
  • 网络protective tube;protection tube;protecting tube;guard tube
  1. φ3mm铠装热电偶保护管焊接

    Welding for protective tube of φ 3mm armored thermocouple

  2. 解剖现场使用后的金属陶瓷保护管,确认MAC-6型金属陶瓷保护管是具有抗热震、耐铜液腐蚀性能的新型材料。

    MAC-6 ceramal protective tube is thus confirmed , through anatomic examination , as a new type of material resistant to both thermal shock and corrosion by copper melt .

  3. 玻璃钢电缆保护管直径d为(50~200)mm,管子壁厚t为(2~12)mm,变化范围很大。

    The diameter of FRP cable protective pipes varies from 50 to 200 mm and the thickness of the pipe wall is from 2 to 12 mm .

  4. 本文对埋在地下的玻璃钢电缆保护管,受20t卡车的载荷进行了强度计算,结果证明强度是足够的。

    This paper has calculated strength under ground compression subjected 20 t heavy truck for FRP cable protect tube .

  5. TSD型杆式水平位移计的创新点在于:将减小位移传递杆摩阻力的导向轴承安装在系统保护管内,改善了位移传递杆工作状态,从而提高了系统观测精度;

    The new device has the following advantages : ( 1 ) improving the working conditions of the displacement transfer rod and increasing the observation accuracy because the guide bearing that decreases the friction resistance of the displacement transfer rod is installed in the protective tube ;

  6. 结果表明,热电偶保护管密封不严,使用时环境气氛与偶丝直接接触,磷杂质污染偶丝并在偶丝晶界上形成富Pt-P脆性相,造成沿晶脆性断裂,引起热电偶失效。

    The results show that the thermocouple wire was contaminated by phosphorus that came from the ambience gas , and Pt-P rich phase appeared at the grain boundary of the thermocouple wire , which caused the brittle fracture along the grain boundary , resulting in the thermocouple failure .

  7. 阳极保护管壳式浓硫酸冷却器的应用

    Application of shell and tube concentrated SA cooler with anodic protection

  8. 玻璃熔液测温用热电偶保护管的研制

    Development of protective pipes for thermocouple used in measuring molten-glass temperature

  9. 提高阳极保护管壳式酸冷却器使用寿命

    Increasing Service Life of Anode Protective Shell and Tube Acid Cooler

  10. 此研究结果为保护管现场合理使用提供了依据。

    The result supports the reasonable use of such a protective tube .

  11. 玻璃钢电缆保护管试验及理论分析

    Test and theoretical analysis of FRP cable protective pipes with different specifications

  12. 延长热电偶保护管使用寿命研究

    A study on extending service life of HEAT-COUPLE protecting tube

  13. 阳极保护管壳式酸冷却器水垢堵塞的解决途径

    Effective Way to Solve Scale Blocking in Anode Protective Tube Acid Cooler

  14. 保护管可按现场需要选用耐高温保护管。

    Protective tube can be made of material can work under high temperature .

  15. 热电偶保护管及特种温度传感器

    New Protective Shells of Thermocouples and Special Temperature Sensors

  16. ▲毛细管:铜或不锈钢毛细管,不锈钢保护管。

    Capillary : Brass or stainless steel capillary with s / s protector .

  17. 钼基金属陶瓷热电偶保护管的研究

    Mo & Base Ceramet Protection Tubes for Thermocouples

  18. 涂层碳素钢电偶保护管

    Carbon Steel Protecting Housing with Coating for Thermocouple

  19. 钢水连续测温用BN-AlN-TiB2复合陶瓷热电偶保护管

    Protective Tubes of Thermocouple of BN-AlN-TiB_2 Composites for Continuous Temperature Measurement in Molten Steel

  20. 硅/碳化硅材料用作电解铝热电偶保护管的可行性研究

    Feasibility of Si / SiC Materials Used as Thermal Protection Tube in Molten Electrolysis Aluminium

  21. 在保护管内有一磁保护板、磁环;

    A magnetic protecting plate and a magnetism ring are arranged in the protecting pipe ;

  22. 阳极保护管壳式不锈钢浓硫酸冷却器在我厂的应用与总结

    Application and summarization of anode protecting stainless steel concentrated sulphuric acid cooler in our factory

  23. 高压注水井套管保护管柱受力分析探讨

    Analysis and discuss on the force applied on protecting pipe for well casing under high pressure

  24. 钢水连续测温用Mo&MgO金属陶瓷保护管的腐蚀过程

    On the corrosion of mo-mgo ceramal casing tube under continuous measurement of the temperature of molten steel

  25. 热电偶保护管的性能和选用椭圆管外的冷凝传热

    Performance And Selection Of Thermocouple Protective Tube Condensation Heat Transfer for Elliptical Pipes in Stationary Saturated Vapor

  26. 金属陶瓷热电偶保护管

    Ceramet protective pipe for thermocouple

  27. 分析了阳极保护管壳式不锈钢浓硫酸冷却器管程水垢堵塞的原因。

    The reason for scale bloking in anode protective tube stainless cooler for concentrated sulfuric acid was analyzed .

  28. 穿线前,应将电线保护管内的积水及杂物清除干净。

    And before wiring , the water and other sundries inside the protecting tube should be cleaned up .

  29. 制酸系统酸冷却器由淋洒式铸铁排管改为阳极保护管壳式浓硫酸冷却器。技改后系统阻力降低,生产能力提高,生产成本降低,获得较好经济效益。

    After the improvement , the system resistance was decreased , productivity increased and the production cost reduced .

  30. 热电偶损坏率的高低直接取决于保护管材料的性能。

    The damage rate of thermocouple is directly determined with the material from which protective tube is made .