
  • 网络standard point;normal point;Reference Point
  1. 算法的效率分析对比显示,X-only点压缩技术方案为椭圆曲线密码体制传输过程节省了大量带宽,同时,其计算消耗远远低于标准点压缩等技术方案。

    It is shown by algorithm efficiency analysis that , X-only point compression technology saves lots of bandwidth during the transmission of elliptic curve cryptography system . At the meaning time , its computational cost is much lower than standard point compression technology .

  2. 相对于标准点符号,有向点符号包含着方向角信息。

    Compared to standard point symbol , the oriented-point symbol contains direction angle information .

  3. 用~(152)Eu标准点源和标准体&源刻度γ谱仪效率中的符合相加修正

    The Coincidence Summing Corrections in Efficiency Calibration for a γ - Spectrometer with ~ ( 152 ) Eu Point Standard Source and Volume Standard Source

  4. 模型中,高速列车表面噪声作为声源输入,ISO标准点噪声作为评价指标。

    The model uses the surface noises of high-speed trains as sound input and the noises at ISO standard points as evaluation index .

  5. 1992年LAGEOS卫星全球SLR标准点资料的分析

    An analysis for LAGEOS SLR global normal point data of 1992

  6. 除空白外,使用单个或重复(重复指按相同SOP配置)样品,至少由6个标准点组成标准曲线。

    The matrix-based standard curve should consist of a minimum of six standard points , excluding blanks , using single or replicate samples .

  7. 1999年LAGEOS卫星全球快速标准点数据精度的评估

    A quick precision analysis for LAGEOS SLR global normal point data in 1999

  8. 由各组观测值的平均验后均方差可见:就单个标准点观测值而言,部分SLR台站的观测资料在定轨计算中占有比其他观测资料更重要的地位。

    From the mean posteriori standard deviations of each group of measurements , we could see that , for single normal point , the data of several SLR stations are more important than other measurements in POD computation .

  9. 即使是困难的跟踪镜头那是不可能的跟踪与标准点跟踪器。

    Even with difficult to track footage that would be impossible to track with standard point trackers .

  10. 响应函数由适当的统计学测试依据验证中每次分析中实际标准点确定。

    Response function is determined by appropriate statistical tests based on the actual standard points during each run in the validation .

  11. 并且在实验的基础上,提出了一种基于标准点约束的全局控制策略。

    On the basis of experiment , we propose a new solution to stereo matching by using the control strategy of the standard points .

  12. 这些记录可以按古人目视观测天象的天球模型进行视大小(角直径)的量化,进而可以用一些已知亮度的流星记录为标准点,将其归算为亮度。

    These records can be quantified to apparent scales ( angular diameter ) according to the Model of Celestial Sphere used by Chinese ancients . Then we can reduce the size to a brightness on the basis of some " standard points " .

  13. 我们的信贷标准一点都没有变。

    Our credit standards haven 't changed one iota .

  14. 砼非标准三点弯曲梁试件双K断裂参数

    The Double-K Fracture Parameter of Concrete for Non-Standard Three Point Bending Beam Specimens

  15. 两参数Markov链标准三点转移函数的几个结论

    Some results of standard three points transition functions of two-parmeter Markov chains

  16. SCRUM项目可以用标准的点估计函数。

    SCRUM projects can be estimated using standard function point estimating .

  17. 最后通过对影响岩石视在断裂韧度因素的讨论,论证了水力压裂法确定的岩石视在K(1c)值大大地大于标准3点弯曲实验值的必然性。

    The discussion on the factors affecting apparent toughness indicates the inevitability that the apparent fracture toughness of rock measured by hydraulic fracture experimental data is significantly higher than that measured by the standard three-point bending method .

  18. 所有的充电器都从电网中获取电能,而电网使用的是交流电。当电动汽车插入标准充电点时,其系统将交流电转换为电池存储电力所需要的直流电(DC)。

    All chargers take electricity from the grid , which uses an alternating current ( AC ) . When an EV is plugged into a standard charging point , its systems convert AC into direct current ( DC ) , which is what a battery needs to store electricity .

  19. 测定了7475铝合金双级时效及回归再时效(RRA)工艺状态下的常规拉伸性能和电导率,并通过标准三点弯和圆周切口圆柱试验测定各时效工艺的断裂韧性。

    Normal stretching property and eletrical conductivity of 7475 aluminum alloy under the conditions of double aging and regression re-aging ( RRA ) are measured . Fracture toughness at various aging process are measured by standard three-point bend and peripheral cut cylinder test .

  20. 从探头阵列到标准测量点的磁场值转换

    Conversion of magnetic field data from basis points to standard points

  21. 微分代数方程系统标准奇异点的一个充分必要条件

    Sufficient and necessary condition for the standard singular point of the differential-algebraic system

  22. 现在才开始要求提高道德标准有点晚了。

    It 's a bit late to start claiming the moral high ground .

  23. 两参数马氏链的标准三点转移函数的微分性质

    The differential properties of the standard three points transition functions of two-parameter Markov chains

  24. 基于蓝牙标准的点到多点音视频传输技术的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Point to Multipoint Audio and Video Transmission Technology Base on Bluetooth

  25. 有一个不同标准设定点

    have a different normal set point

  26. 学习成绩采用标准绩点制之探讨

    On Standard Grade-Point System

  27. 本文利用两参数可列马氏过程标准三点转移函数的状态分解定理得到了两个状态的标准三点转移函数的一般形式。

    In this paper , the general forms of two states standard three points translation functions are obtained .

  28. 酒店是一个标准的点,然后按一下冒险,可以发挥一些可选的鼠标键盘快捷键完全。

    Hotel is a standard point and click adventure that can be played entirely by mouse with some optional keyboard shortcuts .

  29. 本文通过采用标准三点弯曲梁及楔入劈拉试件比较研究两种模型的区别。

    In this article tests including two kinds of specimens are carried : standard three-point bend beam and wedge splitting specimen .

  30. 利用韦氏分析预测刀豆货架寿命并确定感官评分标准切分点

    Forecast the shelf - life of sword bean by Weibull method and determination the cut - off point of sensory analysis