
  • 网络driving member;driver;active component
  1. 推导铰链四杆机构在主动件处于不同位置时从动件的位置、速度和加速度关系,并编制相应的程序,基于MATLAB对连杆曲线、位置、角速度及角加速度进行计算机运动仿真。

    In the paper , inference the position , velocity and acceleration of the driven bar of quadric crank chain when the driving bar are derived , and a computer program based on MATLAB is compiled to simulate the linkage curve , position , velocity and acceleration .

  2. 本文对常用的含有移动副的平面四连杆机构进行了类型分析,并分析了主动件和从动件的运动范围。

    The motion simulation of four-bar-mechanism in a plane is implemented by optimization design and parametrization plotting .

  3. 这些公式都是简单的显表达式,并且适用于主动件是连杆的所有一自由度单环空间机构。

    These formulas are in simple explicit expressions and are suited for all ONE-DOF single-loop spatial methanisms which include that input link is any link .

  4. 提出了一种浮动行星轮随主动件选择不同而功能不同的周转轮系,分析了该种轮系传动与自锁的主动力影响因素。

    A kid of epicyclical train with its floating planet gear having different functions go along with different selections of driving member was put forward .

  5. 根据以机构极端位置建模导出的曲柄存在条件,应用机架变换法导出了两自由度铰链五杆机构(不论连架杆是否为主动件)的全部类型。

    According to the condition of crank existence , all types of 5-bar linkage with 2-degree of freedom are synthesized by linkage mould in extreme position .

  6. 在齿形干涉出现时,对主动件相应的啮合接触点坐标值由计算机自动进行增值修正计算,直到干涉消失。

    When interference of tooth shape occurs , the coordinate value of drive engagement point would be rectified by the computer on line until the interference disappears .

  7. 在对机构运动分析的基础上,建立了基于拉格朗日方程的系统动力学模型,并利用此模型求得了主动件在一定转速下所需的平衡力矩以及受控原动件移动所需的推力;

    And this model will be used to calculate the balance moment of initiative motion bar and the force of the controlled prime motion bar at any rotate speed .

  8. 扭矩调整器总成通过主动件上的弧形槽、螺栓与主动件装配为一体,并装配在轮轴上。

    Wherein , the torque adjuster general is assembled with the driving component through an arched groove and a bolt on the driving component , and is arranged on the wheel axle .

  9. 在工况条件相同时,选套筒为主动件时的空转角比选星轮为主动件时的空转角小;传递相同转矩时,尺寸大的离合器空转角小。

    Under the same torque , the idle angle is less when driving part is the race than the star wheel , and also the bigger the clutch size , the less the idle angle .

  10. 本文根据差动轮系的3个基本构件中必有2个将同为主动件或从动件这一特点,推导出3个新的效率公式;

    In this paper it is pointed out that based on the characteristic that two out of three basic links in a differential gear train are either driving links or driven links , three new efficiency formulas were easily obtained ;

  11. 利用该机构中某些构件长度的特殊关系,使作往复运动的从动件能在某极限位置上有很长的停歇时间,相当于主动件的转角可达200°以上。

    By keeping some special relationships among some link lengths , we can obtain a long dwell of its oscillating output member at some limit position . The corresponding rotating angle ( the angle of repose ) of the input crank may exceed 200 ° .

  12. 分析了外槽轮机构主要零部件的设计精度对槽轮分度精度的影响,结果表明主动件长度和滚子与轮槽之间的间隙对分度精度影响最大。

    This paper analyzes the influence of design accuracy of the main components of Geneva mechanism on the indexing accuracy of grooved wheel . The result shows that the length of driving link and the clearance between roller and groove are the greatest factors influencing the indexing accuracy .

  13. 基于主动连接件的软件体系结构及其描述方法

    Active - Connector - Based Software Architecture and Its Description Method

  14. 利用结构中主动杆件的调节作用,综合考虑结构的强度、位移和控制能耗,提出了实现自适应桁架结构处于最佳工作状态的最优控制模型。

    Using the adjustable function of active members and considering the strength , displacement of node and energy consumption , an optimum control model of adaptive trusses working in the optimal status is presented .

  15. 45年来,美国联邦调查局(FBI)对无数线索加以排查又放弃之后,于本周宣布,不会再主动推进这件他们自称该局历史上时间跨度最长也最巨细无遗的调查。

    But after 45 years in which hundreds of leads were probed and discarded , the F.B.I. said this week it was no longer actively pursuing what it called one of the longest and most exhaustive investigations in its history .

  16. 雅清翻译∶雅清,非常感谢你主动做这件事!

    Thanks so much for taking the initiative to do this !

  17. 这也许可以是一个友善的早上“你好”,或主动帮助某件事。

    This might be anything from a friendly good morning'hello'to an offer of help with something .

  18. 他主动离开她这件事向我证明了他所言句句属实。

    The fact that he had left her of his own accord proved to me that everything he 'd said was true .

  19. 拒绝别人的主动帮忙是一件礼貌的行为。

    It is often polite to refuse an offer of service .

  20. 运动部件上固定有主动门页吊件,固定部件上设置有从动门页吊件;

    An active hanger piece of a door page is fixed on the moving element . A driven hanger piece of the door page is arranged on the fastening element .

  21. 评估一个承诺:一个承诺是指主动提出做某件将导致令你获得一个好处或参与某件事情或巩固和某人的关系或得到一个有形收益的事情。

    Assessing a promise : a promise is an offer to do something that will result in you gaining a benefit , or an involvement in something , or a strengthened tie with someone , or a tangible gain .