
  • 网络Standard Living;standard life
  1. 人们享受着高标准生活,进口的外国奢侈品卖得很便宜。

    The standard of living was high and foreign luxuries could be imported cheaply .

  2. 我以一些优先考虑的事为标准生活,因为我必须面对它们。

    I live in accordance to certain priorities as I have to confront them .

  3. 最终,我开始了一种更加中产阶级的标准生活方式,感觉很舒服。

    Eventually , I settled into a more middle-class normative life-style and was comfortable .

  4. 在许多地方,人们靠每天一美元多一点的标准生活。

    In many places , people live on little more than a dollar a day .

  5. 我想知道有关一般市民的平均标准生活费用的情况。

    I need some information about the standard cost of living for an average citizen .

  6. 但是,我们很难以这样的高标准生活。

    However , we often are not able to completely live up to these high standards .

  7. 比如你的经济不会因巨额税赋和高标准生活而变得窘迫。

    provided that you are not experiencing financial unrest due to huge taxes and costly living standards .

  8. 这是现代商业公司标准生活的一部分,而你的员工应该认识到不利风险的存在。

    It is a standard part of life in the modern Commercial Corporation , and your staff should recognise the downside risk .

  9. 每个人都在遵照某一份内化的价值观或道德标准生活,但是许多人没有花时间理出自己真正相信的是什么。

    Everyone lives their life by some sort of internalized list of values or moral code , but many people don 't take the time to sort out what they really believe in .

  10. 动态分析得出南京农户消费结构的变动度,消费结构的合理中有些许瑕疵,从消费结构看,按目前的标准生活逐渐进入富裕阶段。

    Dynamic analysis of household consumption structure of Nanjing shows that there have some change in consumption structure , but a slight flaw . From the consumption structure according to the current standard , the living level of rural household Nanjing has arrived gradually into the rich phase .

  11. 结论结果表明孝感市外环境中HCH残留量超过了绿色食品灌溉用水标准和生活饮用水卫生标准,农产品检出率为95%;

    Conclusion The results showed that the content of HCH residue in environment in xiaogan city was higher than the standard of green food irrigating water and the standard of drinking water . The pesticide residue could be detected in 95 % samples of farm produces .

  12. 你必须按艰苦朴素的标准去生活。

    You must live up to hard work and plain living .

  13. 你总是用著双重的标准在生活著。

    You have double standards to live up to .

  14. 、美国人喜欢世界上的一些高标准的生活质量。

    Americans enjoy some of the highest standards of living in the world .

  15. 受到降低标准的生活的威胁,他们创造了一种金融市场。

    Threatened with the possibility of lower standard of living they created a financial market .

  16. 该公司的产品虽然品质精良,但一些消费者只愿意花钱为自己购买最低标准的生活福利。

    Its products are premium but some consumers are willing to pay for minimum welfare standards .

  17. 毛里求斯也许同世界上任何地方都相隔遥远,但游人在这里却可过上国际标准的生活。

    Mauritius may be miles from anywhere , but visitors can expect an international standard of living .

  18. 随着城市化发展,城市绿化已成为城市宜居标准和生活幸福指数的重要标志。

    With urbanization , urban greening has become a city livable standards and important symbol of happiness index .

  19. 她希望按照自己的方式生活,而不是按照别人认为什么是对的、什么是不对的标准来生活。

    And she wanted to live by her own rules , not by what other people thought was right or wrong .

  20. 城市竞争力评价的最终目标是城市居民生活标准和生活质量的提高;

    The purpose of the evaluation of urban competitive power is to improve the living standard and living quality of the citizen .

  21. 大多数冰岛人并不需要依靠教堂施舍的食品来养活自己,但是每个人都正回归低标准的生活方式。

    Most do not need to rely on food parcels from the church to feed themselves , but everyone is going back to basics .

  22. 这个大陆的土地和人口数目的比例不成正比,所以该地区仍有很长的路要走,以实现高标准的生活,发展和社会经济的稳定。

    In proportion to the size land mass and population , the region has still a long way to achieve high standard of living , growth and socio-economic stability .

  23. 研究者将动物置于不变的黑暗环境中并记录它们的行为方式,通过这种标准的生活节律测试发现高脂饮也会影响动物的性能。

    The high-fat diet also affected the animals'performance on a standard test of circadian rhythm , in which researchers keep animals in constant darkness and record their patterns of behavior .

  24. 主观幸福感是个体以自我标准对生活整体满意度和情感状况的自我评价和体验,是衡量人们生活质量及心理健康的一项重要的综合性心理指标。

    Subjective well-being is an individual self-evaluation on overall life satisfaction and emotional state of self-standard and experience . It is an important measure index on quality of life and mental health .

  25. 这就是罗姆尼州长和我去年就已达成的共识,让我们将最低工资标准与生活成本挂钩,这样一来,你的最低标准总是能够支撑你的生活所需。

    So heres an idea that Governor Romney and I actually agreed on last year & lets tie the minimum wage to the cost of living , so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on .

  26. 本文以地下水调查的水质分析资料和动态监测资料为基础,参照我国地下水质量标准和生活饮用水卫生标准,对西北地区地下水质量状况进行综合评价。

    Based on the groundwater chemical analyses and dynamic monitoring data , and according to the groundwater quality standard and the drinking water quality standard of China , the groundwater quality in northwest China was synthetically evaluated in this paper .

  27. 但是你们有共同的体现和认识,说明民间部门的繁茂昌盛对于增进经济机会,改善我们各自社区和国家内全体人民的生活标准和生活质量发挥了不可估量的重要作用。

    But together you epitomize and recognize the immense and vital role that a vibrant private sector has in promoting economic opportunity , and in improving the standards and quality of life for all within each of our communities and nations .

  28. 二十一世纪的今天,随着改革开放与市场经济发展步伐的加快,社会价值观念、道德标准与生活方式出现了多样化趋势,青少年身心发展也发生了巨大变化。

    The 21st century sees the speeding-up of China 's reform and opening-up drive and the development of a market-oriented economy , but also the emergence of a variety of changes in social values , moral standards and different ways of life .

  29. 采用癌症病人的生活质量(QOL)评分标准对患者生活质量进行评分调查;

    Investigating life quality of those cancer patients by the score criterion of Quality of Life ( QOL ) .

  30. 采用改良Barthel指数评定标准评定日常生活活动能力(ADL)。

    To evaluate the activity of daily life ( ADL ) with the improved standard of Barthel index .