
  • 网络Active Shielding
  1. 又或者是我们惯性的作品生产系统使我们主动屏蔽了自我内心的输出系统。

    Or our inertia work production system makes us prevent from our inner heart export system .

  2. 那种能够主动屏蔽外界的干扰,把注意力完全集中在一个问题或想法上的能力非常强大。

    The ability to shut out external " noise " and apply your mind to one problem / thought is incredibly powerful .

  3. 探头部分复杂精密的主动和被动磁屏蔽技术的发展,使该系统能够在普通的无屏蔽的房间内进行安装。

    The development of a sophisticated active and passive magnetic shielding of the detector allows installing the system even in tegular , unshielded rooms .