
  • 网络optical link;OLM
  1. 光链路设计的Java小程序实现

    Optical Link Design Based on Java Applet

  2. 三级光链路的HFC网络中同轴电缆分配系统的设计和实践

    Coaxial Cable Distributing System Design and Practice in Three Steps Optical Link HFC Network

  3. CATV光链路的分析与计算

    Analysis and calculation of CATV Optical Links

  4. HFC网光链路损耗和分光比理论计算与实测结果分析

    The Results Analyses Between Theoretical Calculation and Measured Value for Optical Link Loss and Optical Divide Radio in HFC Net

  5. 针对波长路由网络中动态光链路建立问题,提出了一种快速动态波长路由算法(RWA)。

    A novel dynamic router and wavelength assignment ( RWA ) algorithm for the dynamic wavelength router optical network ( WRON ) was presented here .

  6. FEC使得光链路接收机可以工作在更高的误码率水平上,从而有效地改善链路功率预算,进一步地,可以增大传输距离或提高光分支比。

    FEC allows a link to operate with a higher bit error rate at the receiver . Consequently , FEC effectively increases the optical link budget , which in turn allows increased distance or split ratios . FEC becomes increasingly important as bit rate increases .

  7. 用电子色散补偿增加10Gbps光链路的距离

    Increasing Reach on 10 Gbps Optical Links with Electronic Dispersion Compensation

  8. 星间光链路(OISLs)中捕获系统分析及仿真

    Analysis and Simulation on acquisition system for optical inter-satellite links

  9. 实验网络可以完成端到端光链路的自动建立。

    The experimental network can realize the automatic setup of a pear-to-pear optical circuit .

  10. 具有服务等级的光链路建立方法

    Optical link establishment method with CoS in ASON

  11. 原子滤光器多峰及可调谐特性在卫星光链路捕捉系统中应用探讨

    An Approach Using Multi-Peak and Tunable Characteristic of Atom Filter in Inter-Satellite Laser Link Acquisition System

  12. 实验证明,通过该方案光链路频率响应的最大点可以移动到任意频点处。

    The maximum point of the frequency response can be shifted to any frequency of interest .

  13. 模拟光链路是微波光子学的重要组成部分,融合了微波技术和光子技术。

    Analog Photonic Link ( APL ) is the essential part of Microwave Photonics , converging microwave and photonics technologies .

  14. 星&树枝型光链路光发射功率、分光比及光接收功率的计算与分析

    Computing Method and Analysis of Optical Sender Power Optical Divide Ratio and Optical Receive Power in the Star-Tree Branch Optical Link

  15. 在有线电视光链路设计中,参数的计算是一项繁琐且很重要的工作内容。

    In the CATV Network Optical Cable design , the calculation of parameter is not only complicated but also very important .

  16. 作为星际光链路的空间激光通信可建立全天候、高机动性、高灵活性、高可靠信息平台。

    Space laser communication , which is regarded as Inter-satellite optical links can establish a round-the-clock , high-flexibility , high-agility , high-reliability information platform .

  17. 从轨道方程出发,对影响卫星光链路接收机带宽的主要因素&多普勒频移进行了研究。

    The Doppler frequency shift , the main factor restricting the bandwidth of receiver in inter satellite laser link , with orbit equations is calculated .

  18. 尤其是对于毫米波信号的产生、光电子器件的选择、光链路的结构及基站的设计等问题进行了较深入的讨论。

    Special attention was put on production of millimeter wave , choice of optoelectronic device , architecture of down and up fiber optic links , etc.

  19. 然而,由于传统的强度调制或相位调制的模拟光链路一般都采用双边带调制,所以光纤的色散效应将导致输出信号的功率发生周期性衰减。

    However , chromatic dispersion ( CD ) of the optical fiber would lead to spectrally periodical power fading because a conventional intensity or phase modulated APL employs double sideband ( DSB ) modulation .

  20. 同时,提出了应用于该结构的智能控制信号传输帧结构以及通过设置可用波长被锁定的时间门限来实现三种具有服务等级的智能光链路建立方式。

    In the intelligent control software , a very simple control frame for control information transportation is proposed along with an optical link setup method by using three kinds of resource lock threshold to realize a classification of service ( CoS ) of link establishment .

  21. 用半导体激光器和PIN光电探测器设计和实现的光互连链路

    Design and Implementation of an Optical Interconnection Data Link Using Semiconductor Lasers and PIN Photo Detectors

  22. 基于可编程门阵列(FPGA)器件实现了低功耗的高速光互连链路。

    A low power-dissipation gigabit-per-second optical interconnection data link was realized using field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) .

  23. 介绍了基于Linux操作系统,以光互连链路接口卡为网络硬件接口编制并行计算环境的物理层链路驱动软件的设计方法和程序结构等。

    The design method of physical link driver software for Linux , which uses optical interconnection link as network interface for parallel computing , is introduced .

  24. 采用时分复用虚拟并行传输技术,设计并实现了用于计算机PCI总线并行互连的光互连链路。

    Using TDM ( time division multiplexing ), virtual parallel synchronous data transmission between the PCI buses of two computers has been achieved .

  25. 本文采用半导体激光器和PIN光电探测器,设计和实现了用于计算机PCI总线并行互连的光互连链路。

    In this paper , an optical interconnection data link for PCI bus parallel interconnect has been designed and implemented using semiconductor laser diodes and PIN photo detectors .

  26. 在同时考虑偏振模色散(PMD)及偏振相关损耗(PDL)情况下,分别通过理论和蒙特-卡罗方法研究了光传输链路的输出信号偏振态相关函数。

    The autocorrelation function of the output polarization states of the optical transmission links in presence of polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and polarization dependent loss ( PDL ) was investigated by theory and Monte-Carlo simulation method .

  27. 空间卫星光通信链路关键技术与方案的研究

    Key Technology and Schemes of Optical Communication between GEO and LEO

  28. 湍流大气中光强闪烁对光通信链路的影响

    Scintillation in Atmospheric Onflow Effect on the Optical Communications Link

  29. 用于计算机总线并行互连的高速光互连链路

    A High Speed Optical Interconnect Link for Computer Parallel Interconnection

  30. 大气折射对空地卫星光通信链路影响的研究

    Atmospheric refraction affects the system of space-earth satellite communication