
  • 网络Benchmarking;benchmarking method
  1. 标杆法作为供应链绩效评价的一种方法具有重要的应用价值,而如何针对既定目标选择合适的标杆并提供可信的依据是这类方法的瓶颈。

    Benchmarking , which is one of the methods for supply chain assessment , has important application value , while how to select appropriate benchmark is the bottleneck of this method .

  2. 本文通过对利润服务函数的分析认为,由于难以得到销售服务的精确函数关系,所以不能凭借数学方法得出精确的服务水平,并阐述了如何通过标杆法得到近似的最佳结果。

    This paper stated how to get the approximate logistics services level through Benchmarking , because it is hard to gain the precise level through mathematic method for the scarcity of precise function relationship between service and sale .

  3. 在我国,测量速度的典型方法主要有标杆法、五轮仪法、雷达测速法。

    The typical measurement speed methods are mark post measurement method , fifth wheel method , radar speed measurement method and so on in our country .

  4. 接着,本文系统介绍了价格规制过程中所涉及到的一种新的方法&绩效标杆法,并将基于数据包络分析法的绩效标杆模型应用到电力产业输配电部门的规制之中。

    Then , this paper introduces a new regulation method-benchmarking , and tries to apply the DEA-based benchmarking into the regulation of electricity transmission and distribution sectors .

  5. 但是,常用的标杆法测量精度和瞬态性较差,接触式测量的五轮仪法用于田间松软、不平的地况误差较大。

    However , the accuracy and instantaneity of the most used mark post measurement method are not good and the errors of five-wheel measure device with contacting measurement principle are serious when it is used in soft and undulated surface field .

  6. 企业实施基于价值链的成本管理可以使用SWOT分析法和标杆学习法来提高竞争优势。

    The enterprises can adopt the SWOT analysis and benchmark learning approach to enhance competitive advantage .

  7. ,或是商业顾问们引入到自己母语中的benchmarking(标杆管理法)等词汇。

    Or business consultants importing words like benchmarking into their own languages .

  8. 基于标杆比较法的IT投资回报评价方法研究

    A Study on the Benchmarking-based Evaluation of Information Technology Payoff

  9. 标杆管理法在项目管理团队建设中的应用探讨

    How to use benchmarking method in PM team establishment

  10. 基于标杆瞄准法的公路设计过程重组研究

    Highway Design Process Reengineering Based on Bench Marking Method

  11. 使用标杆评价法首先需要获得标杆值,而标杆值是从标杆企业得到的,而对于如何确定标杆企业,则是使用标杆评价法的关键内容之一。

    The use of benchmarking evaluation first need to obtain a benchmark value , the benchmark value is obtained from the benchmark company .

  12. 提出运用自我评价法和标杆评价法来评价工程项目的风险,建立了相应的数学模型;运用两种方法对工程项目风险进行评价。

    Also , self-evaluation and benchmarking-evaluation methods of two kinds are suggested to evaluate the engineering project risk , and their corresponding mathematic models are established in this paper .

  13. 主要采用标杆管理法,以国家科技部孵化器考核评价指标体系为标杆,提出了呼和浩特留学人员创业园绩效评价体系的详细方案。

    Benchmarking method mainly to the Ministry of Science Incubator appraisal index system as a benchmark , made Hohhot Overseas Students Pioneer Park , a detailed program of performance evaluation system .

  14. 在对中式快餐的创业管理中,本文不仅运用上述前沿创业理论,而且运用系统研究法、比较研究法、案例研究法、标杆研究法等多种研究方法。

    Focusing on the entrepreneurship of Chinese fast food , the article not only uses new theories , but also uses many methods , including system research , comparison research , case research and so on .

  15. 关于实施方法问题,分别列举了平衡记分法、标杆管理法、全面质量管理法、等级评定法、目标管理法、关键事件法和360度绩效评估法等几种方法。

    About the implementation methods , the fifth part in this article separately enumerates several methods . For instance , the Balanced Scorecard , Benchmarking Management , Total Quality Management , the grade estimation , Management by Objective , essential event evaluation , and the 360 ° Performance Appraisal .