
  • 网络gibeon
  1. 所以,那地叫做希利甲哈素林,就在基遍。

    Therefore that place was called Helkath-hazzurim , which is at Gibeon .

  2. 耶和华就第二次向所罗门显现,如先前在基遍向他显现一样。

    Jehovah appeared to Solomon a second time , as he had appeared to him at gibeon .

  3. 在基遍住的有基遍的父亲耶利。

    Jeiel the father of Gibeon lived in Gibeon .

  4. 这些基遍人真是很好的演员。

    The Gibeonites were very good actors !

  5. 基遍的居民可能已经意识到不管他们怎样准备,他们是没有办法抵抗以色列人的。

    It seems that the people of the city of Gibeon realized that fighting Joshua would be useless .

  6. 约书亚从加低斯巴尼亚攻击到迦萨,又攻击歌珊全地,直到基遍。

    Joshua subdued them from Kadesh Barnea to Gaza and from the whole region of Goshen to Gibeon .

  7. 他们到了基遍的大磐石那里,亚玛撒来迎接他们。

    When they were at the great stone which is in Gibeon , amasa came face to face with them .

  8. 在约书亚和以色列人面前,这些基遍人装得很象。

    The Gibeonites were very good actors , as they presented their story to Joshua and the people of Israel .

  9. 约书亚和以色列人也按照他们所应许的对待基遍人。

    Joshua and the people of Israel kept their promise to the Gibeonites , and all seemed to be going well .

  10. 耶和华说,这饥荒是因扫罗和他流人血之家杀死基遍人。

    And the LORD answered , It is for Saul , and for his bloody house , because he slew the Gibeonites .

  11. 洗鲁雅的儿子约押和大卫的仆人也出来,在基遍池旁与他们相遇;

    And Joab the son of Zeruiah and the servants of David went out and met them at the pool of Gibeon .

  12. 大卫就遵著神所吩咐的、攻打非利士人的军队、从基遍直到基色。

    David therefore did as God commanded him : and they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon even to Gazer .

  13. 以色列人起行,第三天到了他们的城邑,就是基遍,基非拉,比录,基列耶琳。

    So the Israelites set out and on the third day came to their cities : Gibeon , Kephirah , Beeroth and Kiriath Jearim .

  14. 洗鲁雅的儿子约押、和大卫的仆人也出来、在基遍池旁与他们相遇.一班坐在池这边、一班坐在池那边。

    And Abner the son of Ner , and the servants of Ishbosheth the son of Saul , went out from Mahanaim to Gibeon .

  15. 原来基遍人离他们只有20英里,是他们的近邻。

    And the truth was that the Gibeonites had really only come about 20 miles ! They were not from a far country at all !

  16. 约押和他兄弟亚比筛杀了押尼珥,是因押尼珥在基遍争战的时候杀了他们的兄弟亚撒黑。

    So Joab and Abishai his brother put Abner to death , because he had put to death their brother Asahel in the fight at gibeon .

  17. 当约书亚的军队和基遍人在和5个王打仗的时候,还有另外一支看不见的军队。

    As Joshua 's army and the people of Gibeon began the fight against these 5 mighty armies , there was another invisible army there as well .

  18. 除了基遍的希未人之外,没有一城与以色列人讲和的,都是以色列人争战夺来的。

    Except for the Hivites living in Gibeon , not one city made a treaty of peace with the Israelites , who took them all in battle .

  19. 并且户珥的孙子、乌利的儿子比撒列所造的铜坛也在基遍耶和华的会幕前。

    Moreover , the bronze altar that Bezalel the son of Uri , son of Hur , had made , was there before the tabernacle of the LORD .

  20. 连约书亚也只是在问问题。“你们是什么人?是从哪里来的?”基遍人早已准备好了答案。他们说;

    Joshua just kept asking questions . " Who are you , and from what country did you come ? " The Gibeonites had their answers all ready .

  21. 就带领众人前往,要和尼探雅的儿子以实玛利争战,在基遍的大水旁(或作大水池旁)遇见他。

    Then they took all the men , and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah , and found him by the great waters that are in Gibeon .

  22. 基遍其实是以色列人要攻打的一座城,但他们已经在神面前起了誓不伤害他们。

    Gibeah was actually one of the cities Joshua was planning to conquer , and now he had promised before the Lord that the people of Israel would not hurt them .

  23. 基遍人知道他们逃离死亡的唯一的方法就是欺哄以色列人。

    The Gibeonites knew of only one way they could be saved from destruction by Joshua and the army of Israel . And that was to trick the people of Israel .

  24. 所以耶路撒冷王亚多尼洗德打发人去找了其他四个王,准备攻打基遍,因为他们与约书亚和以色列人立了和约。

    and because all the men in Gibeon were mighty . So Adonizedec king of Jerusalem gathered 4 other powerful kings and all their armies , and they ALL went to battle against Gibeon .

  25. 所罗门和会众都往基遍的丘坛去,因那里有神的会幕,就是耶和华仆人摩西在旷野所制造的。

    3 and Solomon and the whole assembly went to the high place at Gibeon , for God 's Tent of Meeting was there , which Moses the Lord 's servant had made in the desert .

  26. 就甚惧怕。因为基遍是一座大城,如都城一般,比艾城更大,并且城内的人都是勇士。

    He was in great fear , because Gibeon was a great town , like one of the king 's towns , greater than ai , and all the men in it were men of war .

  27. 他们决定与基遍的假使者讲和,与他们立约,让他们活著。会众的首领也向他们起誓他们不会杀他们。

    They decided to make peace with these ambassadors , and let them live . So they made a league with the men of Gibeon and promised them before the Lord that they would not kill them .

  28. 是的,当他们每天看见基遍人劈柴挑水,他们就想起令人难过的往事,都是因为他们没有寻求神的带领,才会有这样的结果。

    No , and every day as Joshua and the people of Israel saw a Gibeonite chopping wood , or bringing water , they would be reminded of the sad consequences of not asking God for His direction !

  29. 彼此揪头,用刀刺肋,一同仆倒。所以,那地叫作希利甲哈素林,就在基遍。

    And they caught every one his fellow by the head , and thrust his sword in his fellow 's side ; so they fell down together : wherefore that place was called Helkathhazzurim , which is in Gibeon .

  30. 约书亚和以色列人的首领们把基遍人叫来,对他们说;“为什么欺哄我们说:”我们离你们甚远呢?,

    But Joshua and the leaders of Israel called the Gibeonites together and asked them , " Why did you deceive us , telling us you were from a far country , when you really live very close ? "