
shuǐ lì cǎi méi
  • hydraulic coal mining;hydro coal mining
水力采煤[shuǐ lì cǎi méi]
  1. 发展水力采煤技术,建设高产高效水采矿井

    Develop Hydraulic Coal Mining Technology and Construct High-output High-efficiency Hydromines

  2. 我国发展水力采煤的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Perspective of the Development of Hydraulic Coal Mining Technology in China

  3. 通化矿务局水力采煤工作面的瓦斯治理

    Gas Control at the Hydromining Face of Tonghua Mining Administration

  4. 厚煤层小阶段水力采煤瓦斯治理

    Tackling gas about thick coal seam small stage hydraulic mining

  5. 共振射流及其在水力采煤中的应用

    Resonant Jet and its Application in Hydraulic Coal Cutting

  6. 水力采煤生产管理专家模拟系统

    Expert Simulation System of Hydraulic Mining Production Management

  7. 利用水力采煤法回采残煤在鹤壁四矿的应用

    Recovery of Residual Coal Reserve by Using Hydromining Method at the Hebi No.4 Mine

  8. 多级煤泥泵和高压泵合二为一的研究与应用&一泵两用促进水力采煤事业发展

    Study and Application of the High-Pressure Water-Supply Pump Integrated with the Multi-Stage Slurry Pump

  9. 锚杆支护在水力采煤矿井中的应用

    Application of Roof Bolt in Hydromines

  10. 缓倾斜厚煤层水力采煤矿压显现特点与控制

    Characteristics of rock Pressure Manifestation Pattern And Its Control in Hydromining of Gently-inclined Thick Coal Seams

  11. 进行技术改造降低煤炭成本提高水力采煤经济效益的设想

    Some Tentative Ideas for Enhancing the Economic Returns through Technical Remoulding and Cutdown of Cost of Coal Produced

  12. 气举提升是在深海采矿、水力采煤和河湖清淤中经常遇到的问题。

    Application of one Trip String to Acid Fracturing , Gas Lift and Flowing back in Yumen Oilfield ;

  13. 水力采煤具有工序简单、适应性强、劳动强度小、便于管理等优点。

    Hydraulic coal mining offers the merits of being simple in process , high in adaptability , less in labor intensity and easy in management .

  14. 作者从高庄井的实际出发,对发展水力采煤技术,建设高产高效水采矿井提出了一些有益的设想。

    Proceeding from the actual conditions of the mine , the author presents some valuable concepts on development of hydro-mining technology and high-output and high-efficiency hydro-mines .

  15. 地质构造极复杂矿井采用水力采煤是一种有效的途径煤矿井下无轨胶轮运煤车的合理使用

    Hydraulic Coal Mining Proves to Be an Effective Method for application in Mines with Extremely Complicated Geological Conditions The fair use for trackless underground coal vehicle

  16. 继承大射流无支护水力采煤技术的优点,针对小型矿井的客观情况,论述了脉冲射流采煤技术。

    Carrying on the advantages of heavy jet nonsupported hydraulic mining technology , and in view of the objective condition of small sized mine , a the pulse hydraulic jet coal mining technology is discussed .

  17. 文章的作者基于长期从事水力采煤的实践经验,以列表方式,从技术可行性和经济可采性方面进行了详细地综合分析,论述了影响采用井工水力采煤工艺的诸多因素。

    Based on the experience gained over years , the author presents an in depth analysis in tabular form of the techno economic feasibility of this mining method , and the factors affecting its application .

  18. 在复杂矿井通风网络优化计算中,发现了黄金分割法的越界现象。地质构造极复杂矿井采用水力采煤是一种有效的途径

    In the optimization of a mine ventilation network , the boundary overstepping took place in Golden Section Search . Hydraulic Coal Mining Proves to Be an Effective Method for application in Mines with Extremely Complicated Geological Conditions

  19. 集我国水力采煤矿井三十多年之生产经验,应用模糊数学,灰色系统理论对水采适用条件进行综合评价。

    Base on produced experience of hydraulic mine in our country for more than thirty years , by the use of fuzzy mathematics and grey system theories , the paper makes the comprehensive evaluation of the suitable condition of hydraulic mining .

  20. 研究发展水力采煤技术是建国以来煤炭系统历时较长、实践较广、经验教训较多的重大项目之一。

    Study and development of hydraulic coal mining technology has constituted one of the key research programmes in the coal industry since the birth of New China in terms of long time duration , extensive field practice and both positive and negative experience .

  21. 本文以国内外大量的生产实践资料充分地论证了水力采煤是实现赋存复杂的急倾斜厚煤层采煤机械化的有效途径之一。

    Based on a number of data Collected in Production in China and abroad , this paper tries to prove that hydraulic coal mining is one of the effective ways to carry out mechanized coal mining in the steeply inclined thick seams under complicated condition .

  22. 固体粗颗粒物料的垂直管水力提升常见于石油开采、化工反应、深海采矿、水力采煤、河湖清淤等工程场合。

    Hydraulic hoist of solid coarse particles in the vertical pipe is used in oil extraction , chemical engineering , ocean mining , coal mining and silt cleanup and so on .