
  • 网络scaling theory;scaling law
  1. 应用配位场理论以及3d轨道波函数径向标度理论定量地解释了晶体的电子吸收光谱。

    By using the ligand field theory and 3d orbits wave radial scaling theory , the d & d transition spectrum is interpreted quantitatively .

  2. 其中包括著名的Halperin理论,Gennes对胶束半径的预测及Birshtein等提出的用标度理论对超分子结构形成过程的解释。

    Among them include Halperin theory , Gennes ' approximation of the diameter of micelles and the scaling theory of supermolecular structures in block copolymer solvent systems .

  3. 非均匀无序系统中Anderson局域化的标度理论&实空间重整化群途径

    Scaling theory of Anderson localization in disordered systems with space modulations a real space renormalization group approach

  4. 应用Monte-Carlo方法模拟出铁磁系统平方和立方点阵的Ising模型的相图,根据有限尺寸的标度理论得到相变温度。

    It uses Monte-Carlo method on PC-386 computer to simulate the phase graph of Ising model on planer squre and cubic lattice . The temperature T_c of megnetic phase transi - tion is obtained by using scale theory .

  5. 本文应用MonteCarlo方法求得铁磁键稀疏平方点阵的Blume-Capel模型的相图。利用有限尺寸的标度理论,得到晶场为零时的相变温度,并同其他方法所得的结果作了比较。

    We have used the Monte Carlo method to study the phase diagram of the ferromagnetic bond-dilute Blume-Capel model , combined with the finite-size scalar theory , and obtained the transition temperatures in zero crystal field , Comparison is made between the results of this simulation and other methods .

  6. 基于标度理论建立了嵌段共聚物溶剂体系的胶束模型,通过Flory-Huggins相互作用参数间接讨论了温度对胶束平衡性质的一般性影响。

    A model based on scaling theory was developed for the description of the diblock copolymer micelle system . The temperature effects on micelle equilibrium properties were investigated by the Flory Huggins interaction parameter of polymer segment and solvent .

  7. 将标度理论应用于暴雨的时间尺度问题,研究了暴雨强度随历时变化的标度性质,并探讨了暴雨公式的理论基础。

    The scale theory is applied to time scale of rainfall .

  8. 非平衡相变的临界标度理论及普适性

    Critical scaling theory of nonequilibrium phase transition and its universality

  9. 煤焦孔洞的结构特性及其标度理论

    Pore structure characteristics of coal char and its scale theory

  10. 证券市场的标度理论及实证研究

    Scale Theory and Empirical Research in the Securities Market

  11. 嵌段共聚物球形胶束体系的标度理论及其与均匀场理论的对比研究

    Scaling theory for block copolymer micelle system and its comparisons with mean field theory

  12. 第一过渡族金属络合物电子结构的标度理论方法

    Scaling Theory Method of Electronic Structure of Metal Complexes of the First Transition Series

  13. 金融市场的标度理论

    Scaling and scale invariance in financial markets

  14. 远离平衡系统临界指数的标度理论

    Theory of critical exponents far from equilibrium

  15. 研究了无序石墨单层电子态的局域化性质、用单参数的标度理论和转移矩阵方法计算了系统的局域化长度。

    Effect of disorder degree on the localization-delocalization transition in one-dimensional disordered system with long-range correlations ;

  16. 给出了普通标度理论与分形中标度变换间的定量关系。

    The quantitative relation between the ordinary scaling transformation and scaling transformation in fractal is established .

  17. 标度理论及其分形几何

    Scaling theory and fractal geometry

  18. 最后,我们又介绍了把离散和连续分析统一起来的时间标度理论的发展。

    Finally , we introduce the development of theory of time scales which unify continuous and discrete analysis .

  19. 本文介绍一种新的电负性标度理论&非自旋极化密度函数理论和自施极化密度函数理论。

    This paper introduces a new gradation theory of electrical negativity-spin-polarized density functional theory non spin-polarized density functional theory .

  20. 提出了肌肉力量系数(肌力系数)这一概念,并用标度理论分析了这一概念的物理意义。

    The concept of the coefficient of muscle force ( CMF ) was put forward . Its physical significance was analyzed by using scale theory .

  21. 以长江流域3个水文站的洪水资料为例,应用标度理论,对洪量随历时变化的标度特性进行了研究。

    Using the flood data from three hydrologic stations in the Yangtze river , the temporal scaling properties of flood volume is studied with scaling theory .

  22. 本文建立了用于嵌段共聚物胶束体系定量计算的标度理论模型,讨论了标度理论与均匀场模型的差异。

    A quantitative Scaling theory model for block copolymer micelle calculations is developed , and the difference between which and the Mean Field theory ( MFT ) is discussed in this paper .

  23. 结果表明,用标度理论导出的分形模型对其动力学过程有较好的适应性,还发现铁铝杂质在低浓度磷酸中的分解具有负温度效应。

    The results indicate that the fractal model derived from the scale theory fits well its kinetic process , and it is found that the decomposition of iron and aluminum impurities in low concentration phosphoric acid gives a negative temperature effect .

  24. 据宇宙演化的自由流阻尼标度理论,计算了最小宇宙、最小黑洞的质量、半径(即视界)和密度,所得结果与观测数据较好相符。

    By free current damping scale theory of universe evolution , the mass , the radius ( namely horizon ) and the density of the lowest universe and the lowest black hole are calculated . The obtained results correspond quite good to observed data .

  25. 多标度分形理论及其在语音质量客观评价中的应用

    Multifractal theory and its application to objective measures of speech quality

  26. 非标度网络理论及其应用综述

    A Survey Study of Scale-free Networks Theory and Its Application

  27. 第二章提出模糊标度系统理论,并给出一种新的模糊标度,进一步丰富和完善模糊标度系统。

    In chapter 2 , fuzzy scale system theory is discussed and a new scale is given .

  28. 本文应用多标度分形理论,提出了描述岩体裂隙网络中裂隙分布不均匀性的新指标&岩体裂隙网络的不均匀系数。

    A new index & inhomogeneous coefficient of fracture network has been set up on the basis of multifractal , which describes the inhomogeneity of fracture network of rock mass .

  29. 阐述离子和化合物的广义酸碱分类,软硬酸碱反应规则,软硬酸碱的硬度定量标度和理论解释。

    Expatiating on Lewis Acids and Bases of generalization , Hard and Soft of acids and bases reaction rule , classification , scaling of HSAB and its explanation of theory .

  30. 提出了在风险管理中引入多标度分形理论和方法的全新风险管理研究思路,并实证检验了这一研究思路的可行性。

    A new idea that the multifractal theories and tools can play important role in the studies of financial risk management are firstly put forward , and its feasibility is also tested . 5 .