
  • 网络main function zoning
  1. 结合主体功能区划与土地用途分区,形成二级分区体系。

    There is a II program zoning system combined main function zoning with land-use zoning .

  2. 主体功能区划已经成为当今国家和政府关注的热点和焦点。

    The main function zoning has become the hot issue and main concern of the state and government .

  3. 为了实现主体功能区划的系统化,因此借助GIS作为关键的平台进行主体功能区区划系统的研究是十分有必要。

    In order to achieve the main function of the systematic division , the use of GIS as a key platform of the main functions division system is very necessary .

  4. 随着主体功能区划研究的深入和GIS技术的发展,特殊地域的主体功能区划逐渐引起专家学者的兴趣,成为研究的热点。

    With the developing research of main functional region planning and GIS technology support , the main functional region planning of the special regions is causing interesting of experts and scholars gradually , and becoming the research focus .

  5. 主体功能区划规划的反规划内涵探析

    On the Negative Planning Meanings of Principal Function Regionalization and Planning

  6. 生态功能区划与主体功能区划关系探讨

    Discussion on connection between ecological-functional zone division and main-functional zone division

  7. 市域主体功能区划的理论与实践研究

    A Theoretical and Practical Study of Principal Functional Divisions at City Scale

  8. 我国主体功能区划的科学基础

    The Scientific Foundation of Major Function Oriented Zoning in China

  9. 基于主体功能区划的广州市土地资源安全评价

    Appraisal of Land Resources Security in Guangzhou Based on Major Function Regionalization

  10. 国家主体功能区划与黄土高原生态恢复

    National Major Function Oriented Zoning and Ecological Environment Restoration of the Loess Plateau

  11. 贵州省主体功能区划关键技术研究与应用

    Research and Application on the Key Technology of Main Function Zoning in Guizhou Province

  12. 国家主体功能区划对生态经济学科的要求

    The request of the national main body function area to the ecosystem economic course

  13. 地域主体功能区划是当前学术界关注的热点问题之一。

    The major function regionalization has become the hot spot of academia right now .

  14. 甘肃省主体功能区划中的生态系统重要性评价

    Assess on the Importance of Ecosystem in the Major Function Oriented Zoning in Gansu Province

  15. 西北地区主体功能区划方法研究&以宁夏为例

    Study on the Main Function Division of Northwest Area & A case study in Ningxia

  16. 主体功能区划中对生态补偿区的生态经济援助研究

    Research of Eco-economic Assistance to Ecological Compensation Areas in the Division of Main Function Region

  17. 基于主体功能区划自然保护区生态补偿机制之构建完善

    Policy of the Main Function Districts Guide on the Consummate Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Nature Reserves

  18. 运用区域主体功能区划理论,对广西沿海地区的发展进行了分析。

    By the theory of principal function regionalization , the development of Guangxi coastal areas is analyzed .

  19. 基于生态足迹模型的青海省主体功能区划研究

    Research on the Principal Part Functional Zoning Division of Qinghai Province Based on the Model of Ecological Footprint

  20. 主体功能区划是我国区域规划理论和实践的一个崭新课题。

    The principal functional zoning division is a new issue of China 's regional planning theory and practice .

  21. 我国主体功能区划的制定和落实是一个长时间跨度的复杂过程。

    The formulation and implementation of the major function oriented zoning in china is a long time-span complex process .

  22. 基于公里网格评价法的市域主体功能区划与调整&以广州市为例

    Main function zoning based on kilometer grid and the adjustment in city area & a case study of Guangzhou City

  23. 主体功能区划是协调我国当前经济快速发展和资源环境保护问题的一条有效途径。

    Main function area planning is one of the effective ways to coordinate current rapid economic development and resources and environmental protection in China .

  24. 在主体功能区划政策和科学发展观的大背景下,生态补偿机制引起了各方的关注。

    With policies of main-functional zone and scientific thought of development , the mechanism of ecological compensation attracts attention from all walks of life .

  25. 中国主体功能区划面临的基础理论问题基于新区域主义视角的我国地域主体功能区规划解读

    Some Basic Theoretical Issues Faced with Plan of Essential Function Region System On the Development Priority Zone Planning in China Based on New Regionalism

  26. 同时,提出了主体功能区划研究的技术路线及方法体系。

    At the same time , the article explores the method system of the main functional zoning , proposing the technical route of its research .

  27. 都市经济区是在国家战略需求的推动下应势而生的新概念,已经广泛应用于全国国土规划和主体功能区划。

    Based on the new national land planning and national major function oriented zoning , the concept of the extended metropolitan region has been suggested .

  28. 主体功能区划提出了土地发展权转移的宏观思路,目的在于提高用地效率,并且实现人地协调与区域协调。

    Major function oriented zoning attempts to use the different land policy to increase the land use efficiency and bring about the human-environment and regional coordination .

  29. 我国的主体功能区划是在广泛借鉴国外空间规划的思想和经验上,并结合国情实际提出来的。

    It is proposed by widely drawing lessons from the thoughts and experience of foreign spatial planning , and combined with the practical situation in our country .

  30. 研究结果表明,极高和高生态敏感区面积占研究区的28.3%,说明研究区生态敏感性很高,应对该区作合理的主体功能区划。

    The results show that about 28.3 % of the surveyed area belongs to upper moderately-sensitive ecological zone , which means that the sensitivity there is high .