠予贫穷的人们;

    I have seen him spend his Christmas Eves taking gifts of food and joy to indigent families .

  27. 圣诞前夜我有个朋友,保罗在圣诞节那天收到了一份来自他哥哥的礼物,一辆轿车。

    ON CHRISTMAS EVE A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as Christmas present .

  28. 之前一直没打电话给你是因为我本打算在圣诞前夜邀请你上节目,恩惠。

    I didn 't call you up coz I was supposed to invite you on Christmas Eve , EunHye .

  29. 在圣诞前夜,一个很饿的白发男子从雪中走来,开始了演奏。

    Then on Christmas Eve , a half-starved white-haired man came in from the snow and began to play .

  30. 你能来我很开心,没想到我能在圣诞前夜和恩灿一起做广播。

    So happy that you came and didn 't guess that I could broadcast with EunChan on Christmas Eve .