
  • 网络Spectral width;Spectrum width;FWHM
  1. 其中,调Q锁模的中心波长为1051nm,激光光谱宽度为11.5nm;

    The central wavelength of the Q-switched and mode-locked state is 1 051 nm , and the spectral width is 11.5 nm .

  2. 我们对1&15个大气压范围内XeCl准分子B→X跃迁的光谱宽度测量表明在高于一定气压Pr后,光谱宽度不再随气压增加而减小,相反随气压增加而增大。

    Recently , we have measured the spectral width of the XeCl B → X transition from 1 to 15 atm . The experimental result show that there is a gas pressure P_r , when PP_4 , the spectral width increases with increasing gas pressure .

  3. 高气压下氯化氙B→X跃迁的光谱宽度研究

    Study on The Spectral Width of XeCl B → X Transition Observed at High Gas Pressure

  4. 考虑光谱宽度的光波导F-P调制器的灵敏度

    Sensitivity of Optical Waveguide Fabry-Perot Modulator Considering Light Spectrum Width

  5. 通过对偏振度公式的理论分析,得出了DOP随DGD变化的关系由分光比以及光源的光谱宽度决定的结论。

    Based on the expression , we get the conclusions that the relationship between DOP and DGD is decided by the width of optical spectrum and the splitting ratio .

  6. 输出脉宽为6~7毫微秒(FWHM),光谱宽度约为0.35埃(FWHM),最高输出达60毫焦耳,偏振度达98%,重复率为1次/秒。

    Its pulse width is 6 ~ 7ns ( FWHM ), spectral width about 0.35 ( FWHM ) . Maximum output is 60 mj , polarization , 98 % repetition rate , lpps .

  7. 相位跃变干扰了Stokes光的相位,减小了相干长度,增加了光谱宽度。相位跃变的产生中断了SBS的相位共轭过程,造成SBS的相位共轭度下降。

    Phase jumps disrupt the phase of the Stokes beam generated by SBS , therefore tend to decrease the coherence length , increase the spectral width of the Stokes signal , suspend the phase conjugation process and decrease the fidelity of phase conjugation .

  8. 在腔内不加任何调制元件的情况下实现软光阑锁模,获得最短脉冲宽度为15fs,光谱宽度为80nm,输出平均功率400mW。

    The pulse duration is 15 fs with 80 nm spectrum bandwidth . The 400 mW average power is obtained .

  9. 与光纤耦合效率可达45%以上,光谱宽度大于40nm(工作电流100mA)。

    The efficiency of coupling can be above 45 % and the bandwidth of spectrum can exceed 40nm ( operating current is 100mA ) .

  10. 最后用光栅谱仪测得在16W微波功率作用下产生0.13nm光谱宽度,两种测试结果吻合较好。

    Finally , with a grating spectrometer , the 0.13 nm spectrum width at 16 W microwave power is measured . The two measured results are in good agreements .

  11. 抽运光谱宽度对喇曼光纤放大器的影响

    Effect of Pumping Light Linewidth on Fiber Raman Amplifier

  12. 光谱宽度对偏振度与差分群延时关系影响的研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Optical Spectrum Width on Degree of Polarization

  13. 膜厚监控系统的光谱宽度对波分复用窄带滤光片性能的影响

    Influence of the Spectral Bandwidth of Thickness Monitor System on the WDM Narrow Band-pass Filter

  14. 第一种随泵浦功率升高,脉冲宽度及光谱宽度均增大。

    For the first type , the pulse duration and bandwidth both enlarge with the increase of pump .

  15. 目前,光学系统的发展正向着增大数值孔径、缩短入射波长以及增加光谱宽度的目标而前进。

    Optical systems are currently developing towards the aim of larger NA , shorter wavelengths and broader spectrum .

  16. 锁模输出的中心波长为1051nm,激光光谱宽度为13.8nm,重复频率为19MHz。

    The central wavelength of the mode-locked state is 1 051 nm , the spectral width is 13.8 nm , and the repetition rate is 19 MHz .

