
  • 网络Protective board;fender;Front Window;PCM
  1. Ⅱ型保护板在城市集中供热管道工程中的应用

    The Application of Type ⅱ Fender in the Urban Centralized Heat-supply Pipeline Engineering

  2. 如果其结构连接严格的抗ESD处理程序,对制造商而言,片上ESD保护板装配的IC安全是必要的。

    The on-chip-ESD protection may be all that 's necessary to see an IC safely from its manufacturer to a board assembler if both organizations adhere to strict anti-ESD-handling procedures .

  3. 结论PC-DCP可明显保护板下皮质骨血运。

    Conclusions PC-DCP can markedly protect cortical bone blood flow .

  4. 结果表明,第一壁铍保护板和RAFM钢的最高温度符合热工安全设计要求。

    The results show that the maximum temperature of beryllium armor and RAFM steel of first-wall meet the thermal design requirements .

  5. 奇封排水保护板在种植屋面工程中的应用

    Application of " Qifeng " drainage protection board in planted roof

  6. 一排结实的保护板所起的缓冲作用。

    The cushioning effect of a solid row of fenders .

  7. 保护板等高小牛注入聚氨酯高冲击保护。

    Contoured calf protector plate is injected with PU for high impact protection .

  8. 不锈钢滑动保护板不会限制标准入坡角。

    The stainless steel skid plate does not restrict the standard approach angle .

  9. 该公司将免费更换有缺陷的冷却器,或安装召回车辆的保护板。

    The company will replace the defective coolers or install the protection plates for the recalled cars free of charge .

  10. 通过保护板的动作联动保护开关,实现断电与刹车。

    The switch is protected through the linked action of the guard plate to realize the power cut and the brake .

  11. 生产“”牌建筑防水卷材、建筑防水涂料、排水保护板三大系列的产品。

    Production " of " brand building waterproofing membrane , building waterproof coating , drainage protection plate three series of products .

  12. 根据该声明,这些车辆缺少高压燃料泵的保护板,这增加了撞车起火的风险。

    These vehicles are missing protection plates for their high-pressure fuel pumps , which increased the risk of fire at crash , according to the statement .

  13. 利用设计出的两块均衡保护板对随机选取成组的锂电池组进行了充放电实验,对实验结果进行了分析。

    Using these two circuit boards to carry on charge and discharge experiments on Lithium Battery Pack , the experimental results are analyzed in this paper .

  14. 这种探测器具有承受激光束能量密度高、探测面积大和能量测试误差小等特点,主要由保护板、量热器阵列和热沉积构成。

    The detector consists of separating board , heat measurer array and heat container , and characterized by its capability of undertaking much energy density , large detecting area and little error of energy measurement .

  15. 文中简述了主动电磁装甲的基本装置,讨论了其工作原理,建立了主动电磁装甲的机电模型,并由此导出了保护板发射速度以及能量转换效率的表达式。

    The paper describes the installation of active electromagnetic armor , discusses the principles of active electromagnetic armor , gives equivalent circuit model of an active electromagnetic armor and derives expression of velocity of plate and energy efficiency .

  16. 数字控制电路按功能分为电源板、主板、测量及保护板、脉冲放大板四个模块,详细介绍了各电路模块的设计原理和元器件的选型。

    Digital control circuits according to its function are divided into power board , motherboard , measurements and protection board , pulse amplification board four modules , introduces the design principle and the component selection of each circuit module .

  17. 基于锂电池正极材料烧结曲线和工艺参数等特点,提出应用可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)对氮气保护推板炉的温度、气氛和循环动作实现自动控制。

    Based on the characteristics of the sinter curve and technique process of positive pole material in lithium battery , the application of programmable logic controller is proposed to implement automatic control for temperature , atmosphere and circulation of nitrogen-protected push type kilns .

  18. 控制和保护仪表板,24KV配电柜,计算机系统,远距离通信系统,数据采集与监控系统设备和安装服务。

    Supply of Control and Protection panels , 24KV cubicles , computerize system , Telecommunication system , SCADA equipment and installation services .

  19. 本文介绍我校研制成功的,用于测定绝热材料表观导热系数的双试样保护热板1400K高温导热仪。

    This paper describes the apparatus designed and assembled by Tongji University for measurement of apparent conductivity of insulating material by means of two-specimen guarded hot plate method . The upper limited temperature attained by the apparatus is 1400K .

  20. 它从电源保护电路板由外部电源浪涌。

    It protects PCB from power surges from external power supply .

  21. 本实用新型具有缩短作业时间且保护电路板的功效。

    The utility model has effects of reducing operation time and protecting the circuit board .

  22. XM-Ⅱ型无水冷防氧化保护钼板电极在代铂拉丝炉中的实际应用

    Application of XM - ⅱ non-water cooled Mo plate electrodes with anti-oxidation protection in refractory built marble remelting furnace for glass fiber drawing

  23. 根据网络现状及维护需要,调整了设备的性能,并选定了网络保护单板,以便于后期维护和整体网络的扩容。(3)系统扩容。

    According to network status and maintenance necessary , adjust the performance of the equipment and network protection veneer selected for the latter part of the overall network maintenance and expansion . ( 3 ) System expansion .

  24. 适用于镀金过程中保护印刷电路板。

    For protecting PCB in the process of gold plating .

  25. 分析了造成功率因数低、烧毁保护子系统CPU板及离子膜系统多次出现电流波动现象的原因,并提出解决问题的相应对策。

    The factors of low power factor , the reasons burning up of CPU board protecting subsystem and the phenomenon of electricity fluctuation in ionic membrane system were analysed . And the solutions were put forward .

  26. 21米氮气氛保护全自动推板窑的研制

    Fabrica tion of 21 metres automatic pushing plate kiln with nitrogen atmosphere protection

  27. 本文研究了锌对镀锌板激光焊接性影响,以及不同保护气体对镀锌板焊接性的影响。

    This paper studies the effect of zinc and shielding gas type on Laser weldability of zinc-coated steels .

  28. 一种能保护视力的写字板。它特别适宜小学生使用。

    Disclosed is an eyesight protective writing board , which is in particular suitable for the use of the pupil .

  29. 上面有白色薄片的,不受保护的波纹纤维板。爸爸,我们不能把奶奶穿的像一只食肉鹦鹉。

    Monica : The nonprotective corrugated fiberboard with white laminate 。 Dad , we can not bury Nana a dresser from kea .

  30. 机械预缩机橡胶毯的保护本文着重介绍板金工展开非标准管件斜防水套管的计算方法和绘图方法,这种情况在给排水设计圆形井筒泵房时经常会遇到。

    Protection on rubber sleeve This article introduces the calculating and drawing method for the sheetmetal work of non standard skew water tight sleeve .