
  • 网络main roadway
  1. 铀矿井独头巷道最大掘进长度的研究冲击倾向综采面极近距离跨大巷和过老巷技术

    Study on the maximal driving length of dummy drift in uranium mines Surrounding Rock System Control Technology of Fully-Mechanized Coal Face Passing the Main Roadway and Goof in a Very Short Distance

  2. -600m大巷在跨采影响下的支护实践

    Practice on Supporting in Case of Working Across Over-600m Main Roadway

  3. 无轨运输大巷自动风门设计,是以PLC为控制核心,采用光机电技术,解决煤矿井下行车与阻风的自动控制问题。

    The automatic air door in trackless main haulage roadway designed by taking PLC as control core and using the optical-mechanical-electrical technology can solve the automatic control problems of underground traffic and air resistance .

  4. 关于福建省潘洛铁矿洛阳矿区南块段100m水平中段运输大巷的突水原因,至今尚有不同看法。

    At Fujian Province Pan iron ore mining area of Luoyang south yuans of pieces of 100 m levels transport lanes to dash for ward ink reason , There are different views so far .

  5. 张庄煤矿东大巷围岩松动圈1.0~1.5m,是煤矿中常见的岩层。

    The surrounding rock of East Roadway of Zhang Zhuang Colliery belongs to the commonly encountered rock in coal mines . The measurements of surrounding rock loose zone of the roadway are about 1.0-1.5 m.

  6. 在地质条件复杂,无法开掘绞车硐室的情况下,如何将重6t的轻放支架从回采巷道拖运到电机车运输大巷。

    Under complicated geological condition , and chamber of winch cann ′ t be drived , how to transport 6t weight light caving support to electric locomotive transporting roadway from working face .

  7. 锚注法在软岩大巷施工中应用

    The application of bolting - grouting in the soft rock roadway

  8. 水平进风大巷间角联支路消除的系统改造

    Reconstruct to eliminate angle-connected spur tracks between main intake air roadways

  9. 回收大巷保护煤柱时通风系统的优化

    Optimization of Ventilation System in Protection of Pillar on Recovery Roadway

  10. 寺河矿井西总回风大巷快速施工法

    Fast driving method of west main return air roadway in Shihe mine

  11. 大巷矿车运输系统通过能力的计算

    The capacity of transportation system in main roadways with trams

  12. 软围岩大巷全断面锚注一体化加固技术的应用

    Application the Anchor-casting Integrated Reinforcing Technology in Full-face Tunnels with Weak Rocks

  13. 此外,作者还简要地介绍了构造大巷皮带运输模型的原理及方法,供读者参考。

    A structural model of the main belt haulage is also briefly mentioned .

  14. 矿井大巷矿车运输系统模拟

    Simulation of Tramcar Transportation System in Main Mine Roadway

  15. 应用锚杆支护动态信息设计法加固运输大巷

    Application of Dynamic Information Design Methods of Bolt Support in Reinforcing Conveying Roadway

  16. 补强加固技术在-100m回风大巷的应用

    The Technique Applied for Reinforcing the-100m Main Return Way

  17. 对穿岩大巷受上部动压影响的研究

    Research into Rock Roadway Influenced by top Abutment Pressure

  18. 注浆充填技术在处理大巷冒顶区中的应用

    Application of grouting gobbing in the processing of main roadway roof falling zone

  19. 武山铜矿南北大巷贯通测量误差预计

    Prediction of the Errors in Connecting Survey on Main Opening of Wushan Copper Mine

  20. 电快速瞬变脉冲群对矿井大巷电磁辐射环境的影响

    Effect of Electrical Fast Transient Burst upon the Electromagnetic Environment in a Mine Tunnel

  21. 外运大巷快速施工

    Rapid Construction in Main Coal Transportation Roadway Excavation

  22. 在大巷上,小贩们争相喊卖玫瑰和巧克力,在用户范围小的时辰。

    On the streets , rose and chocolate peddlers are vying for their business .

  23. 动压影响条件下水平大巷超前加固技术研究

    Research of the Level Tunnel Leading Consolidation Technology with the Effect of Dynamical Pressure

  24. 下覆煤层组开采大巷围岩稳定性控制技术

    Control technique of surrounding rock stability for main entry with underlie coal seams mined

  25. 下伏煤层开采引起的大巷变形规律模拟研究

    Simulation analysis of surrounding rock deformation law of main entry with the below seams mined

  26. 单液注浆法在大巷维修加固中的应用

    Single-fluid grouting reinforcement in roadway maintenance application

  27. 高河矿井+450m水平总回风大巷锚杆支护技术

    Technology of Anchored Bolt Supporting for Main Return-air Roadway at + 450m Level in Gaohe Mine

  28. 复杂地质环境下255大巷附近地质异常地质雷达探测研究

    Research on Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys of Mined-out Area around 255 Roadway in Complex Geological Environment

  29. 华亭煤矿软岩大巷底鼓成因及防治技术

    Analysis of Floor Heave of Main Roadway in Soft Rock and Its Prevention in Huating Colliery

  30. 下部煤层跨采大巷围岩动态控制技术研究

    Study of Dynamic Control Technology over Surrounding Rocks in Main Roadways with the Underlying Coal Seams Mined