  17. 超荧光掺铒光纤光源具有波长稳定性好、光谱宽度宽和输出功率高等优点,成为高精度光纤陀螺的首选光源。

    Super-fluorescence erbium-doped fiber light source with good wavelength stability , wide optical spectral type and high optical power to become the first choice for high-precision fiber optic gyroscope .

  18. 我们研究得出光谱宽度和脉冲能量,脉冲宽度以及气体压强的关系。

    One of the purposes of this study was to investigate the dependence of the spectrum width on the pulse energy , pulse width , and pressure of noble gases .

  19. 在干涉仪的结构、光源的光谱宽度以及扫描步长一定的情况下,选择合适的算法对干涉信号进行处理能够达到更高的测量精度。

    When the structure of the interferometer , the spectrum width of the light source , and the scanning step is certain , the right algorithm can achieve higher precision .

  20. 随着超短脉冲激光技术的发展需要,激光脉冲的脉宽已经进入到阿秒领域,从而使得激光的光谱宽度变得越来越宽。

    With the development needs of ultrashort pulses laser technology , the pulse width of a laser has entered the field of attosecond , so that the spectrum width of the laser becomes more and more wide .

  21. 最后,对竖直信道单环谐振波分复用器的系统传递函数行进了推导,分析和讨论了耦合系数对于下载端输出光谱宽度、插入损耗以及信道间串扰的影响。

    Finally , the transfer function of single micro-ring resonators wavelength multiplexers with vertical channel is derived . The influence of coupling coefficient on the drop port output spectrum width , the insertion loss , and the crosstalk between channels is analyzed and discussed .

  22. 当激发波长在506nm附近时,观测到一个强度很弱但发射谱线宽度只有约0.05eV的发光带,远小于250nm激发时的发射光谱的宽度(约0.50eV)。

    When excited by wavelength around 506 nm , a weak and very narrow photoluminescence peak ( FWHM of only 0.05 eV ) is observed , which is much smaller than that when excited by 246 nm wavelength light ( about 0.50 eV ) .

  23. 考察了光谱狭缝宽度的影响。

    The influence of spectral slit width was studied .

  24. 模拟与分析表明,在一定条件下,输出光谱半宽度?

    Simulation and analysis show that on a certain condition the output spectra half width ?

  25. 采用先进的LPE及反应离子刻蚀等微细加工技术制作了盘型-图钉式微腔结构,测得其有源区的光荧光谱的半宽度为0.032eV,波长为815.33nm。

    The measured half width of photoluminescence spectrum in the active area is 0.032 eV with the wavelength of 815.33 nm .

  26. 环形腔激光器具有较低的腔损耗及阈值,而直腔激光器输出激光则有更窄的光谱半功率宽度(FWHM)。

    And it is also found that the Yb 3 + - doped ring cavity fiber laser have lower cavity loss and pump threshold , while F-P cavity fiber laser has narrower FWHM .

  27. 在入射脉冲为负啁啾情况下,实验观察到脉冲光谱及时域宽度同时得到压缩,并可获得比激光源所能提供的更短的近双曲正割型变换限脉冲。

    Moreover , with the input pulse negatively chirped , we observed that the spectrum and pulse duration could be compressed simultaneously , and near sech ~ 2 transform-limited output pulses shorter than original laser pulse source were obtained .

  28. 利用电光调制器对激光进行射频相位调制,以产生的调制边带与激光载波的频率间隔作为射频标尺,精确测量了法布里-珀罗腔透射光谱的谱线宽度。

    The frequency interval between the carrier and one sideband generated by electro-optical modulation is used as a radio frequency ruler to precisely measure the linewidth .

  29. 光学滤光片是从连续的光谱中提取一定宽度的光谱带或在离散的线状光谱中提取某些辐射的光学元件。

    Optical filters are spectrum instruments which are used to intercept the spectrum band with a certain width from the continuous spectrum or extract some radiation lines from line spectrum .

  30. 利用腔精细度与腔透射光谱的谱线宽度及反射率的关系公式,获得了反射镜的反射率,测量精度可达到10-4。

    Thus the reflectivity of mirrors is obtained with uncertainty reaching the level of 10 - 4 by the relation of fineness of cavity , spectral linewidth and reflectivity of mirrors .