
  • 网络calibration
  1. 基于GPS定位系统的舰船雷达标校系统研究

    Research on shipborne radar calibration system based on GPS positioning system

  2. 基于CCD激光经纬仪的雷达标校及数据处理方法

    A Method of Radar Calibration and Data Processing Based on CCD Laser Theodolite

  3. 航向标校系统的GPS时间同步装置设计方法

    Method of designing the GPS synchronization equipment for the course-keeping system

  4. 用GPS标校平台罗经方位安装误差与航向精度测量

    Using GPS to Correct Platform Compass Azimuth Installation Error and Measure Course Accuracy

  5. 雷达电视监控CCD摄像系统与天线座系统光电标校合成

    Synthesis of Radar CCD TV Camera System with Antenna Pedestal Optical Axis

  6. 某雷达光轴采用CCD系统光电标校精度分析

    Analysis of Calibration Accuracy of Axes Alignment for Radar Employing CCD Imaging System

  7. 外场毫米波RCS测量中的无源标校法

    Passive Calibration Method of Millimeter Wave RCS Measurement in Outer Field

  8. 船载USB角误差解调特性海上标校技术研究

    Study on Methods to Calibrate Angular Error Demodulation Characteristics of Ship-borne S-band Unified TT & C System

  9. 外场RCS目标特性测量标校误差分析及改进

    Calibration Error Analysis and Improvement of Target RCS Characteristics of Field Measurements

  10. 船用平台式INS光学标校初始对准方法研究

    Research on Initial Alignment of Marine GINS Based on Optical Calibration System

  11. 一种适用于多频CW雷达的零距离标校新算法

    A New Algorithm for Calibration of Zero Range in Multiple Frequency CW Radar

  12. 基于AIS的舰载雷达标校方法研究

    A study on shipborne radar calibration method based on AIS

  13. 提高实船平台罗经方位安装精度是超视距作战系统的需要,为此提出用GPS标校平台罗经新方案。

    It is the requirement of over the horizon targeting to improve the installation accuracy of platform compass azimuth , so a new concept based on GPS is proposed .

  14. 在雷达动态性能检验和评估试验中,采用GPS定位实现对雷达测量精度和测量特性状态的标校,是一种常见的方式。

    Nowadays , using GPS to calibrate the accuracy and characteristics of radar measurements is a common way in test and evaluation experiments of dynamic performance for the radar .

  15. 同时还介绍了为完成RCS测量、雷达所必需的标校数据处理方法。

    On the other hand the processing methods of calculation data needed for RCS measurement and radar are also introduced .

  16. 在介绍雷达RCS目标特性(特征)测量原理的基础上,探讨了RCS的标定标校方法,给出了RCS测量的误差估算。

    Based on the principle of RCS measurement , this paper gives the calibration and error calculation of RCS measurment .

  17. 粉末样品中主、次量元素的XRF法分析&理论α系数与内标校正法

    Theoretical Alpha Coefficient Method for Determination of Major and Minor Elements in Powder Samples by XRF

  18. 利用动力学法标校CHAMP卫星加速度计数据

    Calibration of CHAMP Accelerometer Data with Dynamical Method

  19. 提出了一种基于差分GPS技术的舰载雷达动态标校方法,给出了根据大地坐标计算目标真值的算法;

    This paper discusses the technique that dynamic precision adjusting shipboard radar based on differential GPS , and it provides arithmetic of conversion geodetic coordinate to distance and bearing of target relative with shipboard radar .

  20. 给出了利用能量守恒方法求定CHAMP卫星加速度计标校参数的基本原理和算法。

    The theory and algorithm of determining system errors of CHAMP accelerometer are presented based on energy conservation method .

  21. 提出了一种基于全站仪(TPS)的高精度航向与姿态信息的标校方法和测量模型。

    This paper presents a new method for pinpoint attitude calibration based on total positioning station ( TPS ) and its determination model .

  22. 通过对模型误差传递的理论分析,证明该模型的精度足以满足对INS等高精度导航设备动态标校的要求。

    The result of error analysis of this model shows that the accuracy of this model is precise enough to meet the dynamic calibration requirements of navigation instrument .

  23. 试验结果表明,在动态条件下,系统达到了≤30〃的测量精度,满足对包括高精度GPS姿态测量系统、平台罗经在内的高精度导航设备进行初始标校的精度要求。

    Finally a dynamic measuring experiment is designed and carried out . The results of the experiment show that the dynamic heading metering accuracy is lower than 30 ″ and this accuracy satisfies the calibration requirement of modern navigation devices .

  24. 给出了用于标校CHAMP卫星加速度计数据的动力学法,并推导了相应的计算公式。

    The calibration method for CHAMP accelerometer data based on the dynamical method is given out , and the corresponding formulae are derives out .

  25. 结合外场测量实际,针对外场毫米波RCS(雷达散射截面积)测量的特点,对毫米波RCS测量中的无源实时标校方法进行了讨论。

    This paper combines the measurement practice in outer field , countering the performance of millimeter wave radar cross section ( RCS ) measurement , discusses the passive calibration method of millimeter wave RCS measurement in outer field .

  26. Cs原子喷泉钟是目前复现秒定义时间频率基准装置,具有最高的准确度,作为基准钟标校其他原子钟,是一个国家时间频率系统的基础。

    Cs atomic fountain clock is the reappearance of " seconds " definition of time and frequency standard device , has the highest accuracy , as a reference clock calibration with other atomic clock , is a time and frequency system based .

  27. 监控设备通过RS-422异步串行接口与伺服分机接口、终端和标校模拟源以及发射分系统互相通信,并控制其运行。

    Monitoring equipment through RS-422 asynchronous serial interface and servo extension interface , terminal and calibration simulation source and emission system communicate with each other , and to control its operation .

  28. 试油试采测试中井下压力/温度传感器的标校分析

    A Demarcate Analysis of the Oil Reservoir Pressure / Temperature Sensor

  29. 利用苯甲酸热量的分析对原料标校的概况。

    An overview of calibration materials used in thermal analysis-benzoic acid .

  30. 一种便携式自动标校系统的开发与应用

    The Development and Application of a Portable and Automatic Adjust System