
  • 网络HEADLINES;headline news
标题新闻 [biāo tí xīn wén]
  • [title news] 用标题形式发表的报刊新闻

  1. 因特网也缩短了新闻周期,许多标题新闻都从智能手机或Twitter上即时发出,这也要求媒体进行即时的分析和观点论述。

    The internet has also compressed the news cycle , with headlines delivered instantly by smartphone or Twitter , creating a demand for immediate analysis and opinion .

  2. 往往那些未能尽责的人垄断了标题新闻,扭曲了他们那一代人的形象。

    Too often those who failed in their duty have monopolized the headlines and distorted the image of their generation .

  3. 此处用于放置对您有用的信息(如天气、标题新闻等等)

    This space can be used to place some information that is useful to you ( i.e. - Weather , News Headlines , etc. )

  4. 当时《泰晤士报》的头版上并非令人惊恐的标题新闻,而是一些小分类广告。报上的新闻可能会让我在早餐时有点沮丧,但在一天中的其它时间里,我会恢复镇静。

    In those days it had a front page given over not to big scary headlines , but to small classified ads. The news inside would probably have left me a little depressed over breakfast , but I would have had the rest of the day to recover my equanimity .

  5. 报纸标题是新闻内容的最佳概括。

    Headlines in newspapers are summaries of the contents of newspapers .

  6. 第三,新闻标题是新闻报道的灵魂。

    Third , News headline is the soul of news report .

  7. 新闻标题作为新闻不可或缺的一部分,有着不可替代的作用。

    As an indispensable part of news , headline plays an irreplaceable role .

  8. 新闻标题是新闻中最重要的组成部分。

    The news headline is the fundamental part of any piece of news .

  9. 新闻标题有新闻的眉眼之称,它是吸引读者阅读兴趣的关键。

    A good news title should be brief and informative , vivid and eye-catching .

  10. 标题是新闻的眼睛。

    The title is the eyes of news .

  11. 经济新闻英语标题经济新闻报道的开门点睛之笔,特定的文体特点。

    Headline is a key factor of the economic news , featuring unique stylistic characteristics .

  12. 新闻标题是新闻的眼睛,对报纸而言非常重要。

    Headline is the eye of the news , which is very important to the newspaper .

  13. 新闻标题是新闻的眼睛,是对新闻主要内容的高度艺术概括。

    The news headline is the eye of news and the highly artistic condensation of news content .

  14. 可见,标题在新闻报道中所起的作用至关重要。

    It is obvious , the function is essential that the title is playing in the news report .

  15. 新闻标题是新闻报导的精华,是优秀新闻作品的重要组成部分。

    News title is the essene orf a piece of news and is an important part of the outstanding works of journalism .

  16. 新闻标题既是新闻信息的浓缩,更是新闻的门户和眼睛。

    Headlines are not only the concentration of the news content , but also the portal and the eye of the news .

  17. 新闻标题是新闻内容的概括和浓缩,是新闻主题最简明、最生动、最有诱导力的体现。

    News headline is the summary and concentration of the news content , and it showsconciseness 、 vividness and induced force of the news theme .

  18. 体育新闻标题在新闻五要素表达方式上有着鲜明的特点,形成了特定体育新闻语体。

    Sports News title have a clear expression of the characteristics on the five elements , and it has become a specific style of sports news .

  19. 新闻标题是新闻内容的集中概括,它以最简明扼要的形式向读者揭示新闻的主要内容。

    The headline is a concentrated generalization of the news content , revealing to the reader the main idea of the news in the most concise form .

  20. 在编辑标题、新闻讽刺和推广材料、照片、视频、音频、图表时,在截取和引用广播同期声时,要确认它们未被曲解。

    Make certain that headlines , news teases and promotional material , photos , video , audio , graphics , sound bites and quotations do not misrepresent .

  21. 标题是新闻的眼睛,是新闻的灵魂和生命,它对传播信息、沟通读者、引导舆论,有着举足轻重的作用。

    Title is the eye of news and spirit and life of the news . It plays an important part in spreading information , communicating with readers and leading public opinion .

  22. 新闻标题是新闻的点睛之笔,新闻标题是受众了解新闻的第一扇窗户。新闻标题在新闻中起着提纲挈领式的作用。

    As a final touch of the news , the news headlines is the first window that makes audiences know the news , and it plays a brief and explicit role in the news .

  23. 还运用了主位化理论讨论标题和新闻之间的关系:新闻标题是新闻的主位,标题和新闻互为影响。

    The theory of thematization is also employed to analyze the relationship between news and news headline : A news headline can be the theme of a piece of news and they influence each other .

  24. 新闻标题是新闻最重要的一个部分,有着总结新闻内容、帮助读者评估新闻和吸引读者的功能。

    A news headline is a fundamental part of any piece of news report , which has the functions of summarizing the whole news , helping readers to evaluate the news , and attracting the readers .

  25. 体育新闻标题具有新闻标题的一般特点,但也有其独特的用语方面的特点,表现在三个方面:一、战争术语的运用;二、动物名称的嵌用;

    This essay lays emphasis on analyzing the characteristics of words using in the headlines of sports news in terms of the application of the warfare terms , the use of animal designation , and the choice of rhetoric .

  26. 通过对报道数量、版面、新闻图片、标题、新闻选题、新闻来源、新闻引语和新闻文体的定量比较,发现中美两国主流媒体都十分重视就业问题,同时也在国际报道方面表现出了一些失衡。

    By comparing the amounts , edition pages , pictures , titles and resources etc. in quantity , we found that the mainstream media in China and the USA have both paid great attentions to work and unemployment problems , whereas made some unbalanced reports in international news .

  27. 英国人可能也会叫小孩子kid,但他们在报刊标题或电视新闻中不会使用这个词。

    People in Britain might call children kids , but not in newspaper headlines or on television news .

  28. 闪光灯和标题条对新闻视频镜头检测影响的研究

    News video shot detection analysis for closed-captions and flash

  29. 新闻标题作为整篇新闻中最醒目的文字具有很强的互文性特征。

    News headlines have strong features of intertextuality , as the boldest part .

  30. 本文分析了新闻文体的特点及英语新闻标题在英语新闻中的作用。

    The feature of English news and English news headline 's function in it are discussed here .