
  • 网络basic activities;Primary activities
  1. 基本活动(Basicactivity):用于处理入站请求和响应的接收、数据向全局容器的分配以及出站Web服务请求的生成。

    Basic activities : For handling reception of inbound requests and responses , data assignments into global containers , and the generation of outbound web service requests .

  2. 这些基本活动包括:空(empty)、调用(invoke)、接收(receive)、应答(reply)、分配(assign)、等待(wait)、抛出(throw)和终止(terminate)。

    The basic activities are : empty , invoke , receive , reply , assign , wait , throw , and terminate .

  3. 在自底向上方式中,您先通过创建基本活动来定义流程,然后再将活动添加到sequence中。

    In the bottom-up approach , you define the process by creating primitive activities first and then add in the sequence later .

  4. CFD验证和确认是气动计算可信度分析的基本活动。

    CFD verification and validation ( V & V ) are fundamental activities of credibility analysis for aerodynamic simulations .

  5. 使用WebSphereProcessServerV6.1.2,可以在每个活动执行状态中通过跳过请求来跳过所有基本活动。

    With WebSphere Process Server V6.1.2 , all basic activities can be asked to be skipped in every activity execution state via a skip request .

  6. Touchbionics公司表示,这种I-limbpulse假体使截肢者能够完成日常生活的基本活动,但也带来了许多麻烦。

    Touch bionics say the I-limb pulse offers amputees the ability to carry out the kind of everyday tasks , but otherwise pose a real problem .

  7. BPEL4WS提供了一组可以在流程中使用的基本活动和结构化活动。

    BPEL4WS provides a collection of basic and structured activities to use in a process .

  8. 对照组:进行15min的基本活动:先做5min慢跑,再进行10min专项基本活动。

    Contrast group : The 15-minute basic activity included a 5-minute slow running and a 10-minute special activity .

  9. 自底向上(bottom-up)方式:采用这种方式,您从基本活动入手,然后发展成宏观层次(macro-level)的流程,在进行过程中添加结构、链接以及其他数据。

    The bottom-up approach : Here you start from the primitive activities and work your way to the macro-level process , adding structure , links , and other data as you go on .

  10. BPWS编辑器为此提供了某种支持,使您能够用结构化活动包装基本活动。

    The BPWS editor provides some support for this , allowing you to wrap a primitive activity with a structured one .

  11. Porter为了分析企业经营活动中不同环节所创造的价值和所占用的成本,把企业经营活动分为基本活动和辅助活动两类,并将其设计成价值链分析框架。

    Porter , in order to analyse value created in different links and cost taken up in enterprise 's business activities , divided enterprise business activities into basic activities and assistant activities , designed it value chain analysis the frame .

  12. 讨论了web服务流的π-演算分析和建模,对WS-BPEL语法元素及动态基本活动进行了分析和形式化刻画,同时,对π-演算和WS-BPEL的相互映射进行了描述。

    The π - calculus analysis and modeling of web services flow is presented , the dynamic actions and basic activities of WS-BPEL with π - calculus formally are described , and the mapping from π - calculus expression to WS-BPEL is built .

  13. 初中生数学基本活动经验的现状调查研究

    The Investigation of the Junior School Students ' Basic Mathematical Experience

  14. 基本活动排序可以是隐式的,也可以是显式的。

    Basic sequencing of activities can be implicit or explicit .

  15. 生产性采购活动是企业生产经营过程中的基本活动。

    Productive purchase is basic activity of production and operation of enterprise .

  16. 公共决策是与行政文化紧密联系的基本活动。

    Public decision-making is closely link with Administrative culture .

  17. 在线教学的基本活动和教学法

    On-line Teaching and Learning Activities and Its Teaching Method

  18. 消费是人类的基本活动之一。

    Consumption is one of basic human activities .

  19. 在日常计算机环境中,文件传输是一项重要的基本活动。

    File transfer is an essential and important activity in the day-to-day computing world .

  20. 企业的独立活动分为基本活动和辅助活动。

    The independent activities of enterprise can be divided into essence activities and assistant activities .

  21. 商业贸易在历史上已经成为人类的一项基本活动。

    Commercial trade over the course of history has been a fundamental operation of human nature .

  22. 国家职能是国家的基本活动和基本作用。

    The state functions refer to the basic activities of and the roles played the state .

  23. 数学基本活动经验具有个体性、实践性、社会性与发展性等特点。

    Basic mathematic activity experience has such characteristics as individual , practical , social and developmental .

  24. 您可以指定业务流程自定义属性及其所有的基本活动。

    You can specify the custom properties for a business process and all of its basic activities .

  25. 各种基本活动的功能相互交叉,沿着价值链的流程比较合理地建立;

    The function of basic activities cross-cutting and build a more reasonable process along the value chain ;

  26. 然而,一个依靠最原始的刺激来吸引人们从事基本活动的体系在本质上是有缺陷的。

    But a system that depends on attracting people to base activities through base motivation is fundamentally flawed .

  27. 其次,论文对基本活动和辅助活动的非财务指标选择做了详尽分析。

    Secondly , the text makes exhaustive analysis on selection of non-financial index of basic activities and auxiliary activities .

  28. 可以将数学基本活动经验分为操作的经验、探究的经验、应用的经验和思考的经验等类别。

    Basic mathematic activity experience can be divided into operational experience , exploratory experience , applied experience and reflective experience .

  29. 主要考虑的因素包括企业价值链基本活动、价值链辅助活动、基本竞争力等方面。

    It mainly includes such as basic activities and aided activities of the value chain , basic competitive power , etc.

  30. 并就如何降低作为物流系统基本活动的运输、仓储作业中的物流成本,使物流过程更趋合理进行探讨;

    It discussed how to reduce the flow cost of transport and storage in order to rationalize the material flow process .