
shuǐ láo
  • water dungeon
水牢 [shuǐ láo]
  • [water dungeon] 旧时把犯人浸在水中的牢房

水牢[shuǐ láo]
  1. 你猜到水牢了吗?

    Did you guess water dungeon ?

  2. 他们的串联的一个高潮是参观“水牢”,即刘文彩非法拘禁不守规矩的佃农的地方:一间数尺深的水漫过地面的房间。

    A high point of their visit was a trip to the " water dungeon ", a room with several inches of water covering the floor where Liu had allegedly kept disobedient farmers .

  3. 在这个夏天里,Silas变得越来越强大,而苦逼的Stefan这三个月一直都被困在水牢里。

    He 's been spending his summer getting more and more powerful , while Stefan has spent the last three months in agony trapped in his underwater prison .

  4. 或许会有人来一个徒手接子弹或者水牢逃生?

    Maybe somebody willing to do a bullet catch or a water escape ?

  5. 需要把他当年逃出的那条水牢船上的老狱吏传来作证。

    It was necessary to send down for an old officer of the prison-ship from which he had once escaped to speak to his identity .