
  1. 我好像伤风鼻塞了好几个星期。

    I seem to have been sniffling for weeks .

  2. 除咖啡、茶之外,碳酸饮料、用来缓解头痛、伤风及鼻塞的药物中也含有咖啡因。

    Except outside the coffee , the tea , the carbonic acid drink , uses for to alleviate the headache , to catch cold and in the stuffy nose medicine also includes the caffeine .

  3. 用于由伤风感冒所致的鼻塞,昆早叮咬,皮肤皱裂,轻度烧烫伤,擦伤,晒伤以及皮肤瘙痒等。

    For nasal congestion caused by the cold , early Queensland bites , cracked skin wrinkles , mild burns , abrasions , sunburn and skin itching .