
  • Paul;Chris Paul;Ron Paul;POLO
  1. 保罗这个永远的乐观主义者答应再试一次。

    Paul , ever the optimist , agreed to try again .

  2. 保罗?道歉?那真是太阳从西边出来了!

    Paul ? Apologize ? That 'll be the day !

  3. 我听得见保罗在隔壁房间里打呼噜。

    I could hear Paul snoring in the next room .

  4. 保罗和他的未婚妻在那里。

    Paul and his fianc é e were there .

  5. 无论如何都不要告诉保罗!

    Don 't tell Paul , whatever you do !

  6. 开长途车是保罗工作的一部分。

    Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job .

  7. 乔认为保罗竟然那样对他说话,气得直发抖。

    Joe quivered with indignation that Paul should speak to him like that .

  8. 保罗邀请塔拉外出吃饭,但遭到拒绝。

    Paul asked Tara out to dinner but she gave him the brush-off .

  9. “你好,保罗。”他们齐声问候道。

    ‘ Hello , Paul , ’ they chorused .

  10. 波诺的真实姓名是保罗∙休森。

    Bono 's real name is Paul Hewson .

  11. 保罗喜欢幻想,不太讲究实际。

    Paul was dreamy and not very practical .

  12. 简好像不再喜欢保罗了。

    Jane seems to be going off Paul .

  13. 保罗当时心情忧郁。

    Paul was in a sombre mood .

  14. 保罗挣扎着下了轮椅。

    Paul struggled out of his wheelchair .

  15. 要是我没太弄错的话,那边那个就是保罗的妻子。

    Unless I 'm very much mistaken , that 's Paul 's wife over there .

  16. 谢谢,保罗爵士。

    Thank you , Sir Paul .

  17. 保罗不会开车,所以我手臂骨折时他一点忙也没帮上。

    Paul can 't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm .

  18. 保罗渴得拼命喝水。

    Paul drank thirstily .

  19. 坦白地说,我不知道保罗看上她什么了。

    Frankly , I don 't know what Paul sees in her

  20. 后来才知道保罗把驾照忘在家里了。

    It transpired that Paolo had left his driving licence at home

  21. 直到圣诞节之后我才见到保罗。

    It wasn 't until after Christmas that I met Paul .

  22. 在访问东帝汶期间,教皇约翰·保罗受到了热烈的欢迎。

    Pope John Paul received a rapturous reception when he visited East Timor

  23. 5月,教皇约翰·保罗将为吉安娜·贝雷塔行宣福礼。

    In May , Pope John Paul is to beatify Gianna Beretta .

  24. 保罗身上无疑带有清教徒气质。

    Paul was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him .

  25. 内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。

    Miserable , and unexpectedly lonely , she went in search of Jean-Paul

  26. 她很紧张,眼睛不停地在人群中搜寻保罗。

    She was nervous and kept scanning the crowd for Paul

  27. 保罗十分讨人喜欢,开玩笑时很有分寸。

    Paul is a thoroughly likeable man with an unerring sense of comedy

  28. 保罗昨晚肚子不舒服。

    Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset

  29. 我和保罗叔叔几乎互不相识。

    Uncle Paul and I hardly know each other .

  30. 保罗醒得很早,历来如此。

    Paul woke early , as was his wont .